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Everything posted by Altercuno

  1. 25...Be7 least its not a miniature, and the reason Ive kept the numbering up...
  2. First I can't log on the site, now a double post. Thanks for the message on my home page blu. Its been a good game but Ive played rubbish - been away from the board too long...still 1st of many I hope... Regards,
  3. 24...Pf6 yes...Qd8 apologies for that...
  4. 22...Pb5 all part of the game...
  5. 21...Qg5 ? means you think it was a mistake.
  6. Oh dear...kibitzing the games one thing, but the puns are awful...
  7. No, thank you - very enjoyable. Thought it must be getting late in your part of the world. Deep Blue? Pawn site? Ouch!
  8. 18...Nd7 Thanks blu. No not rated but I used to study a lot - Fischer, Tal, Bronstein, Spasky and all...
  9. Yeah.. sorry blu 14...R(f8)-e8
  10. 14..R(f1)e1
  11. Alter-cum-o? Thanks Volvo
  12. 12...Pg6 I'm so enjoying this...thank you so much blu... I have to go out too... see ya later... Regards,
  13. We'll see... 11...PxB
  14. I considered it... 10...Nf4
  15. 9...Be7 Thanks - I'm enjoying it...
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