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It has the instruction on how to burn iso..but i was wondering if it worked with Anydvd? Cuz when i have anydvd enabled img burn tells me to disable it because it might conflcit with imgburn. So i was wondering if i could use DVDDecrypter to burn an iso by managing the layer break (to best quality) and put it onto an iso then burn it via img burn?? WOuld that get me best quality? Cuz last tiem iburned via Dvd Decrypter there was some freezing on my DL dvd toward the end and in the middle

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theres no reason to have anydvd on whilst burning with imgburn .

what is the media ID on the discs that froze?

dvd decrypter is no longer supported by this forum and we would recommend you use imgburn to burn so we can assist you

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Oh and burning wise, it's better to use ImgBurn than DVD Dec anyway. It's far Superior, especially for DL DVD Video stuff.


You just have to disable AnyDVD because it has a nasty habbit of changing data on the freshly burnt disc before that data reaches ImgBurn's Verify proceedure. Because the data has changed (compared to the image ImgBurn just wrote), it will fail verification.

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disable AnyDVD because it has a nasty habbit
It's just plain nasty!


Why anyone would pay to have a low level driver sitting permanently there, changing your data without your knowledge, is totally beyond me.


I think people feel that because they have paid for something, they better have it "on" 24/7.



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what is compatable with Img burn then? if anydvd doesnt work


The media iam using is the Mitsubish DVD+R 2.4x from Japan. I also have the ful printable Verbatim ones with code Mkk 001 that i havent touched.


If iget my iso from DVD decrypter is the perfectly fine? and of course burn it via img burn

Edited by davidw89
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Why anyone would pay to have a low level driver sitting permanently there, changing your data without your knowledge, is totally beyond me.



Exactly. If you're going to use it, best to turn AutoStart or whatever that option is to load on Windows start and set it to off.

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Please understand this isn't an ImgBurn problem so to speak so it's not a case of finding something compatible with it.


AnyDVD will cause all programs that verify against the original ISO file to fail.


Just disable it via a right click on the system tray icon, it takes about 2 seconds.

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davidw89, Nope, just use Imgburn, much improved over the latter for layer breaks. Imgburn will show you the best possible layer break position (s) and guide you to the best one. If more than one, I find using the layerbreak indicated one pgc 1 works fine. :)




As mentioned above, please disable anyDVD program as it will cause all sorts of problems with the layerbreaking capabilities of Imgburn............. :thumbup:

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AnyDVD will cause all programs that verify against the original ISO file to fail.


Just disable it via a right click on the system tray icon, it takes about 2 seconds.

I leave it running, because it takes about 10 seconds to disable and 30 seconds

to re-enable. AnyDVD is only modifying a few bits in the IFOs on-the-fly. It does

not change the data that is written to the disc. The VOBs will verify with AnyDVD

running. I see no reason to disable it, waste 35 sec or more, and lose my place

in whatever DVD I happen to be watching.


Disabling AnyDVD for verifying seems paranoid. All of the data can be verified,

except a few bits in one the main IFO/BUP file. At least, that is what I noticed in

the last version of ImgBurn (1300). AnyDVD is nothing to worry about, unless

you are paranoid about a few bits of the IFO/BUP files.

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Which makes for an incorrect verification. The IFOs are the lifeblood of your DVD's navigation and command structure. Those "few bits" are precious to me.


But 35 seconds of my life is not.



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As mentioned above, please disable anyDVD program as it will cause all sorts of problems with the layerbreaking capabilities of Imgburn............. :thumbup:

Nobody said that it would cause problem with the layer break. They said it would

cause the disc to fail verification. Actually, it's just a few IFO/BUP files that have

a few bits changed. I have never worried about this. I tested it copying the IFOs

from the DVD with AnyDVD on, then copying again with it off.


AnyDVD doesn't change the VOBs on the DVD at all. It has no effect on normal

Data DVDs, either. It just changes a few bits in the IFO/BUPs. People blow this

way out of proportion, IMO. Very little is modified by AnyDVD. They will still be

the same in terms of image, sound, and functionality.



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calweycn - put simply, you're incorrect.


Read my last post. You go ahead and don't worry about your IFOs. The rest us will, quite rightly, be concerned about them.



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Which makes for an incorrect verification. The IFOs are the lifeblood of your DVD's navigation and command structure. Those "few bits" are precious to me.


But 35 seconds of my life is not.



ImgBurn will show you which files verified correctly and which didn't.

At least, that's how the last version worked. So you will see that only

these IFO/BUP files would fail verification. And actually just the main

IFO/BUP, I think, for "non css" DVDs.


You can disable AnyDVD and those IFO's will verify perfectly, just as

most of the files do even with it running. It's a question of whether I

want to waste the time disabling and re-enabling AnyDVD, and losing

my place in whatever DVD I'm watching.


I feel that 35-40 seconds of my life is not worth that, when I can still

verify all the other data with AnyDVD on. If the disc plays and all of

the other files verify, that's enough for me.

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calweycn - put simply, you're incorrect.


Read my last post. You go ahead and don't worry about your IFOs. The rest us will, quite rightly, be concerned about them.



I have checked the IFOs on burned discs with AnyDVD on and off. They are

fine. AnyDVD just changes a few bits on-the-fly. It doesn't change what the

drive writes. It doesn't change the VOBs. If the disc plays and everything is

verified except one IFO/BUP, there is very LITTLE reason to worry.


Only one IFO/BUP would be read differently with AnyDVD on. It would be a

billion-to-one for all the data to be right except some bits in the IFO/BUP file.

AnyDVD isn't doing anything I don't know about. I have tested ImgBurn's

verify mode with AnyDVD on and off. I know what it's doing.

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You have your opinion. I have mine. I know enough about IFO files to not have to go further with this fruitless conversation. Where's that bloody ignore button LUK?


There is truly no-one so ignorant as someone who doesn't want to learn.


Have fun with those 35 seconds calweycn.



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AnyDVD can/will change whatever it needs to. That is in no way limited to just modifying a couple of IFO files!


It's all down to the content of the media it's looking at and how you have it configured.


A search of this forum would find you a perfect example (from only a few days ago) where it was modifying all of the IFO/BUP/VOB files on a freshly burnt disc, that then caused loads of 'Miscompare' errors during the verify stage.

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I also have another question in mind. I have 2 DVD back up made by clone dvd 2 that apparantly skips during the middle and the end.

I dont have the originals anymore as i gave it back to my friend.

If i copyied the iso using dvd decrypter to my hard-drive then using img burn and optimize the layer break setting would that remove the skipping?

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I also have another question in mind. I have 2 DVD back up made by clone dvd 2 that apparantly skips during the middle and the end.

I dont have the originals anymore as i gave it back to my friend.

If i copyied the iso using dvd decrypter to my hard-drive then using img burn and optimize the layer break setting would that remove the skipping?

What were the names of the DVDs you backed up?
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as mentioned, this is NOT an ImgBurn problem. anything to do with anyDVD or clonedvd should be discussed on there support forums and not on here .

THIS forum is all about burning with IB , nothing to do with copying/backing up or the use of any of the programs that are capable of bypassing copy protection :thumbup:

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I also have another question in mind. I have 2 DVD back up made by clone dvd 2 that apparantly skips during the middle and the end.

I dont have the originals anymore as i gave it back to my friend.

If i copyied the iso using dvd decrypter to my hard-drive then using img burn and optimize the layer break setting would that remove the skipping?

You didn't "back these up" - you illegally copied DVDs you didn't own.


This forum and its owner LUK can be put in enormous legal problems by giving you advice about backing up DVDs - even ones you do own.


But please, have some respect for LUK and the law.



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