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  1. Assuming you're talking about the physical discs themselves. It's like turning an apple into a banana. If, however, you have something burnt to a DVD+R that you want to burn to a DVD-R, that's something totally different.
  2. A place to drop stuff. It's a little window that's meant to stay on top of other windows (when the program's main window doesn't), so you can drag+drop to it. That in turn is then supposed to add dropped files to the queue (if in Write mode) or source box (if in Build mode).
  3. I will look into why /ERASE isn’t working for BD-R formatting.
  4. I've only done it a couple of times (many many years ago), but I seem to recall it's actually the formatting process that enables defect management with BD-R. So you format the disc with spare areas enabled and then burn with 'BD-R Verify Not Required' disabled in order to have the drive use defect management when burning BD-R. EDIT: Yes, that's basically what I said in my post above from 7th March 2012. So you need to format the disc to enable it.
  5. You're better off contacting Acronova. They're in the best position to support their own products. BS_Robots_Connect is only supposed to return: // BS_ROBOTS_OK If the function succeeds with no error. // BS_ROBOTS_ERROR If the function fails with any error occurred. It's actually returning 'BS_ROBOTS_BUSY' (402) So I guess, internally, it's trying to do something which is taking longer than expected? (or maybe it's totally stuck). Can you see the drive itself in the program? Is the device found in Device Manager ok? The drive itself and the robot side of things - I'm sure that would have an entry too.
  6. Is that drive still being manufactured or are you buying used ones? Any particular reason to buy that model? They all work, so go for something different.
  7. Not an issue I've ever run into myself and I doubt it's one I could ask you to faithfully reproduce. There is a degree of caching of the file info within the program - icon index within the system image list included, so perhaps that's what's causing it. The properties page always makes a fresh call to get the icon index, so that explains why that always works. I will make pressing F5 (refresh) ignore and rebuild the cache when enumerating the items.
  8. Nothing has happened to your files, they’re exactly as they’ve always been. Turn on ‘show file extensions’ within explorer, you’ll see the file is still a cue file. Just right click it and open it in notepad. As DB has already told you, the name you’re seeing there is purely due to the ‘friendly’ file association name (description).
  9. Please put a new blank disc in the drive, go into Write mode and then copy + paste everything from the box on the right of the main window.
  10. You're making a double layer disc / image. Pick a layer break position and click OK.
  11. Verify when you burn and post the log please.
  12. The link to the file in the first post works fine. You can always just use something like Audacity to reduce the volume and resave the file yourself too.
  13. You aren't burning an Audio CD, so your player needs to support playing flac files from a data disc. Does it?
  14. Maybe you just need to install Madflac? It's mentioned in the guide (last page/post)
  15. It's a buffer used for when reading the files from the source location. The files have to be read and processed, building up the file system that then gets written to the disc in nice little disc sector sized chunks (via the I/O buffer I mentioned before). So it's an input buffer rather than an output buffer.
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