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Everything posted by life

  1. thanks
  2. I was woundering how you can use this option were do i find it? #39;( what i mean is how do u select mutiable img. to burn?
  3. Hi everone Can somone please tell me what the general settings shoul be for img tool classic and if theres a users guild to use those two programs together thanks.?
  4. thanks got it
  5. Well, instead of selecting an image and then burning it, then selecting another image and burning it - the queue feature allows you to select a bunch of images to be burned one after another. In the picture above from my previous post you can see 6 images selected. All I have to do to burn all 6 is just keep feeding disks into the drive. Once an image is burned, take the disk out and throw in another one for ImgBurn to continue. It's a snappy feature. Ok now i see, thanks
  6. I was wandering about trying out img burn classic im under the understanding that it can create a image for img burn to copy from vidio ts files. First question ,i downloaded the zip file classic_0.91.6 is that the one i need. question #2 i read at cuujo site that "img tool burn "uses or needs the nero api ,and to download the the right version ,depending on which verision or nero you have, is img tool burn and img tool classic the same? Last but not the least if i do have the right folder how do i install? To be continuied. #39;(
  7. thanks , u broke that down pretty good
  8. Shamus_McFartfinger, thanks for the reply but im sorry i asked, i have no clue what any of that meant sorry
  9. Im faily new at this,i was wandering what the avantages are with burning with imgburn beside the fact that is free compared to other burners out there i never burned a dull layer the media is to expensive right now. I have however in the past burned with dvdd if it was a single layer movie and the guality was great. never made a coaster. but alot of the movies are 2 layer and i shrink them with dvd2on1, but latly i been trying "dvd shrink" with them and useing imgburn, so far so good thanks LUK. Plus im just now learning the different types of the files example vob iso iso image ifo ,ete etc, thats the hard part . thanks
  10. Im sorry now i see , there was more on my mind than i typed. Im just thinkink about trying some different progams. now since my favorite program isnt being updated because of legal reasons . I seen some nice programs but the guides seem way above my head. Its like learning to walk again, plus i hate having to restore my pc if i mess up ,well thanks again.
  11. I must be missing somthing here , last time i used shrink it did it all, if u know what i mean. from start to finished 1click?
  12. what do u use to fit it on a dvd5 after u decrypt?
  13. does either one of those programs shrink the files
  14. can i ask what u use? ps thanks for the reply
  15. thanks , what is a iso file and what is the difference between iso ifo and video ts file
  16. im having problems , it seems ifs a single layer imageburn works but a 2 layer its to big for a dvd5 if i use dvd2one it doesnt reconize. what am i doing wrong here
  17. You can count on that kev. I have a million and one guestions but dont want to look stupied when i ask for help. I cant even type without lookink at the keys lol.
  18. Hi everone , im alittle imbaressed even asking this but here goes what program can or do i use to create the image to burn. I use old faithfull to rip and then dvd2one but could not figure the rest out .little help please.
  19. I would like to use this little space to say LUK your the best. And to all who took the time to respone. thank u
  20. ps. Im sorry if i offended anyone. i new at this
  21. was all that hupla about me asking that one little guestion.
  22. it was worth the shot u dont know till u try thanks anyway. any sugestion were i can look
  23. I was wandering if i can get a little help with the psl files for the best software program on the net
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