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Everything posted by Wesociety

  1. CD-R media utilizes a numeric ATIP code to distinguish between different types. A reference (database or file) would need to be built into ImgBurn to translate the manufacturer name and then display to the user.
  2. Many different pieces of software have their place. I use and test with a variety. (!)
  3. Indeed a very nice burner. The official site is here: http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com Yes, the 3540 should have better burning quality on a range of discs compared to the 3520. Much better hardware IMO. (And of course the 3540 supports 8x DVD+R DL writing, which the 3520 does not)
  4. And of course if the source disc was a DVD5 and he already has all the files ripped he can just create the ISO using Coujo's tool ! IMGTool Classic
  5. Hmmm, maybe it's time to release an "IMG" software bundle. And greetz to you Coujo!
  6. LOL, yep. Bring on the pretty graphs!!!!
  7. Ahh that did the trick, thanks! I figured it might have to do with the WinRAR file association.
  8. I thought Shrink was no longer being developed...
  9. Maybe "Beta Team Members" are using a different version...
  10. Very interesting! I hope this occurs and is eventually supported by all drive manufacturers.
  11. Nice! Thanks r0lZ!
  12. Possibly bad memory? You might want to try running Memtest86 on your RAM.
  13. Greetings LIGHTNING UK! Here are a few ImgBurn features that I would find useful: 1. Optional burn-speed visual graphing during .ISO write. 2. Add option for burning multiple copies. 3. Add integrated screenshot save feature.
  14. Yep, IMG Tool Classic by Coujo works great for this!
  15. Hmm that's strange... I wonder why it's not showing up for me.
  16. Create an ISO file from your data files and then burn!
  17. I don't see this feature available either, even after a reboot. LIGHTNING UK!, you claimed that this should work in your reaction here. Bug? DVD Decrypter conflict?
  18. Thanks LIGHTNING UK!
  19. Thanks LIGHTNING_UK!, if I subscribe to this thread will I will be notified on future updates? Or should I subscribe to the "Announcments Forum" for that purpose?
  20. Wesociety


    Greetings! It's great to see you have a new program under development and a site up and running LIGHTNING UK! Also hello to jm1647!
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