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Regarding DL Disc..


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Even worse!!!!


A downloaded DVD - your friend didn't even bother buying it either.


You'll find no help here. Only advice to read section 1201 of the DMCA. Very carefully.



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A short history lesson without naming names ;


sometime ago , there was a forum that supported a prog called DVDDe*******. The author of said program ended up in V-E-R-Y SERIOUS trouble. Problem was, that program was able to do things certain authorities didnt like. People would openly discuss how to back up dvd's and downloading files which in effect is piracy.

Certain anti-piracy authorities didnt like this and promptly dived on author of said program BIG TIME !!!.

Author of said program had to make major changes and meet certain conditions to keep the authorities happy. Same author realised he had the best burning engine ever created and went on to develop the burning side of the old program ,At the same time keeping it as free/donation ware.

Now to keep the author out of trouble, he HAD to stay away from anything to do with what the old program did and things connected with it including discussion of it . in other words he HAS to stay above board .


by discussing backing up dvds ( wether its legal in your own countriy or not) or discussing downloading things ( wether there copywrite free or not)...............you could be DROPPING HIM IN THE SHIT AGAIN !!!

He's done his bit to let you have a great program, so have the coutesy to abide by the conditions needed to keep him out of trouble and above board :thumbup:

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Ok i wont discuss anything about backup


But i will ask about burning legal dl dvd. Just wondering does Img burn make dvds into Video_TS or Iso? But how come it only accepts Video TS files?. This is from that guide in this forum.


If ia mgetting this error:

W 10:28:42 Failed to read Sector 1455968 - Unknown (CRC or ECC Error) (0x10, 0x90)

W 10:32:20 Failed to read Sector 1455969 - Unknown (CRC or ECC Error) (0x10, 0x90)

WHat does it mean?

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ImgBurn can read from wherever explorer can, that's just how things work in Windows.


Build mode is for *any* type of files, it's not specifically aimed a video_ts stuff.


Remember that ImgBurn is a 'burning' tool, not a copying tool. It burns existing content that you have on your hdd (or anywhere else explorer can read from).

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