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  1. Seagull, please create your own thread and when you do so, post a log of a failed burn so we can see what's going on.
  2. Hello, I couldn't find this on the forum, but I keep getting this error when trying to burn large ISO files. Optimal L1 Data Zone Start LBA: None Found! (VTS 01) This image has not been mastered coorectly for burning onto a double layer (OTP Track Path) disc. None of the cells meet the 'DVD-Video specification' criteria for a potential layer break position. Do you want to continue anyway. I've said Yes to this and I get a coaster. When I go into build mode to do something, it tells me I'm over the limit for file size for a ISO9660 The file in question is 7,954,624 Kb How do I create a layer break in the existing file? Thanks, D-R P.S. I've switched to Verbatim DL discs because of this forum, and I've had no problems with coasters anymore! Now I just need to figure out this Break Error.
  3. It might be easier to just use DVDFlick or ConvertXtoDVD. They create the proper DVD Video file structure.
  4. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum. You should have set SUPER up to make a DVD with IFO files. Anyway, take your VOBs and use Ifoedit's Create IFOs function. Regards
  5. hi cant start read mode "UNABLE TO CREATE OR REPLACE FILE
  6. don't think so. download 7zip http://www.7-zip.org/download.html and extract the nrg file and use ImgBurn's build mode to create ISO and see if it suggests a laybreak when building
  7. Need create an ISO from CD (data CD), to make an exact copy of software media. What is ImgBurn optimal settings for this? Image Options(File System, Preserve Full Patchnames, etc, etc). The better will be if someone post step-by-step instruction, text format will be enough, no pictures is needed. Also, what is MDS file?(ImgBurn project settings?)
  8. Thank you so much for the help, I will purchase new media as soon as possible. Once I read the disc using ImgBurn and create the MDS & ISO files and put into one folder do I use the build or write mode to create the new disc?
  9. I don't normally use Imgburn to burn data, but have you tried "build" mode to see if you can import your files into Imgburn and let it create your image file for you?
  10. I just installed Debian etch on a second machine I plan on using as a server. So I figured I would give ImgBurn a try with Wine,so far it looks as good as my Ubuntu set-up. This is the first time running Debian so there is a bit of a learning curve and more testing to do. So far the only difference is that during the install it does not create a desktop icon, no big deal. When I get a chance I will post some screen shots.
  11. Well, just as topic title says, the "Optimise Duplicate Files" option got broken somewhere between version and (I do not have version, so I can not say exactly when it got broken). The bug itself manifests the following way: When the optimise duplicate files option is on, the contents of duplicate files are replaced with the contents of the ISO file being created. File sizes are not changed at all, just their content. for example, create two folders, lets say 01 and 02, with identical files in those folders (I have used files which vary in size form ~ 18 K to approx. 1.8 MB) Files which reside in folder 01 will be allocated normally, and their content will be exactly as it is on the hard drive. Content of the files which reside in folder 02 will be replaced by content of the ISO file that is being created, as if the ISO file is being created first, and then duplicate files get overwritten by copying content from the iso file up to duplicate file's size. I must note that images created by the two different versions of the program differ in size. I hope that this bug report was helpful.
  12. I am trying to create an iso using grldr as my no-emulation image. I get an error saying that there is a problem with the el torito configuration because the image size is not a multiple of 512. Is there any way you can fix this? I am trying to use grldr as a no-emulation boot. Grub4dos is great for making bootable cds. It will help boot almost any OS. Also, I don't remember this off the top of my head. If I use imgburn to burn files and folders, will the names of the files and folders be in all caps? This is the reason I cannot use my old roxio program. Grldr tries to find menu.lst, but it can't because it's case sensitive and my roxio puts names in all caps. I would really prefer not to have to get a hex editor to change the default path to all caps. Roxio will use the no emulation image just fine even though it's not a multiple of 512. Thanks for the help!!!!
  13. You can use ImgBurn itself to read a bootable image from another disc, have you tried that? It's on the same tab as where you'd tell it to make the image bootable - The option is called 'Create Boot Image'.
  14. No, i have been trying to create a backup for mass effect One thing i noticed by looking at other logs is that instead of Filling Buffer... (40 MB) it appears as Filling Buffer... (20 MB) COULD THAT BE IT?
  15. check guides section or look at blutachs sig in short extract the iso and switch to build mode and let ImgBurn create iso and it might correct/ suggest a layerbreak for you
  16. now when i go to burn, it displays: ISO Write mode is for burning disc images, not VIDEO_TS files Switch to ISO Build mode, add your video_ts folder to the list and then create image if you dint know what you're doing, read some guides what did i do wrong this time?
  17. Gotta support this request. I've been wishing ImgBurn's build mode had buttons to silently create temporary .IBB files and add them to either build or burn queues. The intermediary steps between here and there of having a build queue at all and being able add .IBBs to the burn queue would be great features by themselves.
  18. In build mode, goto the 'Advanced' tab, then the 'Bootable' one. Point it to the floppy disc image and tell it to emulate the 1.44 FDD. Add your other files to the 'Source' box (back on the left side of the main window) and then burn. So long as the floppy image loads cdrom drivers you'll have the ability to access the files you added to the 'source' window once you've booted from the bootable cd. If you don't load cdrom drivers you'll only be able to access whatever was in that 1.44mb floppy image. If you have a floppy disk you want to make an image of, ImgBurn can do that too, just use the 'Create Boot Image' bit at the bottom of the 'Bottable' tab.
  19. I am new on this forum, but I have been working on a standalone GUI app to control the Sony changer for the past few weeks and using ImgBurn for some time. Rather than rebuilding the entire wheel Lightning UK could add the capability to run an external utility from the queue (if it's not already present). There are several utilities that can handle the changer control part of this including mtx and mediachanger.exe. This woudl allow users to could create a sort of 'script' using the queue and by using the CLI utilities to change slots they would get full use of the changer. I'm all for a UI, but in conjunction with your queue mechanism you would probably get flexibilty that would require more work in a GUI (for example the ability to target disjoint slots or make varying numbers of copies of each image). This could prove to be very useful... Using this method would also free Lighning UK from having to support what could become a growing class of devices in the coming years. Having said that, how could I become a part of the Beta test group ? [i am dying to play with this] PS: ImgBurn is a truly excellent product and everyone should donate.
  20. I downloaded Img burn and one problem there is no clear online help that i have found. maybe i missed it. first off when you use the "build" function on Img burn does the build feature support VOB file format? I did a search on this and no support on the forum. if Vob is supported then how do i combine the vob, ifo, stream info's into a ISO file to be burned to DVD format? i tried to do this but img burn only converts the vob file only not the ifo or stream info. so the iso file is imcomplete. the image need to have all 3 files together (vob, ifo, stream) to create a complete ISO image. i even tried to pick the ifo file and tried to build it and "img burn" converted that file in only 3 seconds because ifo files are only 3k in size. now i know this process did not include the massive 3 gig vob file. for example, i have used "convert x to DVD" program and this does convert Vob to dvd format with no problem, it just take very long, as well as this program also supports "mpeg4" - "divx" and so on. and again instantly converts to DVD. but when i used "img burn" the dvd was screwed up due to lack of complete files. does the "build" function support other file formats such as "Divx avi" or "mpeg4"?
  21. back to basics an ISO is just a handy container for almost all image files to be DVD compliant the files within the ISO have to be VOBS,IFOs,BUPS ect ect Imgburn will build you a dvd and burn it if you only have the VOBS,IFOs,BUPS files ( or just create an ISO of it onto your hdd for you if you choose) in WRITE mode it will burn any ISO's you have on your hard drive to a disc BUILD mode eliminates the need of having to create an ISO to your HDD before you can burn it to disc Build mode will either create a dvd compliant disc ( providing all the required files are there to start with, OR it will create a DATA disc of any kind of files you want or have , but if they aint DVD structure compliant to start with, ImgBurn wont convert them. If yoiur struggling timewise with convertxtodvd try something else, personally i find it the fastest encoder there is . i also use ImgBurn to burn the disc in BUILD like LOCOENG does. I have to agree with you, the GUIDES section in the online support is not very good . it didnt even tell me how to switch my computer on before i chose one of the ELEVEN !!! guides to use go read this page GUIDES PAGE ----- CLICK HERE and all will be revealed PS. dont forget to switch your PC on first , as the guides dont tell you that bit
  22. I use ConvertXtoDVD to create my DVD files from avi or other formats and then manually burn with Imgburn in build mode. Never faced any problems with file compliance via this method. Alternatly you can use DVD Flick in the same manner as ConvertXtoDVD, but it will create the ISO for you and then simply put the ISO into Imgburn in "write" mode. viola! But of course check out the guides, they will prove to be more than helpful.
  23. 'Create MDS File - Auto' will cause ImgBurn to make the MDS (You DO mean MDS and not MD5) if the image is DL sized OR under 1GB in size.
  24. After reading through some of the posts, I *really* feel dense; I cannot figure how I use ImgBurn to create an ISO from a group of (random) files> Where can I find the 1-2-3's of this process? Regards, Chuck Billow
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