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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. And, in addition to what LOCO wrote...before there warnings were made a part of the log, many, many users questioned why they had failures directly related to the subjects covered in the warnings...now they can see a specific warning and be guided accordingly.
  2. Hi and welcome to the board. That may well be, mostly all media will burn ok once in a while. What we strive for here is excellence in burning, and, as such, we only recommend what we know has proven itself thousands of times over. We know that we cannot make you use what we recommend, but the odds are you have eliminated one more obstacle to your success if you follow our guidance. Means just what it states, there was an attempt - or several - made to rewrite the data to that particular area and it didn't work. (And please post a logfile next time.) Media and various optical drives are discussed in the media and drives section of the forum, take a look and see what we found to be true with your drive(s).
  3. Nope, don't think so PM. Check/scan/delete your keygen software. I have CA software in my first line of protection, but I'm not a fan of it as much as Kaspersky, which I use on a semi-monthly basis unless I've been 'slimed' by some piece if crap software. As to why it only just shows up now...maybe a time bomb went off or something else activated it...hard telling. The good thing is that it matters not that it was there, what matters is the fact that it couldn't report back to the script kiddy that wrote it...
  4. ...and next time post a log of the failed attempt.
  5. That would be...Tony Martin And, after reading the story that Alter linked to, presumably the same would have happened in the States. You have the right to protect your life and property here, but you do not have the right to shoot anyone when they are fleeing and are no longer a threat to you. The story does not recount the burglars as having been armed, and, either way, armed or not, once they are fleeing the scene a normal citizens right to apply deadly force is non-existent. The same does not apply to the police, however their use of force is not in question in this situation.
  6. Only problem with that is if you have an EMachine build, then cable-select is your only option. a couple years back I tried to make the system compliant with the whole master/slave thingy and had to have the service tech come out to my home to fix the system.
  7. Np problem PM, we've disagreed before and are none the less for it now...but...if you're going to quote or rely on Rush for your thinking and a group of pundits such as he has referred everyone to in order to bolster his home grown brand of anarchy, I can't counter with any argument that you're not going to write reams about until I just plain quit. I personally do not agree with you - or that fat ass - that there is no global warming occuring, the poles are melting/disappearing and the coastal waters are increasing, unless the Weather channel, National Geographic, Discovery, History and NOAA channels are all mistaken or controlled by Gore and the drive by's.. And...screw the religious right, their spokesman is/was Huckabee and his ilk and they consist of a loose knit group of self proclaimed religious/political leaders that want to overthrow Roe v. Wade, tell us what is a safe religion to practice, persecute those with other/non-mainstream beliefs and decide what is best for us without knowing it themselves. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there something about separation of religion and state written somewhere in the Federalst paperwork that started this nation? The current administration is draining the coffers of this country while they prosecute a war that was based on lies. Daddy took care of all the of the crap that Jr. took us to war over. We needed a foothold in the Middle East that was additional to that which we have in Saudi and we accomplished it, while killing 3500+ of our sons/daughters, 100's of Brits and our other allies and 10's of 1000's of the people who live there. Bin Laden is still running his mouth and hiding in Pakistan with his guys and we can't get to him...why.... Because he sent a black female as our rep...into a region filled with fundamentalist leaders who do not respect/hold women in higher regard that their freekin' goats; and then congress can't understand why they won't cooperate/come to an accord with us unless we send foreign aid to bolster their already bulging oil enhanced wallets. He backed huge Pharm when it came to government purchasing of drugs and banned anyone's right to get drugs from out of the country, making their strangle-hold all the tighter. The idiots claimed that the drugs are not as pure/well made/good as ours, then the AARP found that they are made by the same Pherm companies that make the ones for the States...unless you buy in Mexico, then it's a crap shoot...no big surprise there. We have had our political party in place for 6 of the last 7 years and they couldn't do anything about or borders, medical or any other damned thing that didn't make his or his cronies pockets larger. As I've told you before, I've been a Republican all of my life, even through the Nixon years, and I'm going to vote Democratic all the way this time. My party has displeased me, lied to me and my country, made life here miserable for more and more of my countrymen, and just generally made me sorry that I voted for them last time. The Democrats can't do very much worse and maybe they can begin to move in a direction more befitting who we are and what we should be...if not, it's only for 4 more years.
  8. Now...now...now....I have never read where anyone here ever considered women totally useless Jill
  9. So....If you're not doing DL discs, you're S.O.L. for now. #39;(
  10. ...Delete the controller and reboot, or don't and put up with the same slow crap...your choice... no damage potential to the system...change media to what we suggest...
  11. Could you maybe post the entire logfile?
  12. See how much we can help when we have a log?????
  13. AND...you didn't post a log either.....why????
  14. Now that is some pretty funny stuff donta.... But this just makes it better..... Or...maybe I've been up too long and this isn't all that funny after all.....
  15. tgmavm; Copy and paste the info from your failed log to this topic in the forum. We can play 20 questions all day long and still not have the slightest idea what your problem is. The log reports many bits of info that we need to make an informed attempt to solve your problem.
  16. Junk media for starters. Post a log and let us see what you see....
  17. Not the first time nor will it be the last time that some anti-malware/spyware/virus program has sounded off about something in IB. Report it to the software company and always make sure that you download the ImgBurn program from a mirror located on the opening page of this forum and no from some warez site.....
  18. Yup, but if you have an existing eye problem, the fonts at 1024x768 are too small so you wind up running a bigger one in order to save yourself eyestrain Jason...
  19. You can try Best Buy Or Circuit City, but I would go to CompUSA or some other big box computer store rather than trying them since you want to deal with someone who knows what they are talking about rather than a sales clerk who hasn't finished high school yet.
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