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  1. Stupid fukcing OS!! ARGH!! For the last year or so I've had an ordinary PC happily networked to everything else and haven't had any problems. 2 days ago I added a SATA RAID drive for a bit more storage space and fooking windoze said that I can no longer attach to the shared drive on the client side because there isn't sufficient space on the server. WTF?? 600gigs isn't enough? After swearing a great deal, I decided to do some reading and it turns out it's a common problem with Windoze NT4. The fact that I use Windoze 2000 (or NT6, I think), seems to be irrelevant. The solution: create a regkey called "IRPStackSize", then make up a number between 20 and 500 and edit the regkey before rebooting. Damn thing seems to work fine but I'm wondering what "exactly" I've done. Anyone? L_UK?
  2. I'm fairly new to DVD burning. In the past I used (and sometimes still do) Pinnacle InstantCopy 8. However, for any .iso files I use ImgBurn and also still have DVDD. Anyway, I was wondering if someone has a "settings guide" that shows the optimal settings for ImgBurn? If not, could you create one Lightning UK? I realize not everyone will use the same settings and most users are knowledgeable enough to know, but it would definitely help clueless newbies such as myself. Thanks
  3. I personally just get Shrink to create an ISO, and burn it later at my convenience with ImgBurn.
  4. Here's the skinny. I had a dual sided dvd, and created an iso for each. Then I had the bright idea of merging them to create one iso and burning to dl. previous post on merging 2 iso files The suggestion there was to pay $50 for DVDRemake. I tried the free version (that only exports the first 15 seconds of each chapter? Cell? whatever), but couldn't really tell if it would work on the whole film. Not taking the chance for that much money. So... I got VOBEdit and IFOEdit. Followed these instructions Digital Video Forums - Joining VOBs and then started over with these instructions Joining Double Sided dvds. Long story short, I now have a big ISO file, produced by Shrink from all these vob files, and imgburn tells me there is no layer break. So, I guess I have to add it manually. I've just spent the last few hours trying to figure out how to do it, and, well, I need help. Detailed help. I still have the Shrink produced ISO, and I also kept all the VOB files created using the processes above just in case I need to open them again in IFOEdit to do something. I read this thread where Ligntning UK! says: but I don't understand. Can someone please help? If it involves ifoedit, can you please provide details, ie exactly what I am to look for when I hope the ifo file (and which of the 2 ifo files I am to open), etc. Much appreciated.
  5. From: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4436428.stm US heads for internet showdown By Clark Boyd Technology correspondent in Tunis World leaders, experts and campaigners are expected in Tunis The US is headed for a showdown with much of the rest of the world over control of the internet at this week's UN summit in Tunisia. Most net users probably do not spend a lot of time worrying about who runs the resource they are using, but there is a global battle brewing over that very question. The internet grew out of US military and academic research, and the US government still has certain measures of control over it. Other nations, however, are clamouring for a bigger say and are pushing for significant changes at the UN's World Summit on the Information Society. The issue is expected to overshadow the summit, which is intended to focus on how to take the internet to less developed parts of the world. Government role Most internet users around the world would agree that the internet has been functioning, technically, quite well. It is not a monolithic entity. In fact, it is comprised of some quarter of a million private networks that choose to interconnect with each other. A California-based non-profit created by the Clinton Administration in 1998, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) is charged with making sure that these networks talk to each other. The organisation says its job is technical, making sure that web addresses take surfers to the right site. What Icann does not do is "run" or "control" the internet, according to Theresa Swinehart, General Manager for Global Partnerships at Icann. "Actually, nobody runs or controls the internet single-handedly. It is multiple parties, multiple businesses, users, and networks connecting to this. All these different groups, organizations and companies have a responsibility." But Icann operates under a memorandum of understanding with the US Department of Commerce. To some, that looks like American control of the internet. "The rest of the world doesn't want to see US hegemony here, in large part just for symbolic reasons," says Jonathan Zittrain, Chair in Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford University. "So there's one set of countries, anchored by Iran, Cuba and China, that would like to see some process by which governments of the world have a much larger hand in controlling the shape of the internet." Many African politicians are also asking for "regime change" on the internet, and the European Union called in September for a new, international body to govern the net. US stands firm But the Bush administration and many in the US Congress reject the idea. Both the US Departments of Commerce and State have reiterated that the US will maintain what they call "stewardship" of the internet. They contend that the US, working with Icann, is best placed to ensure an open, secure and stable online environment. And in a recent letter to the Wall Street Journal, Republican Senator Norm Coleman wrote: "There is no rational justification for politicising internet governance within a United Nations framework." That view has plenty of support outside the US. "We don't see any advantage in moving toward UN control," says Bill Graham, who works on internet governance issues for the Canadian government. "In fact, we're on record as opposing that. We just feel it would be bureaucratically heavy and frankly, unnecessary." Mr Graham supports a compromise measure, some kind of international forum that would have no oversight duties, but would help other nations feel like they have more input into how the internet functions. At risk Some in the anti-US camp are threatening more drastic action. They say, if the US won't cede some control, they will create their own internet. Michael Geist, who teaches internet law at the University of Ottawa, says that a world of multiple "internets" might not be a good thing. "What's at risk is the possibility that the communications system of the internet that we've come to rely upon, the ability for me to send an electronic message anywhere around the world, and similarly access websites around the world, and have little doubt that my requests will be recognised, is put in some measure of peril by the fact that we might have several different internets," he said. The UN summit is due to look at ways of getting more people online Few think this will actually happen, but the threat will be there as politicians and technocrats from across the globe meet in Tunisia from this week. Special preparatory meetings to address the internet governance issue are under way ahead of the summit's official start on Wednesday. "It's a political battle where, I think it was Henry Kissinger who once said, 'the fighting is so fierce, precisely because the stakes are so small'," says Oxford's Jonathan Zittrain. "Almost all of these things are in part the result of what happens when you get a bunch of diplomats in a room. "They'll find a way to have a grave disagreement, then have a way to work it through, and eventually come out with a communiqu?, and it may not have anything to do with the technically realities of the way the internet works." It would be better, Professor Zittrain says, for governments to focus on the serious internet issues that do need an international solution, especially things like spam, phishing, and cyber security. Others have called upon leaders to focus their efforts on the original intent of the summit to find ways to bring the benefits of information and communication technologies to the developing world. Clark Boyd is technology correspondent for The World, a BBC World Service and WGBH-Boston co-production
  6. I just thought I'd chime in with my $.02 as well. I agree with what gammalost said. ImgBurn is quite awesome (been using your software for a while now). The only thing I could want would be the ability to compile a CD/DVD session and burn it straight to disc (without having to first create an ISO). Since ImgBurn supports more formats that most other applications (CDBurnerXP can't build a VideoDVD, for example), I would love for it to support this functionality as well. It seems like this could be accomplished with a very simpe GUI. Just offer the ability to create data/audio/video and display a file tree where you could drop files from Explorer to. That's really it, though, I realize a lot would need to be done on the backend... I know that this is a bit beyond the scope of what you really want to accomplish with your program, but I would be willing to pay for such an application (maybe create another program that was a superset of ImgBurn that could also create the data the discs).
  7. That program would create a file that can only be used on dvd's, not cd's. I think both spinningwheel & I were under the assumption initially that you had a dvd burner, in which case that program would have worked well. I have successfully created a couple SVCD's, but I did them on some software that came with my videocard, not freeware, which is why I'm not confusing the issue by mentioning them.
  8. I use a Russian freeware Small CD-Writer to create an iso and then use Imgburn. You can get an English version here: http://rapidshare.de/files/7541804/SCDWriter.rar.html It will burn isos too but not as well as Imgburn.
  9. Some decrypting apps simply output the chosen video files and deposit them in a VIDEO_TS folder that they create. I think that it would be great if imgburn could be used to burn a dvd using the files in the VIDEO_TS folder like "imgtool burn" or have it create an image(ISO) of those files for burning like "imgtool classic or folder2ISO". Just an idea, it would be nice to use just one application to get the job done and in the end have a playable dvd. Thanks ..... John.
  10. I looked here and in doom9 for info re the possiblity of merging 2 ISO files (well, MDS files, really) in order to create one DL dvd, but all I could find was LOTS of info on merging VOB or IFO files. Am I right in thinking that no-can-do with ISOs; that I have to create VOB files or IFO instead (am comfortable with ISOs but newbie to VOB & IFO stuff, so lots of reading ahead of me)? I've read lots of stuff on this procedure, and it sure seems time consuming, unless I dish out $50 bucks for software that merges quickly.
  11. I hear what you are saying but I always understood "ripping" to mean copying DRM or otherwise "Protected" or copyrighted content from a piece of media to your hard drive. For example, "ripping" and Audio CD to your hd, or "ripping" VOBs from a DVD, these are "illegal" actions. I never considered making a backup copy of a piece of media that I own (for example, a copy of Windows XP that is fully a retail store bought copy) as "ripping". That's what I meant. I am not sure exactly why adding the ability to create ISO images of unprotected media would constitute a crime but I suppose someone will explain to me..... I mean if this were really illegal then how can Nero, Alcohol, LCIsoCreator, Roxio, CDBurnerXP, etc etc all continue to exist and having this feature built in and also charging for it!?
  12. Re: Cane toads short subject referenced in previous post Can someone explain what "shot gun a tinny" (That's what I heard, anyway.) means? And, is there a brand of lawmower called a Victa, or did they create it just for the short?
  13. Hi every1. just a quick question about DL burining with ImgBurn. I have some movies that are not iso but video_ts files containing the vobs. My question is since i did not originally create the iso with the mds layer break file, and wanted to burn the entire movie with the menus and extras on a DL DVD+R, how do i go about creating the mds to correctly burn the LB without getting any errors. Would pgcedit be the way to go to create the iso and mds file? or should i use dvd shrink on the decrypted files to create iso using full backup with no compression and use ImgBurn instead? I just need to know which prog to use to create the dl iso with a flawless lb since i don't have a mds file to begin with. Thanks in advance for your help.
  14. Thanks for that LUK! When we were testing PgcEdit's ISO making, we wondered what was in the MDS file - as your advice was to select it in preference to the ISO - and how we might create an MDS from PgcEdit. In practice, the absence of an MDS has not been a bad thing for both SL and DL burns (at least for me). What exactly is in it, if I may ask? Regards
  15. blutach, Yes you can make an MDS via 'Create DVD MDS file' in the tools menu. I assume that's what you're talking about? It doesn't contain layerbreak info though... never did.
  16. It can't put it where it needs to be. You need to rebuild that image. Load it (via DAEMON Tools or something) into PgcEdit and have that create a new layerbreak / iso file.
  17. No I have not tried that, but didnt you say the DMGs had a sector size of 512? so woulndt burning them using 2048 cause a problem? well anyway I imagine that more differences in the format might appear if I added more files to the filesystem of the DMG and created a larger one... also what about the compression you mentioned, DMG being a compressed format and ISO being uncompressed? if you want I can create, perhaps a 20mb DMG with some nested files and folders.
  18. as you all know nero is not the best for burning dvd. I have made so many coaster using nero. and it does not take me 5 min to make a iso, I only have one harddrive. and i would like to be able to save the time it takes to create an iso to do something alse like play video games if cannot be done so be it, is not like i burn tons of dvds all i am saying is that it will be a nice addition to imgburn. I am soo with you on this Idea about ImgBurn it would be absolutely Fabulous to have this addition ,I have had Nero for about 2yrs (full paid version)did well before but recent upgrades are really of no use when it comes to burning DVD. I'ts nice to read a message with simplicity. Although there is the Legal mumbo jumbo Maybe ............just maybe" where theres a will there is a way"
  19. If possible to burn the dvd folder without having to create the iso for it. thanks tory
  20. I think I might understand your meaning. A tool to create an ISO image from ANY video file on your hard drive as well as burn that created image to disc. Is this what you mean? I have an image burning/creating program (OEM) that can do this but I now prefer Image Burn for burning to disc. My images are now created by DVD RB Pro, not the OEM software mentioned, and stored on my HDD for viewing/burning at a convenient time. For obvious reasons this forum will not support illegal copying of commercial DVDs or the programs that are used to do this. If that is what you want, try Google search. Good luck, hombre.
  21. A feature to create a data cd/dvd would be great. What I love about imgburn is its simplicity. It's not bloatware like nero. If you've tried nero7, you will really understand the use of the word "bloat" If mr lightningUK were to add this feature, there is a few things I think would be important. 1. Stay simple, only open some sort of extra window for adding files if needed. A good suggestion for such a window would be someting that resembled a filemanager like totalcommander. Of course a VERY simple one with functions like copy/makedir. Idea would be to "copy" files over to a virtual drive, and then press burn. I think this would be the easiest and most effective way of creating your cd/dvd structure. 2. Stay simple. Yes I know I already mentioned this, but it's very important. At the end I just want to thank LightningUK for making such excellent software. dvddec, and now imgburn, is always one of the first things I install. It's stable, easy to use, doesn't drink memory like a raving lunatic and doesn't mess up anything. I am hoping that in the future, more programmers will realize that there is a need for speed/effectiveness instead of lots of fancy crap noone uses. I hope one day I will be able to ditch all the burning bloat and have 1 small, effective program that suits all my needs.
  22. sorry for the delay, didnt know you had replied (for some reason i did not get the email notification) anyway yes here are 2 sample DMG's I created on my MacOS X 10.4 box. They are both basically empty, with just a single "readme" text document in each. The first is 550kb which is the minimum size allowed for DMG apparently, and the other is 2.5mb, for comparison. I can create larger ones if you need. Also, you may want to glance at the dmg2iso utility (now quite obsolete) to get more background info on this format, which seems to be quite similar to ISO. thanks I really appreciate this!! the files: 550kb .dmg (sample 1) 2.5mb .dmg (sample 2)
  23. Good to see you back LIGHTNING UK! and the rest of the time. Im rapt you guys are back and hope that you create an even better program than DVD Decrypter BTW love the new forum style!
  24. You can already minimise to the tray and I really can't be arsed to create a little icon on the fly as I read buffer values etc and then send it to the tray - not only that, I don't know how to do it!
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