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Everything posted by DudeBoyz
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
You're welcome. I hope they help. How cool is free stuff that just flat out gets the job done, eh? w00t! -
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
I really appreciate you taking the time to post. I think I understand about as well as I possibly could, and I'll just focus on learning how to use ImgBurn successfully and efficiently. Instead of thinking about what it could be, I'll focus on what it is, and be grateful for what it does do and not concerned about what it doesn't. As for Nero, given how that application has turned in to a huge, bloated package full of gunk, I do want to try to wean myself from it, and I can do that in part by exploring new and free tools like ImgBurn. All I would want would be the core Nero Burning-ROM app, fully functional as a retail app or an OEM bundle. But they don't seem to want to do it that way, so I'm looking for alternatives. After a bunch of Google searching, I have found a free and very simple little app that can read non-protected DVD's and CD's and create an ISO from them. It does not burn DVD ISO's - only CD's. So I will just use it to rip ISO's and ImgBurn to burn those ISO's. http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm Hope that helps some folks out there looking for that functionality. Thanks for the help in figuring out how to use ImgBurn to burn my VIDEO_TS folders. It will make it way easy for me to get those TV Show edits from my Panasonic DMR-ES15 recorder on to a disk so I can free up some hard drive space. I will try not to be such a pain in the arse... EDIT: - I just found another ISO creating utility that is free. I was looking through tons of Google page caches and I could hardly believe that this utility has actually been discussed here in these forums in this rather caustic thread: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1788 I sorta wish someone had remembered to mention it. All it does is make ISO images from CD's and DVD's. It is called LCISOCreator and can be found here: http://www.lucersoft.com/freeware.php It's a single 53,248 byte executable and it seems about as idiot proof as it gets. I'll let folks know about this little app. Seems to be yet another excellent supplement to ImgBurn. Another possibility is called CD2ISO, though I have not yet tested it. I found it in the Google searches too. http://www.dubaron.com/cd2iso/ Hope that helps someone. Looks like there are at least 3 freeware options to complement ImgBurn. -
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
Well, I really do like the program a great deal. But as with many programs, I have my own ideas of things that might make it better and / or more convenient for me as an individual user. I was pretty much just irritated at the tone of the reply, in part because I've read a lot of terse replies from LUK and had a bee in my bonnet about it anyway. I look at apps like 7zip and WinRAR and Rename Master (www.joejoesoft.com) and appreciate how they have added so many user-suggested features to make it more convenient and usable. Like how 7zip and WinRAR unzip a ton of formats. I don't mind that they may only make archives in one or two formats (like how WinRAR does RAR and ZIP). I am just glad that they decompress so many other formats so I don't have to go load like 8 other apps just to decompress different archives, especially since I'm only going to compress them as ZIP archives. The key is I can use that single program to handle almost all of my archiving needs. That is totally cool. With Rename Master, I remember when folks started suggesting that he add the ability to create / modify file names from MP3 tag info and then EXIF data in JPEG images. Then others asked him to include a directory tree to make navigation easier, and the ability to have it save window sizes and locations and change the default interface font and size, and even asked him to add some basic file management functions so people could copy and delete and other things right from within the program interface itself. He was really open to the suggestions and spent a TON of time implementing the changes and additions and as a result, I think it's about the best File Renamer out there. Heck, even the WinRAR folks eventually agreed to make their product skinnable. And the Utorrent guys did a great job of listening to user requests and now the thing is a very popular, feature rich little app. So selfishly, yeah, it is about making an already good product better. Yes, some of my ideas may sound lame or what not, but I'm just trying to add to the mix of brainstorming and suggestions. I understand that good ideas will float to the top and get considered, and that's cool. But I can't help but be a little disappointed when getting shut-down, as it were. I honestly think adding the ability to rip an ISO of a DATA DVD is a great feature, especially for bootable disks like Bart's PE Builder and stuff like that. I'm not talking about ripping protected DVD VIDEO at all - just non-protected stuff. I kinda like the idea of being able to dump all other ISO apps out there with their proprietary formats (like .DAA) and be able to use a single app to read disparate formats and convert them all to one. It seems like a useful feature, and is in line with what other apps like WinRAR and 7zip do. Heck, at first ImgBurn could not build ISO's, but the feature was added and the program is even better because of it. Yeah, folks were like "Hey, ImgBurn is for BURNING images, not creating them" but I don't think anyone can deny how nice it is to have the ability to create ISO's from collections of files. Anyway, I have my opinions on the product, and on the tone of the higher-ups when responding, but I'm only one person. I don't have an over-inflated view of my own importance. I just like to contribute with some suggestions, and not all of them are going to be really good ones. So, I'm sorry if I posted with my own jerk-like attitude. It stems from frustration, but that's really no excuse. I should have been nicer about it. Thanks for those who have taken the time to respond constructively - I appreciate it. I'm still a fan of ImgBurn and intend to use it all the time. I just think it could be a little bit better here and there is all. -
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
My lack of posts does not indicate my level of maturity, or lack thereof. I'm entitled to my opinion, and I did not use profanity or crude phrases, I just indicated a bit of frustration. I see no harm in that. -
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
So if I indicated I would pay you say $500 to implement a few changes, would that make a diff? I actually wouldn't mind doing that if it would end up in a more feature rich tool that could be shared with the masses... -
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
So a full-on finalized VIDEO_TS folder doesn't count as a Writeable thing? You know, you really aren't very open to suggestions and criticism. You seem to have a bit of a disdain for people who are simply trying to comment on your product or even simply suggesting things - simple things - like what I mentioned. You don't have any positive remarks and don't even bother being nice about it. It's like somehow your consumers are just a pain the tail that you look down upon and don't want to deal with. I don't get it. Why so bitter? I mean, you got a great product that could maybe be a bit easier to use or even become a better product by adding a few things, but you just don't seem open to the idea. I appreciate your product, but your attitude seems to be kind of stand-offish. -
Maybe add/place VIDEO_TS/VOB burning in the WRITE category?
DudeBoyz replied to DudeBoyz's topic in ImgBurn Suggestions
Hope so. I mean, you don't really have to change anything in the BUILD area if you don't want to, just sorta add a few things to the WRITE area if it wouldn't be too much trouble. All the functionality is already in there, after all, right? The more I use ImgBurn, the more I learn, the more I appreciate it. Thanks And thanks again for all that help. I've burned like 8 TV shows from my Panasonic DMR-ES15 DVD Recorder using ImgBurn. I just copy the VIDEO_TS folders over from my finalized DVD-RW and it works like a charm. I mean, yeah, Nero 6.x can do it fine, but this is free and that is cool. No longer do people who get that cruddy chopped-down version of Nero Express with their burners have to fork out extra cash for the Ultra version just to get to the actual Burning-ROM interface. -
Someone was nice enough to explain about how to use BUILD to create a VIDEO DVD from either a list of VOB files or a VIDEO_TS folder. If they had not, I never would have figured it out because just like an ISO burn, I expected to find it under the WRITE area. I expected to see it there because the files were already created and not in an ISO. So I thought in my mind "If it would be anywhere, it would be in the Tools area under the WRITE mode because that is where the CREATE DVD MDS file" is. What about adding to the TOOLS menu an option for CREATE DVD VIDEO DISK or something, and then prompt the user to select the existing VOB/IFO/BUP project files or a VIDEO_TS folder containing a compiled DVD Video project that is ready to burn to disk? Maybe from the SOURCE box there, you could add an icon right next to the BROWSE FOR FILE and QUEUE icons that would say "DVD Project Files or Folder" or something like that? You know, to make it more obvious? I don't really know all the ins and outs on why it is under the BUILD area, but I assumed (I know, dangerous to do) that because the project was already built, it would seem more logical to put it under the WRITE area, which would also make it more visible because it would be an option right there in the TOOLS menu, spelled out clearly so that folks would know instantly "Hey, that option means make a DVD Video from files on my drive". Maybe I'm not explaining it well, but I just wanted to get it out there for discussion. I hope that is ok. Not trying to criticize, just honestly trying to offer a suggestion for maybe making it a bit easier for noobs and folks to grasp. Thanks - I look forward to some discussion.
I usually like to watch baseball because it's peaceful and the fields are often very nice to look at. I like natural grass fields. Curling is well, just fun looking.
I really enjoy watching Curling on TV, and I'm in the US. Heck, it seems a kind of fun, civilized sport with very few egos.
Bummer, man. It would be wicked cool if you did. You know, kinda like how 7zip handles all them other formats? I suppose once you got 'em all figured out, it'd be smooth sailing. With the new iMac's handling WinXP and OS X on the same machine at the same time, it would be awesome if you supported dmg. Is it lack of time or just lack of interest?
I guess I'd like to see ImgBurn do it, that way I could just use this one FREE program instead of finding a mix of free and pay programs to get stuff like that done. If ImgBurn could handle macintosh DMG files, DAA files, MDS files, etc. all to an ISO, it'd be one stop shopping with a single great program!
Thanks for the info on PowerISO. I appreciate it. It sounds like a hassle, but it'll work. I do still wish that ImgBurn could simply decompress/burn them like it does ISO files. All in one, single stop solution and all that you know. As for why I use WinRAR - well, cause I like it. It was around before hand and I bought it and like how it handles just about everything through right-click context menus if I want, and busts up archives into user defined chunks and such. 7zip is fine, but WinRAR was there for me first, and I'm a loyal dude. Besides, I almost always archive to ZIP when giving files to other people, for compatibility. Unless I have to bust the archive up into chunks, that is. Then I use RAR
It would be cool if we could convert / burn .dmg and other mac formats with ImgBurn. I also have a Mac with OS X 10.4.x and have to use Toast 7. I don't like that app very much, and would prefer to copy the DMG file over to my PC and use my BenQ 1620 to burn it instead of the built-in sony drive on the mac. Anyways... Thanks
Yes, that's a fairly good analogy. As opposed to the current way it would have to be done of mounting the .MDS as a virtual drive and then adding only what you want in Build Mode and/or adding new files and then saving a new image. UltraISO's limitation in this area is it will only save larger than 4 GB files either to NTFS or as proprietary .ISZ or whatever format. What about converting it to an .ISO image instead? Is that something that might be done?
Lot's of folks with PC's download Linux distros and create the Linux disks so that they can image / ghost their existing PC, then install Linux in a dual-boot config. At least a lot of folks I know. Personally, I think the DAA format is totally lame. I think any proprietary format is lame. I also think that in general, DECOMPRESSION tools should be FREE (like PK Unzip was back in the day). Don't mind folks charging for the compressor, but just like CODECS, I think playback/decompression should be free. Even though I totally dig WinRAR, when I'm going to share files, I always do so in the ZIP format for maximum compatibility. I reserve RAR for personal archives that I need that extra bit of compression on. If Lightning UK was able to provide DAA decompression / conversion in ImgBurn, nobody would have to pay for PowerISO unless they wanted to get the compression features of that app. As it is, I have a bud or two that own PowerISO and they can convert it to ISO for me, so it's not that big of a deal I guess, but it sure seems an unnecessary hassle, don't you think?
Just out of curiosity, is there an aversion to compressed archive formats in general? Thanks
I'm seeing some .DAA archives being made with modified Linux distro's, etc. I don't create DAA myself, I just want to be able to convert it to a standard type of ISO, or BIN/CUE, or what not so I don't have to worry about others having to deal with getting PowerISO when I point them to the image. Kinda like how some people made all those ACE archives for things like GameCopyWorld and it was such a pain to deal with, ya know? Thanks.
Would it be possible to simply support EXTRACTION of .DAA archives so we can convert them to ISO's or something? Not sure if that might be easier to do. Kinda like how WinRAR can de-compress a bunch of formats but only archive it to 2, RAR and ZIP. Thanks
Thanks for the nearly Instant reply! Wowsers! It's some kind of thing PowerISO uses, it seems ImgBurn is just so simple and easy to use that I was hoping it might be something that could easily be added. If not, hey, at least I asked. Thanks very, very much for making the app and making it available for FREE. Mega-Kudos.
I totally dig the app. Big-Time! But, I would like to know if it is possible that the author might add support for the .DAA format. I'd love to be able to use ImgBurn as my solo image burning app, kinda like I can use WinRAR to handle all my archiving needs. I would hope .DAA support would be considered. Thanks