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Posts posted by spinningwheel

  1. Learning is cool, no problem. The worst that can happen is a glitch and maybe it skips, pauses or fails to move on to the next track. If I'm burning for my machines, I use seamless, if for some others, I set a layer break and forget about it. :thumbup:

  2. Hi and welcome :thumbup:


    1. Read the FAQ's.




    2. Read the Guides.




    3. Use the search function attached to the Forum.


    4. Read Blu's 'Golden rules of burning'.




    5. Post a log of your failed attempt.


    6. If you do not own the rights to the data you are trying to burn, either do not inform us of that fact or spend some time on Google looking for what you want to know, since we cannot help you circumvent any laws.

  3. I 19:43:29 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) (Speeds: 2.4x)


    I 19:43:29 Write Speed: 1x



    :yes: big mistake. Get some Verbs made in Singapore and not from India and try again. If you still have problems, let us know.

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