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Hi, Im trying to burn SUSE-10.0-LiveDVD.iso with DvD+R cds, on a XP SP2. Ive tried many brands of cds and burners, I still get fkn errors lol, although I have got the furthest in to burning an .iso file with ImgBurn compared to anyother software. Its annoying cos its not an old computer, Btw my "error" is ..

Failed to Write Sectors 768 - 799 - Power Calibration Area Error.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by sober
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Ahh ok sry lol..


I 00:04:18 ImgBurn Version started!

I 00:04:18 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 00:04:18 Initialising SPTI...

I 00:04:18 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 00:04:18 Found 2 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD?RW!

I 00:05:11 Operation Started!

I 00:05:11 Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\OutOvit\Desktop\Downloads\DAP\SUSE-10.0-LiveDVD.iso

I 00:05:11 Source File Sectors: 534,357 (MODE1/2048)

I 00:05:11 Source File Size: 1,094,363,136 bytes

I 00:05:11 Source File Application Identifier: LiveCD

I 00:05:11 Destination Device: [1:0:0] PIONEER DVD RW DVR-107D 1.13 (G:) (ATA)

I 00:05:11 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: RITEK-R03-02) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

I 00:05:11 Destination Media Sectors: 2,295,104

I 00:05:11 Write Mode: DVD

I 00:05:11 Write Type: DAO

I 00:05:11 Write Speed: MAX

I 00:05:11 Link Size: Auto

I 00:05:11 Test Mode: No

I 00:05:11 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 00:05:11 Filling Buffer...

I 00:05:14 Writing LeadIn...

W 00:05:30 Failed to Write Sectors 768 - 799 - Power Calibration Area Error

W 00:05:30 Retrying (1 of 20)...

I 00:09:50 Abort Request Acknowledged

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Yeah, that one of annoying things about old pioneer updates!


The flash update program doesn't work with many IDE drivers.


Use this 3rd party flasher instead.




Just extract dvrflash.exe to the folder you extracted the real pioneer flasher/firmware to.


The from the command prompt window, change to that directory.


ie. type:


cd \DVR107D\FW122


The prompt should then say




Then type:


dvrflash g: R7100107.122


Follow any onscreen prompts (cant help you any more because I don't have a 107 installed!)

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Thanx for the help n tha, I just lost all the shit off my hard drive bout 4 hours ago lol...Installin that 3rd party flasher thing :wacko: windows wouldnt start up btw I have now reformatted and re-installed XP-SP2. If any one else tries this shit..MAKE BACKUPs BEFORE!!..lol :P

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They should be... but the upgrade tool bombs out if you're using anything but the default Microsoft IDE drivers. It's ok now with the Pioneer 110 firmware updates though, they seem to work all the time.


You can force 9x compatibility via the exe's properties and then it'll use ASPI rather than SPTI. It works ok then.


I just wasn't sure if sober would have Adaptecs ASPI installed.

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Hi, I tried that ASPI n it never worked either :o .. btw the text ive put in brackets, do i copy that exactly as it is in to command prompt or do i have to put the name of the drive i want to flash where it says cd ?



( cd \DVR107D\FW122 )

The prompt should then say


Then type:

dvrflash g: R7100107.122

Follow any onscreen prompts (cant help you any more because I don't have a 107 installed!)

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it may be your trying to use the flash file from an xlb on a non xlb drive or the other way round etc.



and before you flash try just burning those discs at 6x max as on one of my pioneer drives those discs bomb, and if you have a flash in that allows higher burning than normal, drop the max speed to burn them down to the rated speed of discs, ie if they are 4x max but your using a hacked flash to allow higher burning then just use rated speed.

Edited by dontasciime
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When you run the official pioneer firmware thing you downloaded, it should have extracted it to C:\DVR107D\FW122


When you bring up the command prompt, you should already be 'in' the C: drive so you type that command exactly as I wrote it.


CD \DVR107D\FW122


All that'll do is change the 'working' directory to C:\DVR107D\FW122


'CD' standing for Change Directory

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  • 2 weeks later...
cd \DVR107D\FW122


The prompt should then say




Then type:


dvrflash g: R7100107.122


Follow any onscreen prompts


Ok I give up on this fkn thing, but I really need to burn this disk!


btw I get this error after doing those instructions as quoted above..


Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

? Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


C:\Documents and Settings\********>cd \DVR107D\FW122


C:\DVR107D\FW122>dvrflash g: R7100107.122

'dvrflash' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.





Thanx for any more help, also i have tried puttin .exe on the end of dvrflash in cmd to see if that worked.

Edited by sober
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download this from my ftp then extract it to your desktop. read the read me, as i have set up the drive letter to be G: as indicated in your posts, etc, run dvrflash by double clicking, it will tell you the drive letter of your pioneer drive. If it says G: then run the file called ascii. then follow onscreen prompts.


This is at your own risk just to cover everyones back, also dvrflash asks you to accept anyways.


check that the firmware inc is the same for your drive im 99.9% certain it is, as indicated in the posts.

someone else may check to be sure.



do not have a disc in the 107 when you flash it, make sure if you got key electric meter its got some money on it.


cannot remember if your allowed to have cd tray open or not, i have flash before on pioneer with draw open and closed and flash was successful, someone else will tell you for sure if you do some searches.



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Just extract dvrflash.exe to the folder you extracted the real pioneer flasher/firmware to.


Did you forget to do that bit?


Well, no thats quite obvious, I only quoted the complicated bit.



download this from my ftp then extract it to your desktop. read the read me, as i have set up the drive letter to be G: as indicated in your posts, etc, run dvrflash by double clicking, it will tell you the drive letter of your pioneer drive. If it says G: then run the file called ascii. then follow onscreen prompts.


This is at your own risk just to cover everyones back, also dvrflash asks you to accept anyways.


check that the firmware inc is the same for your drive im 99.9% certain it is, as indicated in the posts.

someone else may check to be sure.



do not have a disc in the 107 when you flash it, make sure if you got key electric meter its got some money on it.


cannot remember if your allowed to have cd tray open or not, i have flash before on pioneer with draw open and closed and flash was successful, someone else will tell you for sure if you do some searches.




Hi, Thanks a lot for your help m8, ill give it a shot now ;)

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