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Posts posted by spinningwheel

  1. As you have been advised to get Verbs I won't reiterate the warning, since you find no difference between them and the ones that you are using. However I will advise you to look at one of your discs in about 6 months, then again about 6 months after that. Please post back in about a year as to what condition your discs are in at that time. We don't make recommendations to users here because we have nothing better to do with our lives...well, maybe blu does....but for most of us we share our knowlege in hopes that others will have an easier road to travel. You can take the time to check out our media/drives section, you can read other threads here, you can go to afterdawn.com, digital digest or any of a thousand sites out there that deal with media and drives and read the same advice, or you can make copies that work for now and not have to take the time to look for or invest in the additional funds necessary to buy the best media that you can...it's up to you...mine still work after about 5 years.....

  2. This is pink and on top of the page.....oh look....it asks for a logfile....wonder how it could be missed <_<




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    Read the Guides forum if you don't know how to do something.

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    Still stuck? Create a new thread and describe your issue in detail. It's much easier for us if you include a copy of the program's log in your post. No log = :chair:

  3. Your media and drive appear to be fine. I would venture to say that whatever means you used to get the Anime to your HDD is the culprit...and remember...we DO NOT discuss ripping programs or methods here...your answer is on Google. :thumbup:

  4. In addition to what mmalves said above, your firmware is odd. I looked at the NEC site and rpc-1 and couldn't find a reference to it.


    I 22:16:48 Destination Device: [0:0:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A 2.0T (D:) (ATA)


    You can click on the link provided and find the newest official NEC firmware for your drive.


    NEC Firmware

  5. Do what you're going to do. The media is crap and is the first place to start. I don't make this stuff up, I just try to point users in the right direction.

    I couldn't find a newer firmware at rpc-1, if there is one somewhere else and you trust it, try it also. :mellow:


    There is no other version of IB available right now, and if you revert to an older one...we don't support it.

  6. I 15:17:50 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D01-67) (Speeds: 2,4x; 4x; 6x)


    Put a Verb into your drive and try it. Both logs show this media and it's junk.


    Looks like the BenQ firmware is up to date and I couldn't find a nerer one for the other drive.


    Post a full log if the Verb fails.

  7. And still some crap comes through, depending on if you're on a Russian, Chinese and/or most third world sites. <_<


    What would you be doing on those sites spinner....looking for a bride? :teehee:


    If you get a virus from looking at her online, just think of what you'd get if she was sitting right next to you >_<



    :lol::lol: ...nope, in the younger days of the web I spent a lot of time on Lycos and after a while there were some serious assholes involved there, so I joined with a small group of people my age who were tired of it and became involved in a lot of perl/script wars and such.... :rolleyes: ....never did really got rid of all the stuff until quite recently....just sentimental I guess :whistling: ....so I kept up with development for a long time. But now it's all about getting into machines now :unsure: and seeing how much you can screw things up...not my cup of tea as it were. I didn't mind doing something to someone who needed it, :devil: but just pure meanness isn't what we were about and when I walked away from it I didn't look back. :innocent: But I have spent some time on various nameless warez sites and had to place some pretty active stuff in the way in order not to become avictim myself... >_<

  8. Bo;


    What you wrote is true, IN YOUR CASE, not necessarily any one else's. When we give our most basic advice...change media to Verb or TY, that's because we've seen the symptoms a couple thousand times and really do know what we're talking about. Your 'dodgy' media may well burn right, verify correctly and play back on everything you can possibly use. But...you will need to check it in 6 months and then a year from now, and then a year from then and see what you have remaining of your data. I play back data I've archived 5 years ago without a problem, and that's on the old Ritek, before they went downhill, TY and Verb discs. I have long ago thrown out the Playo, new Ritek, Memorex, Ricoh, TDK. Sony and other discs that I experimented with because they turned to crap over time. In the final result, you will use whatever you want, but if you care to have your data uncorrupted for as long as possible, you'll follow the advice we give and give away the rest of the crap to unsuspecting friends....just like yours did to you.... >_<

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