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Posts posted by spinningwheel

  1. tanpantsman;


    Crappy disc's is a part of your problem. Switch to Taiyo Yuden cd's. Your problem is with cd's so if changing to better media doesn't help...start a new thread 2ith a log of the burn and a description of the problem. :thumbup:





    :yes: time for a new one. TDK is not what we recommend here so it's 50/50 whether it would be a fair test of the drive anyway. :thumbup:

  2. I had thought of that chewy, but, since it's reported as only happening on movement shots and not constant ones so I ruled that one out. I agree that the player is what needs to be looked at, if only to give it another source to check performance from. :thumbup:


    Bennett, stand alone players conform to a similar but not identical set of commands that are not necessarily used by the creating device. The optical drive on your machine reads byte by byte whereas the algorithm in a stand alone has the ability to 'fudge' a little when it hits a sector it doesn't understand but which is still within parameters. I've not used Uleads software for quite some time, but I do know that Pinnacles software does some strange things to video data streams. :wacko:

  3. When you say the picture will shake...what do you mean? Is it vibrating or is it stuttering as though the action constantly freezes and unfreezes? :unsure:


    The log shows that the disc was burned and then the burn was verified, that indicates that whatever you have in your .iso is exactly the same as what you have on your disc. I don't believe the problem indicated belongs to IB but rather to the system you used to produce the .iso. >_<


    You can also ditch the Ritek discs and buy some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim DataLifePlus discs made in Taiwan, not China or Indonesia. :thumbup:



  4. rds;


    I find that I generally run btw. 20-90% usage without incident. I would suggest, however, that you do a Google for a program called 'EndItAll 2' and install it. I use it to stop/kill everything but the basic processes necessary to run the machine before I do any form of burning. I don't believe that surfing the web, doing a report or playing a game is more important than making the absolute best burn that I can of whatever data I may be burning at the time. :thumbup:

  5. I am only worried that one day some company does with Imgburn what "you-know-who company" did with DVDD.

    Why should they? We are a burning software and have no decryption algorithms at all. If they did that, they'd need to shut down Ner0, Roxio and the rest of them, too.





    I have to totally agree w/Blu here. ImgBurn is not a decrypting tool by any stretch of the imagination. How you get files on your drive is up to you, but programs that burn whatever data you have to portable media are not a target of any agency that I know of. :thumbup:

  6. Hi!

    I am new to burning anything! I tried your software in the past few days, and found the guides to be complete and simple follow.

    It worked first time for me, learning curve was effortless!


    Just thought I'd say Thanks and my Donation is in the works!





    Happy New Year and welcome to the forum Brad.


    I'm sure the Boss will be pleased with your experience. Don't forget, if you do run into a problem, we are here and will do our best to help you sort it out. :thumbup:



  7. Hi and Happy New Year!


    I 01:13:01 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: TTH02)


    Really crappy media, try Verbatim DataLifePlus or Taiyo Yuden for the best results. :thumbup:


    W 00:46:18 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed! - Reason: Access is denied.

    W 00:46:18 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME) Failed! - Reason: Access is denied


    What else are you running in the background that is stopping IB fron getting exclusive access to the drive??

  8. hi everyone,


    Welcome to the forum!


    I just discovered ImgBurn this past week and actually haven't downloaded it yet. Read all the forums and it is clear that this is a superior burner. I'm not in urgent need for a burner immediately, so I'm wondering if i would be better off to wait for the new version when it is available: rather than downloading and installing the existing version and then having to uninstall it with a few weeks.


    There is a learning curve with the program, I would suggest giving the current version a try and that way you can learn as you go. IB updates overlay the last edition, so removal/upgrade are seamless.


    When the new version comes out is there often a period when bugs are found that require upgrades? In this case, would the app have to be uninstalled or just updated?


    Bugs may well be found, but we try to clear all major ones before product release. The nice part about this program is that the developer and his team are online at almost all hours so help is never far away.



    I am a novice at burning so will be relying on your help occassionally in the future and i will sure appreciate it.


    That's the general idea!


    I am also considering DeepBurner or InfraRecorder for multisession burning occassionally. Does anyone have any experience with either of these? Which would be better, or do you have other recommendations?


    Wait and see what happens next with IB.




  9. ..........regards to lightning uk i used to be on the decrypter forums yrs ago!



    Well then...stick with us and check in once in a while. We've changed what program we support, but not the fact that we are here to help and have some fun.... :teehee:

  10. You can also use google to find out what the acronym stands for and then plug it into the search engine. You can also try to expand the term you're looking for - in your own mind - and then plug that into the engine to see what it returns. The more you practice data-mining the better you will get at it. It will help you here as well as with engines on the web since you are helping the boolean model expand on what you are searching for. :thumbup:

  11. WOW...what a great first post. No complaints, no coaster problems that could have been avoided by using the guides, reading the FAQ's or using my personal favorite...the search button.


    Welcome to the forum Cindy, and thanks for the recognition that you gave the :worthy: Boss :worthy:



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