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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. As advised, update ImgBurn as we do not offer support for older versions. Check your firmware also.
  2. There is more to the whole log file than you posted...
  3. Read FAQ # 5, it explains about discs. You can look at Meritline.com for Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim discs if you're in the States.
  4. When updates are ready...they are ready and the Boss releases them.
  5. Your Memorex discs are junk. If you read the topic referred to you would try again with the recommended media. HERE are the Google results for a search for your discs.
  6. Also: Read this: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  7. Since your problem is with a torrent file, which you do not have the intellectual rights to, we can't help you with the steps necessary to convert from what you have as data to what you will finally burn to a disc. Google what you want to do and you will find that there is a wealth of information available for you to read and learn. If you then have a problem with burning the converted data to dvd using ImgBurn, we'll be able to help you. Also, please do not double post.
  8. Dave, wait for the discs and enjoy the Cally weather, we're in the 60's and it's a cold rain falling now.
  9. From your log: You have to use another type of program to successfully convert a game for burning. Since you apparently downloaded the files, you will have to do a Google on what you want to accomplish since we do not give advice or support for problems with pirated software.
  10. Update ImgBurn, we do not support older versions. Update your drives firmware Your media only burns at 4,6 and 8x so you won't get 2.4x out of it.
  11. Some of the worst media on the market. Read this: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  12. You want to burn the contents of the whole site, or the videos on it? I don't think I understand.
  13. Do yourself a favor and get a full sized external dvd burner, slimline are not the best no matter who makes them.
  14. It's his program, and he decided to share it with the world. What he does with it and doesn't do with it is his choice, not yours, mine or anyone else's. Attacking because you don't like something you had nothing to do with is ignorant at best,moronic at least, and just plain out of place here. Use Nero, Roxio or something else.
  15. Glad to see that you got it sorted
  16. I believe it means that the average speed for the whole disc write is 20.3x while the fastest it wrote at some point in time is 24.2x. The disc speed has to ramp up at certain points and that is controlled by the drive and not the program. The drive is writing to a smaller track as it starts and a much larger track as it reaches it's max speed and therefore burns more data per rpm....or I could be wrong deeb.
  17. It's not necessary to keep deleting and reinstalling ImgBurn, that's just a waste of your time. Once, if necessary, is usually plenty. Are you deleting the graph data file info from the log before posting, or is it just not making a log? FYI your drive burns the discs at So 2x is not a viable choice, so ImgBurn picks the next available value. Did the disc verify completely? You cut off the log before the final entries. If it did then the disc is an exact copy of the original file.
  18. Yes and yes. The best way to assure a good burn on most systems is to ensure that nothing else is going on with the computer at the time of burning. I use EndItAll when I burn.
  19. Please post the logfile, and, by the way, Imation is usually junk.
  20. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
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