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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. Take a couple aspirins, a bottle of your favorite beverage, crawl under the blankets and watch reruns of your favorite shows on tv until the flu has passed or the writers strike is over......
  2. spinningwheel


    Snazz Still lost in the WOW mate?
  3. Glad you got the whole thing sorted out rds_. Post back if you run into problems again.
  4. Alter; It's all gone, now they are predicting 40-50f for the next few days and rain Thursday and Friday.....life on the North Coast....
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum rds. Ritek F1 is very dodgy media. Your firmware is up to date as far as I could find, so that generally leaves the media as the culprit. The fact that you have experienced some good burns is not relevent to the DVD burning situation, even a broken clock is right 2X a day.... Please try to get the Verbatim DataLifePlus or Taiyo Yuden brands that we recommend and try again. Let us know how you make out with the suggested media.
  6. Ax; Glad you did brother. It took me 3 tries, but I'm 18 years into it now and rolling along just as well as can be!!!
  7. Merry Christmas back at ya Kev ....WOW...I went on a rant yesterday...musta been something I ate.....
  8. OR...just wait for the Boss to release the newest version and burn away to your hearts content without bumping this thread to 100 posts that are unnecessary speculation and discussion.
  9. <PissedOff rant mode ON> I don't understand how a group that is in the fringe minority can dictate to the majority in this country what can and cannot be. For some reason we seem to be catering to every asshole and/or asshole group that think they have the right to tell us what we can say/think/do/feel/eat/wear/drive/buy and sell. The seriously dicked-up religious right, the drive-by press, big oil, financial institutions, lawyers, political hacks on both sides of the aisle, juvenile delinquents, criminals, anti and pro war/ government Republicans, Democrats and Independents, Presidential wannabees and illegal immigrants. For shit sake, maybe one of these assholes might just try to shut the fuck up once in a while and listen to the drivel that they are preaching....before we go the way of the damned gooney-bird. The current leader of the free world as well as the rest of those currently elected in Washington are catering to big oil, pharmaceutical companies, gouging financial lending institutions and whomever else has a big wallet and no conscience. Idiots are preaching there is no global warming issue and the oceans are rising and the Arctic is disappearing. State and Local governments are either too afraid to tackle serious problems or just don't give a shit because big something or other has been paying for their loyalty with money, hookers, boys, kids whatever their weakness is; and now they can't make a decent decision to save their rotten asses either. <PissedOff rant mode OFF> <PissedOff rant mode reserved for further use> spinner
  10. Is that like a dressing gown only spelled wrong???
  11. AND.... since this is the ImgBurn forum and not the NERO forum..... how about posting the ImgBurn log when you need help here since not all of us clog up our machines with inferior programs.....
  12. My son just turned 16 and all he talked about was a Wii. It took me three weeks of searching the web and checking with retailers in the area and I finally bought one a week before his birthday. I agree with the rest of you that Nintendo is scamming the retail marketplace, it can't be that hard to program and assemble a chipset that goes into a gamebox that is the size of an external HDD. I was surprised at how small the system really is but I figured if it's what he wanted..... ...I'd find it somewhere.
  13. "Flashing" your optical drive is comparable to updating your operating system on your computer. Just as there are tweaks that need to be installed to overcome problems within an OS there are necessary fixes that the drive manufacturers issue that correct problems that they have encountered. Cross flashing to another manufacturers drive is not all that uncommon since drives are often re-badged by a brand name corporation but made by only one of very few drive manufacturers.
  14. None taken mate . I was just trying to show that there are all kind of opinions about what is good or bad about the manufacture of discs the way it's currently done. The fact that the posters were having a fit about colors masks the fact that the dye manufacturer and the company that applies it are the main reason for a disc working or failing. Our media tests all show that there are only two consistent dye/media manufacturers...
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