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  1. If you had XP PRO you could type gpedit.msc in run box and double click administrative templates , click on system, in right hand pane look for turn off auto play click on it and then enable it for CD Roms etc. I am sure XP Home does not allow this command though. You may be able to do it using the registry in xp home HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom. Double-click the Autorun value, and type 0 for its value If Autorun is not there create new DWORD value name it Autorun and 0 for the value. Edit maybe the registry from my xp pro above will not work in Home. As i found this after i typed it. http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/Win...dowsXPHome.html And this http://www.dougknox.com/xp/tips/cd_autoplay_home.htm
  2. Hi, sorry if this question has been asked before (I did a few searches but couldn't find anything similar). I used ImgBurn to build an image from a VIDEO_TS movie yet for some reason, of the three DVD-players in my house, sound can only be heard on one of them (the newest one). On the other hand, when I create the dvd's as *.img or *.iso files, they play perfectly on all three players. I'm just curious as to why they display the video fine yet have a problem with the audio. *EDIT* Just thought I should mention, I burned the dvd with a VIDEO_TS directory but didn't include an empty AUDIO_TS directory. Could it be that the older players are particular about such a thing and require and empty AUDIO_TS directory?
  3. What program did you use to create the ISO file? Please also post the ImgBurn log.
  4. There is really nothing wrong with that log, it is close enough to a perfect burn. A couple of things come to mind. The amount of compression used to create this ISO. Maybe try +R media setting the book type to DVD-ROM.
  5. have you managed previously to create a disc that DOES play on all your players with your current set up ? and if so, was it a verbatim as well ( same type/spindle) , again, was this before you updated the firmware on the LG as for creating the iso on an external drive, depending on how your drive is connected, you may create it quicker using the external hdd rather than the laptops hdd as the destination , you say the disc pauses on the laptop. is the laptop high spec ? how are you connecting the external hdd and writer ?, usb2 or firewire (1394) and have you daisy chained them if firewire?
  6. A log would have been nice. Still, it doesn't matter where you create the ISO file nor does it matter how long it takes. ImgBurn will chug along happily writing to whatever drive you've selected for as long as it takes to complete the task. The reverse is also true. Because ImgBurn uses BURNPROOF, technically, it shouldn't matter how long it takes to write your ISO onto a DVD or what your source is. Whatever problems you are experiencing can't be caused by the software. Trust me. ImgBurn basically sends a set of intructions to your drive. It's then down to your hardware to do as it's told. Next time you do a burn, copy and paste your log so we can see what's happening.
  7. I've got no experience with external drives, and without logs it's hard to be sure if something else has occurred during the burn. Having said that, if you've got the room on the internal hard drive, I'd be more inclined to create the ISO on it, simply to decrease the risk of data flow problems when burning the disc. Someone else here with experience with external drives/burners might be able to give a better answer though.
  8. you're supposed to create an ISO file for burning with IMGburn (Image burn =ISO burn) The audio Ts folder has nothing in it and has nothing to do with making a playable dvd
  9. I am not trying to burn or create AudioCD with ImgBurn, because What I would like is to create CD with ImgBurn, but I haven't found a way there can I specify that I want a CD ISO - not a DVD one. AFAICU, CD ISO is no different from DVD except size.
  10. Is it possible to create a bootable CD ISO with ImgBurn? In build mode only DVD* media types are available.
  11. I think you're confusing ImgBurn with a 'Backup' tool. Buiding an ISO from some files doesn't mean those files will keep the exact same name. Each file system has its limitations and those should be realised before ever burning anything. If you decide to build an ISO using only the ISO9660 filesystem, you should know that all the file names will be converted to 8.3 format. That's just how it works and all programs are the same. It's not the job of the verify function to compare filenames against those on the hdd. It compares what was written with what should have been written, data wise, nothing more. The program expects/knows (and the user SHOULD expect/know) they will be different so why show it as a failure? Logging was disabled by default because nobody sticks to 8.3 format for names on their hdd and nobody wants 20,000 log entries when they build a disc as the program converts all the filenames to 8.3 format. As I said before, it's not my fault that whatever you're trying to create an image from breaks Joliet specs for filename lengths. If it was on a disc in the first place, that was naughty of whoever made it. Now you've seen first hand what happens, learn from it. For people that just want to stick some random files on a disc, a slight truncation of names is no big deal - and again, people who've ever burnt discs before with long file names will have probably already seen that they get truncated and know it's going to happen before it actually happens. I've improved the 'non compliant folder/file names' logging option to let you specify which file systems to show the warnings for. So it's now enabled by default, only showing warnings from the Joliet and UDF file systems.
  12. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=32093 That disc you mean?! No it didn't burn fine, it failed to finalise it. A PC drive (well, a burner at least) doesn't care if the disc isn't finalised. It should always be a case of, if it can create it, it can read it - and PC burners can create unfinalised discs. The verify checks the actual data is correct, not that the disc has been finalised properly. Cheapo players play everything because they're designed that way. Maximum features, minimum cost - and without too much regard for any 'specs' that players are supposed to follow. Decent players (often with far less features) do things properly and expect things to be 'just right'. A 'just right' disc will always be finalised and that's probably why it won't play yours.
  13. I 05:08:01 Source File: F:\temp\shrink.ISO DVD Shrink does not work properly for setting the layer break it was never meant to support dual layer discs use Daemon tools to turn the iso back to files then use IMGburn in build mode to create the ISO ,you'll have an ISO with the layer break in the proper position,and like its been said those CMC MAG discs leave a lot to be desired ,but the ISo will be correct
  14. pity, is it then possible to create an image and burn?
  15. for legal reasons you can't get any help with decrypter sorry it has to be this way For IMGburn you create an ISO and burn its a burning software nothing else it will not replace decrypter You can use the build mode to create an ISO that IMGburn will burn download IMGburn save it then open it and install it open IMGburn browse (please select a file ) for an ISO select it and burn it or use build mode put your files in a video ts folder and IMGburn will create an iso and burn it "When I get to the part that I am suppose to copy ImgBurn.exe and DVD Decrypter.exe, they are not in the folders. " just download IB and install it there will be a shortcut on the desktop to open the software
  16. 1. Even the volume label bit is only used/copied/there because I was feeling generous, the others never would be. 2. 99.99% of people don't care about these field or even know they exist. I don't add things that have no real place in the application. 3. It's not supposed to work like that, so that's why it doesn't. You can't add a file from 2 places to the same place on the disc, so it doesn't let you. Organise your source folders/files so you only have 1 file going to any given folder on the disc. 4. Again, it's not supposed to. 5. If you leave it blank it uses the application's default one - so basically, it can't be blank. 6. There's no such thing as unattended execution. It's a GUI program and you have to issue a series of CLI switches to make it bypass the various dialog boxes. 7. The option says "Don't Add ';1' Version Number To Files'. Unchecking it would make it add them - as is normal. What makes you think this isn't working? The code looks fine to me. 8. The 'Source' box IS the root folder. If you drag a folder into it, that folder is visible in the root, NOT just its contents. If you only have 1 folder in the 'Source' box, it'll prompt if you want to make that 1 folder the root folder - so only its contents are shown. This is all by design. If you want a custom application you can call from your own, you should ask someone to create one and pay them for it. Or better still, make your own.
  17. Silly question. Why not create a Hotmail account and use Outlook to retrieve your mail from there?
  18. Help, please....>I really need to get this ProShow 2.0 slideshow w/audio that I created copied onto a DVD for my Dad's 75th birthday party this Friday. I am really a novice with DVDs on my computer - I know my 3 year old Dell has two drives, incl a DVD drive (I've watched movies on it.) Anyway, my ProShow is complete and ready to load onto DVD. When I click on the Create DVD and try using the standard pre-filled output selections, it seems to ask for a DVD disc...but spits it back out a minute later. (I tried both +/- DVD disc types.) Then, I was seemingly able to load it onto the show my hard drive via Roxio Easy CD Creator- but I am not sure if that's right....and I need to get the show on DVD anyway, since I plan to bring my laptop (2nd computer) and show the slideshow via projector. Do I need to burn this to a DVD somehow? If so, how do I do it? Do I have to create an ISO image first (via IMGBurn software)? If someone can walk me through the steps, I would be forever grateful!!! Thank you very much!!!
  19. I made a backup using DVD Shrink 3.2 and then wanted to have ImgBurn create the actual DVD from an ISO file. This process works just fine as long as I have Shrink - create a standard DVD format disc, but when creating a Dual Layer size disc image then I get an error from ImgBurn when I try to burn a copy using DL media. I have Roxio Disc Copier installed and it seems to work fine with the ISO image file. Again the trouble I run into is only with ISO files that DVD Shrink has created with the size of a 8.2 GB disc image. I have a newer Pioneer drive with the latest firmware upgade, and can succuessfully create Dual Layer discs with ImgBurn. Any ideas? Below is my log file: I 02:34:28 ImgBurn Version started! I 02:34:28 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 02:34:28 Initialising SPTI... I 02:34:28 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 02:34:28 Found 1 DVD?RW and 1 DVD-RAM/RW! I 02:34:29 Operation Started! I 02:34:29 Source File: D:\Movies\Large Format\BOBBIN.ISO I 02:34:29 Source File Sectors: 4,102,850 (MODE1/2048) I 02:34:29 Source File Size: 8,402,636,800 bytes I 02:34:29 Source File Volume Identifier: BOBBIN I 02:34:29 Source File Implementation Identifier: DVD Shrink I 02:34:29 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 02:34:29 Destination Device: [1:1:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.29 (F:) (ATA) I 02:34:29 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x) I 02:34:29 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 02:34:29 Write Mode: DVD I 02:34:29 Write Type: DAO I 02:34:29 Write Speed: MAX I 02:34:29 Link Size: Auto I 02:34:29 Test Mode: No I 02:34:29 BURN-Proof: Enabled E 02:34:59 Optimal L1 Data Zone Start LBA: None Found! (VTS_05) E 02:34:59 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:30 I 02:34:59 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
  20. I have had success in the past using Shrink to create ISO DL files that I can burn with Roxio. However I find that ImgBurn is a better buring program than Roxio. Is it possible to use IB to create a backup DL ISO file on an unencrypted disc? If you are dealing with encrypted disc images that is why I have been using Shrink. Here is a screenshot of the error message that I get - which is to say that Shrink is the problem.
  21. The problem here is not that ImgBurn itself needs the VIDEO_TS folder, it's that the ISO you're using is corrupt and totally useless. So you need to go back to the stage BEFORE it was created and create it again - but maybe using ImgBurn this time rather than whatever messed it up last time.
  22. This will add an option to launch IMGBurn from that 'AutoPlay' menu that pops up when u insert blank media in your drive. heres the .reg file Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlers\HandleCDBurningOnArrival] "IMGBurnOnArrival"="" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\IMGBurnOnArrival] "Action"="IMG Burn!" "DefaultIcon"="\"C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\ImgBurn.exe\",0" "Provider"="ImgBurn" "InvokeProgID"="ImgBurnOpen" "InvokeVerb"="open" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen] @="ImgBurn" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen\shell\open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ImgBurnOpen\shell\open\command] @="\"C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\ImgBurn.exe\"%1" This should be self explanatory, but basically, if you wanna do it manually... You have to navigate to the keys in the '[]'s in regedit, and create them if they don't exist, then add the values beneath it. ...ya, if yr not familliar with regedit that prolly doesnt make sense, but just google around, you'll get it. OR just dl and run the reg file. NOTE: If you have not installed IMGBurn in C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ then you have to change those paths... obviously. also, not totally sure that last %1 there is necessary, so if anyone wants to chime in on that... also, shouldnt this just be an option on install? lemme kno what people think, is this incorrect? IMGBurn_AutoPlay.reg
  23. Can someone please tell me how I should be selecting a layer break in the "Create Layer Break" window? I'd like to understand what the padding, %, LU, SPLIP, etc is. Thank you!
  24. LIGHTNING UK!: Due to the confidence I have in the Tayo Yuden Media and the fact that I have probably about 75 dollars worth of Tayo Yudens left, I will look into getting another DVD burner. I will probably get another Nec Brand DVD Burner, unless there is something better out there. Maybe this is a way to test out this new technician I am planning on hiring to build my new computer. Maybe I can get him to download ImagBurn to his computer and bring up a disc that did work out correctly and extract the video ts and audio ts and drag it temporarily to his hard drive, use the build mode and then create an ISO image and then burn it with his DVD burner if he has one at his shop and see what happens. Also I have alot of confidence in ImagBurn. I just learned this week how to make a data dvd through the build feature in ImagBurn. It is brilliant software. One question if one wants to donate money at some point in the future, to show appreciation for all the hard work that went into creating ImgBurn is there a way a person can send a money order somewhere. I am asking this question, because I don't want to get involved with Paypal, and I don't have a Credit Card. What will I do if the Tayo Yuden's fail to verify in the tech's burner too? Will I assume my DVD Burner was probably all right and then entertain the possiblity that perhaps it is possible that sometimes a bad batch leaves the factory. Or is the premises that it is virtually impossible this could happen. Thank you for creating this program.
  25. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=18812 If they did combine forces to create this music video to tell us how they really feel of us... MY GOD! THEY ART NIGH UNSTOPPABLE!
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