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  1. CCD files only work if the image is named *.img So if the app is set to create them, it'll rename the *.bin to *.img
  2. Well, I've no idea why VLC associates CUE with itself because it does not support playing audio CD's from CUE/IMG file sets. I tried it just now. VLC does not natively support playing CUE/IMG files. I made an image file on a CD that VLC will play from (I tested it.) and VLC did not play the CUE file ImgBurn created. I tested a 2nd image file I made years ago for testing purposes and the CUE does not play. Now, it may work with BIN/CUE but without being able to create BIN/CUE to test, I can't say. I mounted the CCD file ImgBurn created with the IMG/CUE in VirtualClone Drive and VLC will play a CCD mounted IMG/CCD/CDT/CUE file set created by ImgBurn. What I don't understand is why ImgBurn is creating a BIN/CUE set when, for me, it created a CUE/IMG set of a CD.
  3. BIN doesn't work that way, as far as I know. BIN is for entire disc images. What you probably want to is to create a container file by Ripping the individual tracks in Windows Media Player. Or you could install VirtualClone Drive. It will mount .CCD files that ImgBurn, I think, creates along with BIN/CUE.
  4. The two are completely different. 'Create image file from files/folders' does exactly what it says it'll do. It takes a random bunch of files/folder on your drive (that you've added to the 'Source' box or disc layout) and builds an image file (.ISO file or whatever)... which is stored on your drive, not written to a disc. 'Write image file to disc' also does exactly what it says it'll do. It takes an image file (.ISO file or whatever) and writes/burns it to an optical disc using your writer/burner/optical drive. When the program ejects the drive tray and attempts to reload it, it's doing so between the writing and verifying stages. It has no effect on a disc working or not, just if it's verified it, you should know about any issues with the disc there and then. The correct mode to use depends on what you have/want to burn - if indeed you want to 'burn' at all. If you'd downloaded an ISO from somewhere, you'd use the 'Write image file to disc' option.
  5. Just to put things into proper perspective I have never used this program or otherwise burned an ISO to a DVD/created a bootable disk from it, I couldn't be more of a beginner. I picked up a used PC (from a certified MS rebuilder, I do not suspect any hardware issues), I did not want the HDD or the O/S on it, I am trying to get an updated version of Win 7 Ultimate on to a freshly NTFS-formatted ssd and get it running in this machine (I have the original media from MS but it is pretty old and i would be doing Windows updates all day). I have drivers for HP's main board on a jump drive, I am ready to go except for getting Win 7 onto the DVD in bootable form, actually I think I may have that now, but let me ask a question that my go a long ways for me. On the main screen of this program, in the mode that has the graphics (like the one showing a folder on the L and a R pointing arrow pointing to a disc on the R), what is the difference between "Create image file from files/folders" and "Write image file to disc"? The first time I tried the former, at the end of the process it opened my CD/DVD burner door (I do not have that option checked), with a message to manually close it, so I did and then the program seemed to start the process over from the start - this didn't seem right so I stopped that (I think maybe it was some sort of finalization process and I probably should have let it go). I tried again, this time I chose the other option, "Write image file to disc". It did the same thing at the end of the process but this time I let it go and it seems I now have a bootable DVD with Windows 7 on it, I put that in the DVD burner and rebooted the PC and it loaded Windows install program. Why would I have wanted to choose "Create image file from files/folder", though, as others have advised me to do?
  6. Of course you can add the Thumbs.db to the disc. Let the Windows create the file first. The file will be created in any folder that contain media like pictures or movie files. It may be invisible in the folder as it is a hidden system file. You need to make the system files visible to see it. Google it if you don't know how. Start ImgBurn and enable the boxes "Include hidden files" and "Include system files" on Options tab.
  7. i have an usb stick with uefi win10 bootable recovery from my laptop. how can i create an iso to save it to my pc? google gave me only non-uefi tips ><
  8. this is weird. try starting like this: 1. create EAC wav/cue (whole disc to one file). from original audio cd. 2. extract session 2 using BIN from original audio cd. 3. modify EAC cue to include session 2 bin. 4. imgburn verify against original CD. mine generates a billion miscompares. I also did.. 1. above then burned from resulting wav/bin/cue. 2. verified image against disc generating 10000+ errors. but disc looks ok in sector view at LBA it says miscompare as far as I can tell with my human eye.. yours come up 100% no miscompares on session 2 track 1? O_O ImgBurn.log
  9. I'm not really sure what to say about that. I believe you're just doing what I've attempted below, and it worked ok for me. I even reverted to the public so we're on a level playing field. I took the WAV created by EAC, the BIN created by IsoBuster and then made a CUE using ImgBurn's 'Create CUE File' feature in the Tools menu. Admittedly, I had to fix a little bug first that prevented it from being able to parse the bin file properly and actually save the CUE. (Yes, I realise I've lost the actual track info and just treated the WAV as one long track ) CUE File REM SESSION 01 FILE "Wheatus - Wheatus.wav" WAVE REM FILE-DECODED-SIZE 33:13:28 TRACK 01 AUDIO INDEX 01 00:00:00 REM LEAD-OUT 33:13:28 REM SESSION 02 FILE "Track 11.bin" BINARY TRACK 02 MODE2/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00 Write
  10. does ImgBurn preference CDTEXTFILE field in a .cue, and read the .cdt file for CD-TEXT or will it use the fields within the CUE if you have both? need to know because I'm trying to perfect my archival system to archive the original CD Audio, to re-create the original discs should be necessary. noticed EAC puts in CD-TEXT from the meta database places, but I intend to rip the .cdt separately and add the CDTEXTFILE field. also perhaps ImgBurn needs an option to rip CDT separately as well as specific sessions (for archiving data on audio CDs). current solution to get .cdt involves ripping an entire disc image with imgburn, or doing the same with isobuster, and isobuster supports the second session but always looking for a streamlined all-in one solution with specifically just what I need (including ripping cdt separately from entire image). notice EAC supports CDT too but the file it writes changes the capitalization of the CD-TEXT from the CD without an option not to! ie various artists becomes Various Artists
  11. also wondering about the TOC- in the CUE, INDEX 01 of SESSION 2 at 45:10:59, but the IMGBURN shows this as a TOC after it analyzes the disc: Session 2 starts at 45:12:59 in the TOC? what happened to that 2 seconds, and why isn't it being archived in order to create entirely 1:1 replicas?
  12. hi I'm using EAC to rip my audio CDs for archival, but come across some discs with data in session 2. EAC cannot rip them and arguable EAC/Cuetools/foobar2000 rip the discs audio portion more securely with multiple reads, C2 support, Accurate Rip DB checks, etc. in EAC I actually rip to FLAC+CUE image to save all hidden tracks and gaps. now to save the data portion losslessly. so I'm looking for a good solution and Imgburn came up as it has the ability to burn FLAC+ISO+BIN+CUE no issue by making a custom CUE. problem is, I cannot find an option to rip the session 2 data portion using Imgburn, even if it can burn such flac + ISO/BIN combination CUE. any pointers on how to rip that session 2 to a BIN/ISO to then burn using Imgburn/combine into a CUE with the FLAC/WAV? Does Imgburn need to add support for such ability to extra the session 2 independently from session 1 audio data? in the end hoping to be able to use a CUE like the below if I want to re-create the original CD as losslessly as possible, and even mount the disc and access the data as I see fit:
  13. There's an easy way to check and it won't take much time if you have easy access to a CD-RW, DVD+-RW, or a BD-RE S/D/TL. Just create a really small image file, say a few hundred MB, enough to fit on a CD-RW. Then, burn that image to a rewritable disc in the Pioneer slim and see if the drive ejects the disc after burn and if ImgBurn waits for you to reload the disc. If your image is really small, it should only take a few minutes to do all of this.
  14. Hm, I don't think turning off Auto Calculate would do me any good. I disabled it, but discovered I'd have to manually press Calculate each time I create something to make sure it doesn't exceed type size limit. It's just as "time consuming" as having to do 2 layer break calculations. I'm not saving much time either way. I think it's "more convenient" to have my jobs auto calculated and have to double up on the layer break positions versus pressing Calculate every time.
  15. i assume for the . dvd file it the "create image layout file set to yes and dvd checked? aslo create md5 file is greyed out on the read page is there something on another page i need to check?
  16. It’ll create a .dvd if you enable the option in the settings on the read tab. The md5 is only ever written to the log window though - and that must also be enabled in the settings.
  17. i was wondering if it was possible to have imgburn create a .dvd (disc Image file) and Md5 file along with ripping and iso see attached screenshot
  18. Barring all other options failing, maybe attaching an external USB CD/DVD/BD writer and Todo will recognize it as a source to create a bootable disc to?
  19. I recently purchased a new DELL computer running Windows 10 Creator Pro and when I attempted to create an Easeus emergency disk and verify that disk, ImgBurn reported several verification errors. I tried multiple times, same thing. I then went to another older machine running Windows 10 Anniversary Update (but with the same version of ImgBurn) and burned the same iso. It verified there on that drive just fine. I then had that older machine verify the disks made by my new DELL. They also all verified just fine which was kind of a shock. I took the disk made by my old machine over to the new DELL and the DELL using ImgBurn also verified it just fine. ??? So, it appears my new machine cannot verify disks it makes, but is that even possible? I attached two logs from the burn/verification sessions from the DELL. Is there something wrong with my new drive? In both logs, when it ran into an issue, I told it to retry and continue. ImgBurn1.log ImgBurn2.log
  20. Hi, I have a large batch file, I need to create ISO files from content of sub folders as part of it, my command: @for /d %%i in ("*.*") do "%MYFILES%\ImgBurn.exe" /mode build /buildmode imagefile /src "%ISOSRC%\%%i\\" /dest "%ISOTARGET%\%%i.iso" /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.5" /VOLUMELABEL "%%i" /start /CLOSE /NOIMAGEDETAILS /PRESERVEFULLPATHNAMES no /rootfolder yes Now, let's say that %ISOSRC% is c:\folder1 Inside of C:\Folder1 there is one or more folders, I need to create ISO from the content of each of these sub-folders without having the sub-folder itself in the root of the ISO, so for example: for C:\Folder1\Sub1\ I need to have the contents of Sub1 in the root of the ISO. A long time ago I got it working, but it doesn't anymore, each time I use the above command I get ISO files with the Folder in the root instead of the folder contents. Can you help? Thank you. Note: Yes, I did search, I know there are topics about the command line on the forum and many other forums, problem is, everything I found seem to suggest I do everything correctly, yet it still won't work, I hope someone can point me to what I'm missing. UPDATE: Seems my command is correct, it just doesn't work with ImgBurn, it's fine on, did something change with the command line switches in UPDATE 2: Nevermind, I figured it out eventually, it seems the command is case sensitive in, meaning I needed to change the yes for the ROOTFOLDER switch to capital YES, stupid thing!
  21. Probably because you built a Data CD and not an Audio CD. Unless you used the Create CUE function, you didn't create an Audio CD but a Data CD. Data CD doesn't care how long the MP3's file are as long as the file sizes don't exceed the side of a CD. And 12 MP3's at 50 minutes each probably don't exceed 750 MB, the amount of data on a CD. As you said, the resulting creation was about 550 MB, which would fit on a CD. You said you used the "build" function, which would create a Data CD. As you say, if you built an Audio CD, there would be no way to put all 12 50 minute tracks on one Audio CD. In fact, you could only fit 1 track per CD if you created an Audio CD.
  22. Have you tried using ImgBurn's Create CUE sheet function and imported the source files to see if the CUE file can be created by ImgBurn? I've noticed some CUE editor applications don't make CUE sheets that work with ImgBurn for burning. I forget what it was, but I tried a CUE sheet creation software and ImgBurn wouldn't burn the resulting CUE it created.
  23. Hi all. When creating a DVD-Audio DL image using both Audio TS & Video TS folders in build mode, I'm not getting the option to select the layer break when the calculator button is pressed. The Auto checkbox next to the calculator is not selected. When I go ahead and have ImgBurn create the image, I can see in the log that the layer break is created automagically by ImgBurn but with no input by me. This isn't the behaviour I remember from times past, what am I missing or not doing?
  24. Actually, it's apparently fairly common for LG BD drives to fail burning ISO's to Verbatim BD-R/E DL media. I didn't discover this, but someone else discovered, and I thoroughly tested it. I had already discovered LG's were rotten at writing BD-RE DL discs, usually failing at the layer change. Someone else posting about failures of BD-R DL in an LG discovered something, though. If you use the on the fly option in the EZ Mode picker, Verify will always pass. So, I did thorough tests, and it really does seem if ImgBurn writes an ISO file to a Verbatim BD-R/E DL in an LG drive, it has a high rate of failure at the layer change. However, in your case, XL media seems to burn fine in your LG drive. Or maybe you've never encountered an error burning ISO's to a Verbatim BD-R/E DL in an LG. I have an XL capable burner, but I've never burned one in it. So, I don't have experience to say anything about actual execution. Actually, if you have any TDK XL media left, you might want to try the Write files to disc option in the EZ Mode picker to create a disc. Unless you need an ISO like for a bootable disc. Writing to an ISO first is recommended if you can do that, though. However, you might want to try it and see if it works. What else have you got to lose? You can't really use the TDK's, it seems. So, if you have one left, you might as well perform the EZ Mode test.
  25. LIGHTNING UK! My problem has nothing to do with ImgBurn or how I create my ISO. There is something in the AMD RAID Option ROM or Windows, that is causing the failure because I am using a 16 GB USB stick. No matter how I try to install the RAID drivers once I boot my 16 GB USB stick, it fails. So sorry to bug you. I do have a question. At several times I have lost the Log file and I did NOT close it. Also I cannot figure out how to get it open again. View-Log is checked and checking it again just gets me the "head in the sand" response. How do I get the log back? Thanks and enjoy, John.
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