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Posts posted by spinningwheel

  1. in order to get any support you have to go on a forum and deal with people who are not only as (from my point of view) useless as Nero's I'll-get-back-to-you-some-time-in-the-next-six-years support team, but actively rude, unpleasant and paranoid.


    That may be the case, but can you really get any response from any other software company that doesn't suggest that your system is screwed up and that you email them for more help, which doesn't come???? We're fast, efficient and generally a bunch of very nice people.


    It's just that some users don't have a sense of humor and want to take themselves way too seriously...and that is when the fun begins.


    If you had searched for what you want to do, you would have found that the Boss has answered the multisession question many times and has said that he will get around to it in his own time, if he decides to do it...not yours or anyone else who is impatient or wants to just have a session where they open themselves up to the seriously warped humor of this place.


    Don't leave us angry or frustrated, look around, get a laugh or two and maybe learn what this fantastic program can really do besides make data backups... :thumbup:

  2. They all don't get returned to them by the consumer. A large reliance of retail is that consumers are lazy creatures that would sooner throw away than go through the hassle of calling, boxing and paying postage for something that is junk to them. The cost of a single disc is miniscule compared to the mark-up, so if CMC makes a bad daily run of 100K discs, they pass them on to the marketer that wholesales them as unbranded, budget, discounted or whatever and they go to the deep discount retailers who sell them and handle the problems should any arise. Simple economics for all concerned, except for the customer, who may or may not decide to return the product.... >_<

  3. cherrog;



    I 08:57:55 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: MBI 01RG40)



    In addition to the upgrades that LUK has advised, a quick check of your media MID shows that they are indeed Verbatims, but that they are made in India, not Singapore, and have some very terrible reviews around the web. I would suggest that you try to find some Taiyo Yuden discs if you are going to continue using DVD-R type discs. Depending on where you live, there are many internet places to order them from.



  4. soccerhotstuff4u;




    FYI - Apparently something is triggering the governmental oversight built into the computer core according to Fed law. The parameter was put into place to stop hackers from opening encrypted files (real ones) not the encryption put in place to comply with the MPAA.




    Search: Eventlog Type: Security Eventlog Source: Security Event ID: 1381 Full Description: The maximum number of secrets that may be stored in a single system has been exceeded.



    There is a similar API return code:



    1381 ERROR_TOO_MANY_SECRETS The maximum number of secrets that can be stored in a single system was exceeded. The length and number of secrets is limited to satisfy the United States State Department export restrictions.

  5. Are there kick-backs being rewarded for referrals each time the company name is posted in a response, or is there verifiable evidence that Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden discs really are better than the competition? I really am interested and/or curious, I honestly do not know so any light that can be shed on the subject is appreciated. Take care and thanks in advance


    NO there are no kick-backs or any other bullshit going on. If you take the time to read the media section of the forum, you will see, for yourself, that Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are the best all around media for any style burning. Other name brands usually use shit media made by other producers that are of questionable quality and and that do not last but a few months after burning. Realizing that you are a noob here, I haven't really been mean spirited in my answer, but to infer that the Boss is a shill for any product is insulting and uncalled for. No one made you download or use the program so get the media we recommend and give it a try. :/


    Plates here are issued to the vehicle as long as the owner retains ownership of it. If you sell or trade it you can keep the plate and pay the transfer fee for it.


    Vehicle Registration Fees


    Registration Transactions


    Plate / Registration Transfer

    $ 4.50


    Duplicate / Replacement Sticker

    $ 4.50


    Replace / Exchange Plates 1 Plate

    $ 4.75 / $ 5.00


    Replace / Exchange Plates 2 Plates

    $ 6.00 / $ 6.25


    Replacement Registration

    $ 4.50


    Temporary (30-day) Tag

    $ 10.50


    Out-of-State Vehicle Inspection

    $ 3.50


    Snowmobile / APV (3 years)

    $ 8.50


    Restricted Plate (with current Registration)

    $ 6.25


    Plate(s) Mailing Fee (based on current rates)

    (based on current rates)


    Vehicle Annual Renewal Registration Fees*



    $ 34.50


    House Vehicle / Moped

    $ 24.50



    $ 28.50


    Motor Home

    $ 49.50


    Light Non-Commercial (up to

  6. Yes it does.


    Post a log from the newly failed burns and then hopefully we can see what the problem is with the new drive. Just making anecdotal comments doesn't supply us with the firm data that we need to be able to assess problems.


    The fact that your drive burns a few of a particular disc does not mean you have solved the problem as inferior discs have a tendency to delaminate, rot, over time and all data is lost that was stored on them. Check our media/drive section for media type and drive assessments and you will see that a lot of prep goes into what we do here.

  7. Look at your log, your Memorex are really Ritek discs rebadged to the Memorex brand. Ritek has been producing crap for about the past 5 years and has not cared enough to make the necessary changes to their product. The cost of losing all/most of the discs you have, plus your time and frustration more than make up for the small difference in the cost of Verbs over the competition. :thumbup:

  8. So any real support....cause I think Verbatim quote is ridiculous... :whistling:



    Honestly, do you think we give a crap about that?


    We do this all day long and we have found that the biggest problem with burns failing is caused by shit media like yours. The remaining causes are pretty much firmware, aging/dirty burners, sata/pata incompatibilities, bad drivers, shitty external drive chips, 40 instead of 80 wire cables, crappy operating systems, bad power supplies and users that think they know more than we do.

    If you're coming in here for help, aparently it's not beacuse yuou know more than us, so take the advice given and change your crap media to what we recommend and then we can eliminate at least one of the meriad problems you may have.


    edit: second again..... :teehee:

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