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Posts posted by spinningwheel

  1. There any settings in this program that I could change to make these disk work.




    FFS, quit looking for another way out and get rid of the shit discs that you have and get the damned Verbs. You can look for other reasons all day long, but the short answer has been given to you, accept it and move on! <_<

  2. I burn at 4x times already


    So what?


    You came here for advice, not for rhetoric.


    And get some good media, Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden and try again, your


    I 16:30:00 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: SONY-D21-00)


    is not up to the task.

  3. Keep it up guys, I have no life (except of course for the pink tutu wearing etc., etc.,) so I need this stuff.




    And I'm 62....yep....62 and just get a huge kick out of signing on here and reading what YOU want on a program that didn't cost YOU a cent; has frequent updates, a bunch of beta's that can't wait to give you a hand with a real problem and a developer that made this program to fill a need and then offered it out to the masses for the piddling donations that he receives.


    Since copying any copyrighted data is still illegal in most parts of the world, and, since we could give a shit about your not being able to keep your originals in pristine shape, I would venture to say that your question has been asked, answered and should now be a fond memory and nothing more.




  4. That's why I'm here on this forum.


    Being here on this forum is right where you need to be with your suggestion, however, the question has been asked of and answered by the owner off the program and that should be enough for you. This isn't a debating forum, nor is it a place where sheer bullheadedness is tolerated for long. You've had your say, move on... <_<

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