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Everything posted by Adrianvdh

  1. I loaded a XGD2 ISO into ImgBurn and the Imp ID: was Sonic Scenarist, ok what kind of drives does Microsoft use to burn the game and why/how do they use that Imp
  2. Oh ok would it be to much work?
  3. Ok but about 7 months ago I created a ISO of COD MW3 and it was a bad rip and it didnt burn correctly on verbatuim media but showed nicly on ABGX360 and I reripped it and it worked. Besides why does the guys on ABGX360.net say when they upload game info to they DB they rip it twice to be sure... http://www.abgx360.net/chat/index.php If you came here to ask when will a game be verified, please go away. Games get verified by trusted uploaders buying/renting the game, ripping it (twice) and then uploading the files to the database. Until that happens, the game will NOT be verified. There is no 'timeframe' as to when a game will be verified.
  4. Hey would you ever create a new forum with your own coding coded with AJAX because this website forum is quite glitchy and needs to be refreshed alot i.e when I write a comment I can go back with my browsers return button I have to go back with to links... ImgBurn Support Forum → ImgBurn → ImgBurn Suggestions and the topic will be refreshed OR can you embed AJAX into this software forum?
  5. Ahh man because i have this little program i made that needs to ftp upload ImgBurn Logs to a server on schedule Well... Its scans and sees if there are new logs files and uploads them if there are P.S. this is the same as a small task on ImgBurn i.e Eject Tray, Shutdown PC, Delete Image...?
  6. Oh ok there is bugging me about ImgBurn on build, the layout editor button shows a e.g JPG or ICO image can you please print/snip the windows behind a blank word document so we dont see the windows waves in the top where the X and - and |=| buttons are... Thanks
  7. Ok so how do you explain a bad rip that doesnt burn correctly?
  8. Hey LIGHTNING UK! where/how did you get the sounds for the 2 programs, did you make them or buy them or what?
  9. Ok but what if you need your program to run as admin and has the Drop and Drag in it?
  10. Some times maby? doesnt the firmware look at the patches?
  11. Why do you think he would want to do that?
  12. ok can ImgBurn save the log file after the process to the names of the read? e.g Savages - ImgBurn log.txt
  13. no i meant a home made robot arm
  14. huh where is that 'auto loader'
  15. Will ImgBurn ever have an internal or external app/feature that you can controll a robot arm... Meaning implement another app written from another user to let the robot arm move to change the disc or make the robot arm know when the disc tray is ejected?
  16. Hey so what kind of commercial... (LIGHTNING UK! you could get paid)
  17. Its not running as admin and why cant it drag and drop on admin
  18. Yes but why would those files be there?
  19. Why/shouldn't ImgBurn have drag and drop on build ...because i get the Stop cant dage and drop, curser on my mouse P.S mabi this is a bug because on my prvios installion of windows did it but not eny more...
  20. Did you atleast verifie the iso with ABGX360
  21. Ok but isnt the other partitions stuff needed? because this was my System drive that only had one partitions...
  22. Ok i used that but my files still look the same as on R-Studio all unknown? And with mixed partinsion such as FAT32 exFAT and some NTFS
  23. Thanks
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