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Everything posted by chewy

  1. Kind of embarassing for the US affiliate tho? And quite a compliment to Imgburn I might add.
  2. http://forum.my.nero.com/index.php?showtopic=7674
  3. If that's a dell then you might try the newer firmware http://support.us.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=gen&releaseid=R101954&formatcnt=1&libid=0&fileid=132121 You might have to find some older 8x blank media?
  4. chewy


  5. Have you tried a disk in the other drive, one only burns cd's?
  6. http://www.rosewill.com/products/s_461/productDetail.htm Here's a proper link to a card using that chipset
  7. You did not indentify it, your link just showed different options for using the via chipset in a controller card, so far I am the one doing the work, I even downloaded the res images. They just told what I have known for years, via makes chipsets, not cards.
  8. Pardon me, You still can't even identify your controller card and expect me to believe you have a clue about what you are doing. Good Luck With an attitude like that you will go far
  9. There are three different cards shown using that chipset http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....;srchInDesc=via The actual brand and model might tell us if the pata hard drive could boot from the card
  10. It should read factory disks, but won't write or burn nevermind, you had another drive that died?
  11. Well that explains the problem better Do you have an actual link for the controller card, they are not made by via?
  12. How many pata hard drive do you have? What's the boot drive, pata or sata?
  13. Download SystemSpec http://www.alexnolan.net/software/sysspec.htm Under file and csv save a log and copy and paste here
  14. What actual VIA IDE PCI Card do you have?
  15. C:\Program Files\DVD Flick\imgburn What does the log window say when you open it?
  16. sUBS got a handle on the problem just a few days ago A word of warning, if you scroll down to the middle of this page you will see a list of "approved" forums, where helpers have been trained in the use of Combofix, you will notice the Norton's forum is absent from that list. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/combofix/how-to-use-combofix Helpers at the approved forums receive advanced training in the use of Combofix and scripting, likewise the use of Avenger, another dangeous and powerful tool.
  17. My mentor may have misinformed me about Sophos not being able to remove this latest variant http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic242666.html
  18. The author of rootrepeal is said to be working on this issue, might see a fix in a few days, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Sophos will see the rootkit files but cannot remove them, the HJT forums are where removal is being referred. Reload
  19. Please download Sophos Anti-rootkit & save it to your desktop. alternate download link Note: If using the vendor's download site you will be asked to register with MySophos so an email containing an activation link can be sent to your email address. Be sure to print out and read the Sophos Anti-Rookit User Manual and Release Notes. Double-click sar_15_sfx.exe to begin the installation, read the license agreement and click Accept. Allow the default location of C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Rootkit and click Install. A message will appear "Sophos Anti-Rootkit was successfully installed. Click 'yes' to start it now". Click Yes. Make sure the following are checked: Running processes Windows Registry Local Hard Drives [*]Click Start scan. [*]Sophos Anti-Rootkit will scan the selected areas and display any suspicious files in the upper panel. [*]When the scan is complete, a pop-up screen will appear with "Rootkit Scan Results". Click OK to continue. [*]Click on the suspicious file to display more information about it in the lower panel which also includes whether the item is recommended for removal. Files tagged as Removable: No are not marked for removal and cannot be removed. Files tagged as Removable: Yes (clean up recommended) are marked for removal by default. Files tagged as Removable: Yes (but clean up not recommended) are not marked for removal because Sophos did not recognize them. These files will require further investigation. [*]Select only items recommended for removal, then click "Clean up checked items". You will be asked to confirm, click Yes. [*]A pop up window will appear advising the cleanup will finish when you restart your computer. Click Restart Now. [*]After reboot, a dialog box displays the files you selected for removal and the action taken. [*]Click Empty list and then click Continue to re-scan your computer a second time to ensure everything was cleaned. [*]When done, go to Start > Run and type or copy/paste: %temp%\sarscan.log [*]This should open the log from the rootkit scan. Please post this log in your next reply. If you have a problem, you can find sarscan.log in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\. Before performing an ARK scan it is recommended to do the following to ensure more accurate results and avoid common issues that may cause false detections. Disconnect from the Internet or physically unplug you Internet cable connection. Clean out your temporary files. Close all open programs, scheduling/updating tasks and background processes that might activate during the scan including the screensaver. Temporarily disable your anti-virus and real-time anti-spyware protection. After starting the scan, do not use the computer until the scan has completed. When finished, re-enable your anti-virus/anti-malware (or reboot) and then you can reconnect to the Internet.
  20. The past variants of this TDSS rootkit were controlled by sys files in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers geyekrxxxx.sys Did you run MBAM?
  21. Just ran into this new variant of the rootkit yesterday afternoon It's hooking a lot of processes, it will probably take some time for any self help tool to be updated to deal with this I would just reload
  22. http://club.cdfreaks.com/f36/problem-ts-l5...de-de04-228201/
  23. Would you post over in the AII forum at BleepingComputer Trend can mess up the rootkit scan Loading Avast on top of trend only makes it worse http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/forum103.html Use maximum number of secrets in your thread title
  24. This is a very nasty infection http://rootrepeal.googlepages.com/ http://rootrepeal.googlepages.com/RootRepeal.zip Just use the file tab at the bottom, scan and paste the report into a reply here please
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