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Everything posted by digidragon

  1. Before it starts burning, ImgBurn will give you a list of possible layer breaks points, and suggest the best one.
  2. This is the wrong place to discuss ripping. You'll have to ask somewhere else. Google is your friend.
  3. There already is one. Right-click on the drive dropdown.
  4. CDs are easy to burn. As LIGHTNING says, your burner probably doesn't like the DL discs you're using. You're a bit behind with firmware updates - download and update from A101 to A106: http://lgodd.lge.com/fwdrv/DVD-WRITER/GSA4163A106.exe Firmware updates often improve burning for specific dyes, so you might find an improvement.
  5. Setting a booktype of DVD-ROM won't help if his DVD player won't read DV-AVI files. He'll need to convert the file(s) to MPEG-2 and author a DVD.
  6. digidragon


    W 17:36:05 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn! I 17:36:05 Source File Sectors: 3,934,935 I 17:36:06 Destination Media Sectors: 2,298,496 Trying to fit a quart into a pint pot...?
  7. So, whereas standard Liteon drives can be easily flashed with a windows exe, HP decide that their "Liteon" drive can only be flashed with a DOS flasher! What's that all about? What average home/entertainment user these days is familiar with DOS!! As the PC is probably out of its 1 year warranty, I'd probably use Codeguy's flashfixed firmware. But if you still want to try the official HP way, apparently, as well as a floppy and CD you can use a USB pendrive to create the bootable "disc".
  8. As I said, no need for a bootable disc. Liteon's firmware upgrade instructions: http://us.liteonit.com/us/help_firmware_odd.html Make sure your drive's model name by inspecting the safety label on top of your drive. Download the ZIP file with correct model name. Please unzip the downloaded ZIP file. Please close all applications under Windows. Please make sure to keep power supplier without any interruption during upgrade. Execute the firmware upgrade execution file. Select the drive you want to upgrade (if you have more than one LITE-ON drives). Upgrading (No power interruption). Reboot your PC to see if the firmware has been changed.
  9. You don't need to create a bootable CD. Just unrar the file you downloaded to your desktop, then empty the drive and double-click the HS0E.EXE file that you unpacked.
  10. You can't change the booktype of -R and -RW, the format doesn't allow it. To change the booktype of +R just go into the same screen as before and choose 'Current Media (For DVD+R Media)'.
  11. Yes, you do need one, but windows will find it during reboot. No need to manually reinstall it.
  12. Well, apparently your durabrand can play DVD+RWs. Maybe it's the brand of disc it doesn't like. Put the +RW in your drive, go to Write mode in ImgBurn, copy the info in the window at the right, and post it here.
  13. I was hoping that righteous had a drive that supported bitsetting. righteous, what standalone DVD player do you have? (make and model)
  14. Hi righteous, welcome to the forum. It's likely that your DVD player doesn't like DVD+RW discs. You can however fool it into thinking the disc is a normal DVD-ROM disc. Before you burn, click the 'Change booktype' button (a small picture of a book to the right of the copies dropdown). Choose your drive brand, then click 'Change for' and choose DVD+RW, then for 'New setting' choose DVD-ROM. Let us know how you get on, but if it doesn't work post the burn log and details of your DVD player.
  15. Well, it's finally been confirmed that the Aussie pop princess Ms Kylie Minogue is to be in the Doctor Who xmas special, Voyage of the Damned. The 39-year-old actress and singer will have a "major lead role" in the hour-long special. Minogue said: "It is an incredible thrill to be joining David and the entire Dr Who production for this year's Christmas special." The Christmas episode starts filming in Cardiff (in Wales) later this month.
  16. I was surpised at that volvo. I just did some checking, and it turns out that AMC co-finance it, so maybe they put more money in as long as they could show it first. A while ago there was a huge fuss over Battlestar Galactica. Sky had co-financed it, and showed it first, three months before it was shown in the US. Being an American show, the US fans weren't happy, and the internet was a bit busy once a week during those three months.
  17. The remake/reboot of the Bionic Woman starts in the autumn (fall) on NBC, starring Michelle Ryan (Zoe from the BBC's Eastenders) as the Bionic woman, Jamie Sommers, and Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck from BSG) as her arch nemesis. Here's a clip from the pilot episode: http://video.accesshollywood.com/player/?id=102461
  18. Doctor Who takes time out as Scooch Fly The Flag. He may have thwarted the Daleks last week, but the Doctor has finally met his match with the Eurovision Song Contest. After some severe spreadsheet shuffling in Scheduling (try saying that fast) it's been decided that an early start for episode seven, Chris Chibnall's 42, wasn't a good idea. The episode will now be shown a week later, on Saturday 19 May. 42 sees former EastEnder Michelle Collins making her Doctor Who debut as McConnell, the strong willed captain of a doomed spaceship hurtling out of control towards a boiling sun. With only 42 minutes to uncover the saboteurs, and with a mysterious force starting to possess the ship's crew, the Doctor and Martha are running out of time! We hope you'll support Scooch in their bid for Eurovision glory, and appreciate that seven days is only a handfull of heartbeats to a Time Lord. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/news/cult/n.../02/43612.shtml
  19. Did anyone notice this from the Next Time trailer (the egg-whisk weapons I mean...)
  20. Well I thought the episode was great. And not just 'cos the Daleks were in it. Really looking forward to the second part. (after which, a disc will be winging its way to Kentucky)
  21. Many thanks
  22. Maybe Capt. Jack...
  23. The red button, apart from jack's "special" red button, is the interactice button used on the remote to access the BBC's extra channels. If you haven't seen the trailer, it's here: http://freemaagyeman.com/news/2007/03/29/b...-clip/#more-222
  24. Flying Daleks no less! In Manhattan!! Looks great!!! Anyway, the new series (season in dbminter-speak ) starts in 40 minutes, so I'm off to gird my loins etc...
  25. Me too. Been really looking forward to the England v Israel match for ages now... Not too fussed on Primeval, though. Can't really get into it. But thumbs up to ITV for making something different to their usual Celebrity Toilet Attendants type of crap.
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