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Everything posted by Aten
I have a friend who lives in France and they not as equipped as the British media would have you think. Point is that is unnaccpetable to have the country come to a stand still and worse still to compare our problems like it makes a difference or account for deficiencies. This "passing the buck" mentality is typical of politicians who blame councils and vice versa. Like u said it doesn cost that much to upkeep some gritting machines on the chance that it might snow. UK has been hit hardest by the economic slowdown so to lose 2-3 days of business in this kind of "climate" has forced smaller companies to to shut down. If it was my company that went bust, id want some people in Government and my local council to lose there jobs as well. Also funny how we measure snow in inches. Countries like Canada measure in Feet hehe.
@Cynthia Yeah that article seems to sum up the typical mentality of large corporations. Look at Liteon's Website and they even hav that "Corp" affix. Whats the point ($$$) in releasing new drives when the older models need firmware updates to fix existing problems. I always found it annoying that any company would release a product that needed patching outside trial stages (Certain pc hardware, games, etc). Should work straight out the box! @Spinningwheel It quite incredible when you think about how 95% of blank dvd's are a piece of crap. Curious how these companies get past Quality standards agencies in the repsective countries. Typical user doesnt know about the differences in dyes and sacrifice quality for price. Most dvdrs, CDr-s are only expected to last on the shorterm. Perhaps that s the loophole. One other thing. Is it ok to have two dvd drives on the same IDE channel? As long as u dont use both at the same time, that shouldnt affect speeds, burns or scan quality? At some point i plan to upgrade to a motherboard with more sata connections but im stuck with IDE for time being.
Thanks Cynthia. What do u think about the "Smart Write functions" on the new Lite on drives. Apparently u can get great burns on bad media. It is just hype or can i go back to buying cheap disk? My Taiyos and Verbs are looking a little worrried...hehe
Ive read through bunch of threads and found three that were kind of useful: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...660&hl=pipo http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...548&hl=pipo http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...107&hl=pipo However, some of the threads were old and i want to buy relatively new burner that has excellent burning/scanning features. Are most of them the same or do others simply excel interms of PIPO, Jitter accuracy? Looks like Liteon are the ones to buy? Any paticular model that works consistently well with DVDinfopro? Also is it important to clean the inside of the drive over time as im wondering if dust can effect the scan rating? TIA Added: Thankyou for moving this thread to Chat section. Half asleep when i posted this. Soz...
I supose so but my roots go back to the golden days of the Super Snes when Square Soft made some of the greatest RPG's ever! Lost Odyssey is nice to look at but my problem is age. Im Getting old and hav that seen-it-all-b4 attitude. Wouldnt even a buy a ps3 if i knew that final fantasy 13 was mulitformat.
Did a system setting with out a reboot so i know all the features were active. Such a time consuming activity, this testing business. So i can imagine what you beta testers go through Essentially my burns wer based around those three paticular options: Solid, over and WOPC. Solid on, Over off, WOPC on Solid off , WOPC off, Over on................and so on. Went through every permetation, i guess partly because i had time off from work and was bored....lol. But then i got really bored and felt i should report my findings here and bore other people ROFL! Amen to that. P.S With WOPC>off, Solid>off and even Overburn>off, you still get 89% quality marks with dvdinfopro on the TYDVD-Rx16 disks @Max speeds. Just fascinating stuff.
I would agree with you donta but i actually tested about 10 disks at full whack and the ones with Overspeed activated, tended to be of a better quality. That 1.5% margin was a suprise to me because my ratings usually rated at 93-94%. Perhaps it is just coencidence but i cant be arsed to do anymore testing. Maybe somone else can confirm this given the time. Not really that important though lol. Do you guys ever get around 99% rated burns. If so which drives do you use? Sometime burning disks is a bit like alchemy...hehe.
If you havent already decided id go with the ps3 despite being a 360 fan. More suited to the casual gamer and has the BR option which is now the HD standard. TBH it seems like most games appear on either console so the so called "exclusive" titles are becoming less frequent as popular franchises are ported to both the 360 and ps3. With the recent price drop announced for the 360 its only a matter of time before you see
Not worth making a seperat post for it but since we re on the subject of qsuite and Benq 1640, i thought i might add this snipet of info. Only recently installed Qsuite and actually looked into some of the features. Experimented with some of them while burning, using ImgBurn and discovered for the best possible burns with TY DVD-R X16 disks, you should activate Solid Burn, Overspeed and WOPC. Overspeed didnt make a difference interms of burning the disk faster but just by activating it i found that it added an extra 1.5% to the final quality rating in DVDINFOPRO, totalling 95.56%. Used latest firmware: BSRB
Finally ditched nero and use ImgBurn exclusively. 24 is my lucky number so i take this update as good sign Mucho appreciations!
Update includes a PiPo scan in the first post (at the top). Next update will include results for Verbatims 2.4x DVD+R DL [MKM-001-00] media. Might seem a little redundant providing scans for a dvd drive thats been on the market for 2 years now but i was always slightly dissapointed that i couldnt find these results in the Media section for my LG GSA 4163b. This is for all the those other LG users out there who couldnt sleep at night either Scans are purely for Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim media only. Know that might be somewhat lacking but i m only interested in media that is recommended for my drive. 06/07/07 Added: Will include results for Verbatim 4x DVD+R DL at some point. Also plan to purchase some Taiyo Yudens 16x DVD-R SL with results to follow.
Welcome back Imgburn About time though. Not easy when your used to a daily fix. Back in remission........yay.
Pretty long down time. I almost forgot my password as a result. Longest ive seen so far. Were the gremlins at it again.
Wasnt really making any assumptions. You ve opened a vein of info that i wasnt really tapping into but now that u mention it, so be it. Just be interesting to see how this plays out. DVD's should last a lot longer than people expect. Would be great to live in Japan with their 1gb broadband speeds. All my troubles would just wash away... LOL. Ever seen Logans Run. I think it time for processing
Market for watching BR/HD vs market for writing are what im getting at. Things have change now since the 80's. More saturated now.
Sort of a refernece to the download culutre we live in. 20-50GB dl @ my present 4mb service for one file would be as much fun as watching paint dry. Burning these kinda files at 4-8x would be just as frustrating. The diffrence in quality between BR and HD isnt all that.
Once ive been through a game a couple of times i tire of it really quickly unless it has a good deal of longevity. My advice to crazy would be to trade in your games at stores who offer that service or sell on ebay. The sooner you do it with newly released titels the better deal you will get. I only hav Gears of War & Rainbow six right now on the old 360. More then enough for the time being. Oh and theiir a keeper.
360 been out for over a year and there pricing strategy has not changed with exception of the Core models which have dropped ?20 in the UK. Sony have shoot themselves in the foot really with a games console stacked with all these various technologies that hav driven its marketing price to an odd ?425 price tag. Sony are gonna be forced to drop the cost of the machine a lot sooner than any of its competitors because of the price and the blurring of its intended market (Is it a console, is it a PC and so fourth). If it was selling like hot cakes which is not the case, cost or reduction of, would not be an issue for them. Probably means that 360 and wii will just stick with their current price tags even if ps3 drops theirs in the runnup to xmas 07. Im actually more interested in the Blu Ray vs HD DVD debate though. Unless broadband speeds increase signicantly and Writers are able to burn at higher speeds than present 8x, they wont really take off will they?
Just came across reports about a price drop for PS3: UK PS3 will likely do the same as ?425 is quite maddening. I could build a really decent pc for that kinda dough. ?325 for a decent BR player anyone? Sounds a little more managable doesnt it. ?299 and id be up for it.
Thought this info might be of interest considering more and more programs are making the jump and including support for HD-DVD and BR Reading and Writing. Also counterpoints a point of view i made a couple of weeks ago although perhaps its still too early to say which format will reign supreme over the next few years. Looks like BR is guranteed succes based on ps3 sales. That would of course only remain true so long as sales of ps3 were consistent. Sonys stated that there new console will be around for 10 years (b4 the next upgrade) and with price cuts to follow, BluRay could very well be the dominat format. I reckon the market will be probably support both formats much like the five or six that presently exist today. Interesting nonethless. Im just looking forward to when i can buy verbatim DL for 0.30-0.40p a disk. So much for the new kids on the block.
Im not so sure about Russian Women. Sure there absolutley stunning but the prob is when they open their mouths. Not a fan of the language. Its course and charmless (apologies in adv) unlike some of the more romantic western european tongues. Been to spain frequently of late and as a result, hav a soft spot for their culture. Havent been to mexico yet but id settle for a Sama hayek look alike bride in a heart beat. @Altercuno, not sure what to make of your sig. Its sexy and disturbing at the same time. Multiple entry points. That always a plus.
LOL Old enough to appreciate that kinda humour. But then most guys would, regardless of which century they came from. Some things never change. What happens if you dont like the wife they send you. Are they refundable? Do u hav to feed and walk them. Could always flush them down the loo after xmas.
Now that u mention it, very true. I to see lots of thai women walking round with their sugar daddies. I just thought that these geysers were dudes but now that i think about it......nah they mail ordered theres. Did u hear about frankensteins mail order wife. She came in pieces. Sorry, that just came to me. Had to put it out there though, lol.
Id buy a BQ1640 from a Trotter so long as it was for a fiver.
Yeah i was thinking the same thing as LUK. Was kinda curious because i thought u were also talking about 16x DL disks. Wouldnt matter anyway as i hav the same burner as you and its max writing speed for DL' are 4x. Sounds kinda slow by todays standards but like most Team members say, burning at 2x on Verbatim DL will giv u a quality disk. I usallly watch an episode of 24 when i do... p.s. I had to learn the hard way but stay away from umediscs media. Will not work on that drive.