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ron spencer

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Everything posted by ron spencer

  1. has development ended? everything works, but is the program still being developed in anyway? maybe getting rid of open candy nonsense would be good ;-)
  2. No problem from me...I READ the installer LOL!!! You should reply there though...don't want ImgBurn to get trashed for some stupid reason. Blah!!!
  3. someone is trashing this new version at videohelp: "Sadly the latest version is full of bloatware. Stick with an older version, DO NOT "upgrade"."
  4. unfortunately this did not help...every time I split a cell ImgBurn asked for me to do another one....usinng DVDSHrink at 95% quality fixed it all up fine....just need space
  5. forgot about that guide....thanks!!!
  6. So my father recorded some movies on this dvd recorder of we kids growing up...I do not want to redo it LOL problem is, he asked me to make some nice menus, this is ok to do....but he recorded a nearly a full dual layer worth of material. After I added the menus, etc there is no room left on the disc. Because of this ImgBurn says it cannot find a spot for a layer break and that I should cry LOL!!! I never fill so much of the space up, usually I goto 7300 meg. What can I do now? Do you think I can just use DVDShrink to reduce the size to 7300 to give ImgBurn some space to find a layer break? thanks in advance
  7. great!! thanks
  8. Imgburn has provided me with some options to set layer break....it has offered 2 "excellent" choices. These choise occur on a .bup file and a .ifo file. I have never seen this before...usually it is on a cell in the movie .vob. Is it ok to set the break on a .bup or .ifo file?
  9. ok thanks!!! I have learned a fair bit from this....thanks for taking the time to keep responding; I know it is a bit of a "wierd" topic Enjoy the day (or evening)
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....that is interesting. Is there a way to have ImgBurn to this? That is, create a cuesheet with your audio, add a second session, and NOT load an ISO, just find out the LBA the ISO should be at. then exit, build your "data" session and tell it the LBA you want and then remake your QUE with the ISO? Can this be done? Maybe convoluted 4 sure, but interesting
  11. thanks again....this discussion has made me look a few things up. From Padus: http://www.padus.com/support/manuals/html/...w_CDs/Index.htm AND These are 2 different things, so I guess I mistook ImgBurn's multisession for the ability to make CD-Extra CDs, which it does not. When I saw mulitsession in the changelog I just assumed that the use had the ability to add data folders at will, similar to the way Padus does it, but I was wrong. ImgBurn does let you add ISOs to a session though, but as I said it will not burn and gives NO ERROR message at all anywhere. thanks for clearing this up!!!!
  12. thanks for response!!!! I would make one so you could have say audio + mp3 on same CD, or maybe add some cool stuff for fun like cover art, etc. You know, regular CD audio + data. It is actually neat. It is clear now, however I do wonder what the multisession in ImgBurn is supposed to do then. When I googled multisession audio cd you see that standalone players will only see first session, this play the music and ignore the second session, which would be data and the user could put that into their computer player and get the extra stuff if wanted. So I guess my final question on this is that since standalone players will NOT see the next sessions, what is the purpose of them in ImgBurn if not to add data? Again just curiosity on my part....NOT a complaint.
  13. ok...just trying to figure this out from above: "Create an iso in build mode with your mp3's. Then when making your cue, add the wavs, then the iso as the second session. It will then burn as intended " I am just trying to make a CD-EXTRA so I thought the above statement meant to read: 1. Make ISO of MP3s. 2. Open ImgBurn and in session one add the MP3s for your music CD (to be made into WAVs) 3. Make Session 2 4. Add in the ISO 5. Burn I think this is what JasonFriday meant right? I use Nero to make these things and would like to scrap it all-together (music and data can be useful). I guess I am asking can ImgBurn do this all in one step...if not one step are there multiple steps or guide I can follow? In any case, no error is given in ImgBurn. Am I way off in looking at this Multisession thingy? thanks again....Nero is almost gone now LOL!!!! thanks for ImgBurn
  14. I made the QUE file as described with my MP3s in teh second session as ISO. When I try to burn (that is I open up the QUE file), ImgBurn does nothing and keeps prompting me to open a file....I keep choosing the QUE that I made, but ImgBurn will not open it. Just does nothing. If I remove session 2, then it will burn fine. The QUE for session 2 is: REM SESSION 02 FILE "AN_MP3.iso" BINARY TRACK 14 MODE1/2048 INDEX 01 00:00:00 Session one appears up to as you would expect. If I get rid of the REM SESSION 02 part, then ImgBurn will run happily, when I run with SESSION 02 in, I can load the QUE file, but ImgBurn does not burn....just seems to ignore the file completely...no error given anywhere. thanks again for help!!!!
  15. ok thanks guys!!!!! when you add the ISO to session 2 though the dialog boxes still permit changes to cd Text and pregap....should this be so for adding in the ISO? fun!!!!
  16. imgburn tries to change everything to WAV it seems....In all sessions it expects audio and tries to convert it for music output. Only the first session can have audio as players only see the first session. The second session is suppsed to hold anything....i.e., for computer CD-ROMS. so I think something is off?
  17. Is the purpose of the multi-session option in new version to add data to an audio CD? For example, session one would be the WAV audio and session 2 the mp3 audio, which could be read on PC. I tried this, but Imgburn wanted to converted the MP3s in session 2 back to wav....if I made the MP3s into a zip file and put that into session 2, ImgBurn said invalid image file. Am I missing the boat here? I tried to put some other data into session 2, for example a .jpg, but the proggy said no directshow filter available. Is this CD-Extra? see: http://www.macdisk.com/cdextraen.php3 If it is indeed mixed mode CD I cannot do it...of course I could be OFF course
  18. hey no problem!!!! I am a bit wierd that way right? In any case no issue for me to change my ways....your proggy so so much easier to use. so thanks!!! Now if only you could add the "sort by track metatag for mp3 import" from my other thread this wierdo would be purrrfect!!!! LOL :-) enjoy.....
  19. ok....thanks!!! but it is a bit confusing....you can manually add a pre-gap for trck one in the dialog. So I added 2 seconds myself. If ImgBurn does this for you, should the pre-gap NOT be available for a user to enter for track one only? Or somewhere on that dialog page to tell user it is added, this way can still ensure lots of flexibility and permit additional pre-gap additions for track 1. Again this is for clairification as anal type like me look for this sort if thing. Or a user may simply add 2 seconds cause they red about the redbook specification. Just suggesting that it be made clearer. Perhaps underneath where it says "Pregap:" you could put in CAPS something to the effect of "TRACK 1 PRE-GAP OF 2 SECONDS AUTOMATICALLY ADDED" again just a suggestion from humble old me!!! nice...nice...nice proggy..... :-)
  20. I noticed that the default for track one is a 0 pre-gap. The red book standard for CDs is mandatory for 2 seconds pre-gap before first track...for the rest 2 seconds is supposed to appear between tracks but people ignore it (up to end user). Does ImageBurn do the first 2 seconds in the background behind the scene on its own. CD Architect puts the first 2 seconds before track one on its own and you cannot change it....should ImgBurn do this? Of course the user could do it....just wonderin'
  21. hi....I usually just do "artist name - track name" with track as a tag....when I do a bulk import ImgBurn alphabetizes (SP?) them. If I drag a file at a time in all is ok....maybe sort by track# metatag could be added if you have time, could be useful....no biggee though. Love the new version!!!
  22. bah...I put this in wrong forum....sorry
  23. First of...thanks for new version!!!! If I load mp3s into the cue dialog, is it possible to have them ordered based on the track tag from the Mp3? not sure if I missed this or not.
  24. will new version permit you to add delay in audio disk...that is, 1 sec pre-gap before each song?
  25. Never tried InfraRecorder till now....it is way cool....is it reliable? thanks for link!!!!
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