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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. Thanks for the reply.. One of the things that I wanted to see was this: While they may work better for you now, I did a little research and fount these posts about the discs using the search button... HERE! I'd get rid of them and get some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim DataLifePlus and not worry about my archived data and its' ability to retain its' integrity over time.
  2. ZoneAlarm > always on AVG Pro > always on SuperAntiSpyware > always on Spybot S&D > background as needed Adaware > background as needed CA Suite > selected processes always on Firmware protected router. > always running And still some crap comes through, depending on if you're on a Russian, Chinese and/or most third world sites.
  3. Have any that are 6-12 months old? Now they may scan good, in time they may degrade to the point that you will have no accessible data on them..... ...Place a blank in your drive, let IB read it and copy/paste the info from the right hand window here please.
  4. And...what would be a 'proper manner'? They also make good bird chasers if hung about the garden, another use is target practice, frisbee imitators, drink coasters....ohhh the list is long and varied....
  5. I use the one that mmalves pointed to in his post, from Lightscribe itself. Make sure to get the accellerator if it's offered. Maybe they incorporated it into the original program by now, but for mine it was a plugin that you needed to install on its' own.
  6. DB 34...I can almost remember back that far.......
  7. LOCO; ...neither have I, but just for labeling purposes all I use is the name of the data I put on the disc anyway, so no need for pix. I used to use a stomper and put labels on everything...then the manufacturers advised not to do that to a dvd so I had to clean them all off...what an experience that was.... Jason; Enjoy it, they are decent drives, let me know how you did after you burn and label your first one...
  8. Jason; I run the BenQ 1655 lightscribe and it isn't worth the time or the 5 dollar difference. The discs are slightly more expensive, the drive is slightly more expensive and the time investment, while waiting for the disc to be labeled, is freekin' nuts. It does a nice job, but a little patience with a magic marker accomplishes the same objective...and you save the time and costs involved. spinner
  9. Yup...either description works, as it should. I even linked the search for you...
  10. Post a log as suggested by BoSox. You could be experiencing one of many possible problems...bad media...old firmware... and the log should be able to give us a place to start.
  11. rgh43 I would humbly suggest that this is enough discussion about shrink and DVDD and the rest. This is the ImgBurn Forum, we do not discuss ripping techniques but we will gladly discuss burning problems if they involve ImgBurn and not some other program(s)
  12. Have you tried Google? ImgBurn doesn't convert anything, it a burning program. Oh wait...I did it for you.....click here! and learn grasshopper.
  13. Yup... Hi and welcome to the forum. First of all, get rid of your discs and get some Verbatim DataLifePlus or Taiyo Yuden brand discs...all others...repeat...all others are inferior and can lead to many problems. Secondly, are you using an exterior burner with USB 2.0 or Firewire connection? Third, are you doing a lot of multitasking at the same time as your burn, or trying to burn off of a network?
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum. Your choice of media is terrible. It doesn't matter whose nameis on the disc, what matters is who made the disc or dye. CMC Magnetics is about the worst producer in the world. Get yourself some Verbatim DataLifePlus or Taiyo Yuden discs and try again. Also, screen shots are good, but not as good as posting the log file that IB produces. Next time, please post a log.
  15. Your drive is problematic at best. A suggestion would be to replace it with a decent drive from Plextor, Pioneer or other mainstream named drive. Others here will have ideas for addittional drives. Our tests, in the media section, show that your discs are also not recommended. A search of the web also shows them as a poor choice. Eliminate your problems one at a time, starting with media and post a log after trying the changes.
  16. There is a good discussion of converting here.
  17. I buy mine online through Meritline there are other online sellers also, but I prefer this one.
  18. spinningwheel


    Something I found... Check out the video clips.
  19. Clink Haven't seen you around here lately mate.
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