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Everything posted by digidragon

  1. Maybe you could check that the drive hasn't recently dropped into PIO mode, instead of DMA mode.
  2. digidragon


    The thing with .net is that it's very nice to program with. So, especially with video encoders, newer versions are being written using it. Gordian Knot, for example, has ceased being developed. A program called StaxRip (also free) seems to be taking its place, along with one called MeGUI (again free). Both are written using .net - the former in VB.NET and the latter in C#. It's just really a set of DLLs that live on your hard disk - there aren't zillions of registry entries. So it's not a program as such. It's just called when needed.
  3. digidragon


    I agree with Shamus too. The only slowness is when you first start up a program which uses the framework. Once it's started, though, it's as fast as the programmer intended. When there are no .net programs running, the framework just sits on your hard disk and shouldn't use any resources. It's also easy to uninstall if you want to - just go to add/remove programs.
  4. Well, shortly after losing my DVD burning virginity, I realised that brand names were worthless. I only ever but blanks now if I know the media ID beforehand. But thanks for the info. I'd always thought of Imation as a "quality" brand. I used to think of Memorex that way too - probably as a result of those TV ads showing the high note on the audio recording shattering the wine glass. But I was about five then - I know better now. Hopefully...
  5. Glad to see that finally you're speaking proper English Happy belated birthday, btw And happy belated extraction too...
  6. But just to confuse you even more, sweet pies are often called tarts And in case you don't know, a tart is a woman of ill repute, or a woman who puts it about, etc...
  7. ?▼ ?◊??њ₪? (means Hi Shamus in Welsh) I'd accept the agreement, though. I mean, squashed flies and snowflakes are pretty harmless...
  8. Shamus, just to let you know that the two links point to the same jpeg (ip2) It confused me at first as I couldn't see any difference at all between the two images...
  9. It's okay, they've overdubbed the voices for the Sci-Fi channel. Sylvester Stallone is doing the voice-over for The Doctor, and Zsa Zsa Gabor is doing Rose's voice. Should make it all crystal clear...
  10. Excellent! So now you'll be able to do graphs of PIE and PIF errors (whatever they are ). But seriously, my BenQ has been great. Only one coaster (which happened earlier tonight, strangely) but otherwise it's been flawless. Only 5 days to go before they're in stock...
  11. The DVDs have been delayed, yes.
  12. Well, you trust the BBC don't you...? http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/scifi.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/white.swf I only had two drinks - the Cybermen were very real. Well, they were really blokes in silver suits, but they were really there...
  13. Finally, the US fans (dbminter? ) can watch the 2005 series on TV... SCI FI Channel announced Jan. 12 that it will air the first season of the BBC's hit SF series Doctor Who, starting in March. The 13 episodes, starring Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler, will air as part of SCI FI Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=34141 Oh, and earlier on, I stumbled upon the filming of the Cybermen episode from series 2. The road where the BBC were filming was closed, but the pub on the road was open, and we had a good view. And a few pints too... I saw three very big, scary, silver Cybermen walking about in a threatening manner.
  14. Oh well, at least they're honest... I'd assumed it was a retail as it didn't say OEM, as their other OEM drives did. I'll keep me eyes peeled and let you know. BTW, I've got a BenQ and it's been great. Even better than my previous Lite-on... EDIT: Hang on a sec... This is the the one that's in stock: http://www.komplett.co.uk/k/ki.asp?sku=316659&cks=PRL And this is the one that isn't yet (which I posted about): http://www.komplett.co.uk/k/ki.asp?sku=317132&cks=PRL The in-stock one says OEM, but the out-of-stock one doesn't. So, are they BOTH OEM then...?
  15. Komplett.co.uk says they'll have the retail (black) version in stock on the 20th... http://www.komplett.co.uk/k/ki.asp?sku=317132&cks=PRL
  16. Try gspot http://www.headbands.com/gspot/gspot252dl.html
  17. digidragon

    Walkman Mobile

    Aren't the headphones non-standard (in terms of the connector) so that you can't use a normal pair. And don't bundled earphones generally sound a bit crap...? I've got an Orange M500 Pocket PC PDA/phone. It runs windows mobile, and has windows media player, so it plays all the mp3 files on the 512MB SD card. Plus I can use my existing Sennheiser earphones, and it sounds great. Plus it's a gadget to play around with...
  18. Another good reason to use Firefox or Opera instead of IE...
  19. digidragon


    db, I wonder if your Opera problem is similar to this... http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=95593 According to Opera's windows test manager's blog: User: "Would that include the GDI leak?" Opera windows test manager: "Yeah that's a bad bug and will be looked into."
  20. That's something that can't be dicussed here (for obvious reasons). It's something you'll have to google for...
  21. There was a guy not so long ago that tore his own face off while high on PCP. Maybe they used that. Oh wait, he fed it to his dogs...
  22. digidragon


    It can be found at http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/w90p1.html
  23. Not sure if you've seen this... Daleks, Davros and Stephen Hawking http://www2.b3ta.com/hawking/
  24. digidragon


    Just out of interest, how many tabs do you normally have load at startup?
  25. digidragon


    Well, opening a new tab is pretty much like opening a new browser instance, so it each use up memory. If the memory cache is set to Automatic Opera will use as much as it needs. Maybe try limiting it to say 60MB and see how it goes. I know Opera gets accused of having memory leaks from time to time, but the developers deny it. I can't say I've noticed any. Also, have you tried the preview of 9.0? Does that have the same issues for you, or is it better behaved? I don't have java installed any more, and I haven't missed it. Maybe you could uninstall it, or disable java from within Opera...?
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