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Everything posted by Adrianvdh

  1. Adrianvdh

    website stuff

    Ok what is best for paid hosting then, what you have? and how would I fix my problem?:
  2. Adrianvdh

    website stuff

    Oh can you tell me the advantages of a paid website compaired to a paid one? and what company is hosting your domain? Oh ya one more question do you have to pay permonth or can you pay just once, straight up?
  3. Adrianvdh

    website stuff

    So cant I do something in the settings then at all?
  4. Adrianvdh

    website stuff

    Hi do you know when you have a website registered (free/paid) and you type a file in the search bar like this... www.domain.com/dog.jpeg and there is does not exist and it says something like this... Not Found The requested URL /dog.jpeg was not found on this server. Now on my domain name that i have (free) when I type a file and it does not exist it errors out and goes to the host website and says something like this... http://e.freewebhostingarea.com/not-found.html Any help would be nice thanks
  5. So that program from them is like a library / *.dll file
  6. But will ImgBurn ever be able to read files from a disc with out creating an image? it would be similar to build mode on disc and would be pretty good for extracting ISO by mounting them..
  7. So basically you didn't make much of ImgBurn and DVD Decrypter log entries?
  8. oh damm
  9. The what specs?
  10. if i may ask, why not?
  11. what do you mean by illegal trail? I do not understand? Please read what I say so you don't embarrass yourself
  12. What...No I just asked why he called the log entry that, not disc read error?
  13. No so when i burn the game to the disc it wont show XGD2_NTSC
  14. If I may... Why did you call it Illegal track why not could not read disc?
  15. In the Tools -> ISO... A little program that can convert a ISO (or a disc image containing VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders with .vobs) to a single VOB file. This is just an idea but I know LIGHTNING UK! can do it because he did it in DVD Decrypter before, so yeah . please respond thanks
  16. Hey is it safe for me to change the volume lable of a XGD3 game with ImgBurn?
  17. DO you mean backups? I know how to backup xbox games
  18. no man i meant how to games are burned?
  19. Thanks
  20. I know how dvds are made
  21. Yes I understand you now but why did it keep failing all the time before I created a new ISO of the disc
  22. I know what F5 is A****** but my key board only works on booting using F keys Model: Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 1000 http://blog.seattletimes.nwsource.com/brierdudley/WMD1000_ATop_FY09.jpg
  23. OK and nope nothing http://www.google.co.za/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=how+are+commercial+xbox+games+burned&oq=how+are+commercial+xbox+games+burned&gs_l=hp.3..33i21.4603.6741.1.7013.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.d2k&fp=a3df2c13908d55ed&biw=1311&bih=707
  24. Oh so http://forum.imgburn.com is a whole new domain then?
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