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Build iso vs. Destination "Device"


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LUK! what do you recommend: is it better to build an iso first (slower) or burn files/VIDEO_TS straight to the device? Or does it make no difference?


I have always in the past built an iso first (especially with DVD Video discs) but that was when burning with "other" apps like Nero and RecordNow.

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not LUK but..., it doesn't make any difference really, i burn dual layer discs from the files, i only save iso's if i want to experiment with them later

i suppose the best way to put it really is imgburn no longer requires an iso to burn from :)

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Internally, the two look the same to the burning feature.


Either the program supplies the write thread with formatted data from lots of little files it's reading (i.e. from 'build' mode) or it supplies it data from an ISO file (i.e. from 'write' mode). They both essentially reach the burning feature as if it was an ISO file.


It really sees no difference between the two.

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