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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!



    Problem: I'm getting a 'You need Administrative privileges to use SPTI' error when I start the program as a restricted user. Answer: SPTI is available to Administrators only. Microsoft designed it like this, don't blame me! Update: The policy/registry option mentioned below can now be manipulated directly within the ImgBurn setup program. You just need to enable the 'Enable SPTI access for all users.' option. Other workarounds mentioned within this post still apply. Update 2: This should no longer be a problem as of Windows Vista (i.e. so Vista and any OS that came after it should work). It seems Microsoft opened up SPTI (for optical drives anyway) to everyone. Here is a quick workaround for those people wanting to stick with SPTI: 1. Log in as an Administrator 2. Click 'Start' -> 'Run' 3. Type 'secpol.msc' and hit OK 4. Expand 'Local Policies' 5. Click 'Security Options' 6. Change 'Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only' from 'Disabled' to 'Enabled' 7. Close the 'Local Security Settings' window 8. Log on as your restricted user and try again. Note: Only tested on XP and Server 2003. Wording may differ on other operating systems. Windows XP Home Edition doesn't have 'secpol.msc' so you'll have to edit the registry directly. Open up RegEdit and navigate to the following key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Add a new String called 'allocatecdroms' and set its value to '1'. 0 = Administrators in the domain can gain access to data on the compact discs in the CD-ROM drive. 1 = Only the user logged on locally can gain access to data on the compact discs in the CD-ROM drive. See here for more info: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/cc957388.aspx If you're not confident enough to make the registry change manually, you can use a program called 'FrogRights' to make the change for you... or just import the following registry file: allocatecdroms.reg Please note: You'll need to be logged in as an Administrator to import the registry file and you'll need to reboot having done so. Yet another option is to use the Nero BurnRights tool. I believe this actually modifies the permissions on the device object (for some, this might be better than changing the group policy option). You can also use it to setup a security group that you can then add certain users to rather than giving everyone access to burn discs. ImgBurn supports several other I/O interfaces besides SPTI and there's always a chance that one of the others is already installed on your machine. Go into the Settings and change the 'Interface' option on the 'I/O' tab to see if any of the others will work for you. If none of them do you'll have to install an application that installs one of the other supported I/O interfaces and then tell ImgBurn to use it. i.e. You can use ElbyCDIO by installing some software from Elaborate Bytes or SlySoft - i.e. CloneDVD or Virtual CloneDrive. You can use Patin-Couffin by installing some software from VSO Software - i.e. VSO Inspector.


    Problem: I have installed the Adaptec ASPI manager but ImgBurn can't find my drive(s). *NOTE: Only applies when I/O Manager is set to ASPI - and therefore should only apply to old operating systems like Windows 95, 98 and Me. Answer: Firstly, I just want to point out that this IS NOT ImgBurns problem!!! Download + import the appropriate REG file for your operating system. It should fix the problem. ASPI_9X_Fix.reg ASPI_NT_Fix.reg OR, if you want to do it manually: Click on the windows 'Start' button. Click 'Run'. Type 'Regedit' and then click the 'Ok' button. Within the 'Regedit' program, navigate to the following key: Windows 95/98/Me: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\APIX Windows 2000/XP/2003: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Aspi32\Parameters Using the context menu (right mouse button menu), create a new 'String' value called 'ExcludeMiniports' If it already existed, ensure its 'Data' value' is empty. Reboot your machine. If that doesn't work, try installing the Nero ASPI manager. Be warned that Adaptec ASPI doesn't support USB / Firewire (Or at least I dont think it does!).


    Problem: You're burning at slow speeds. 'Slow' typically being no more than 2x - even on higher rated media. Answer: Well, it could be a couple of things.... 1. Your drive is slowing the burn down on purpose so you don't create a coaster. This is because it has determined you're using crappy media. 2. You dont have DMA enabled on the drive / IDE channel. (This is the most common cause of slow reads/writes) To check your DMA settings, go into Device Manager and look in the IDE Controllers branch. If you bring up the properties box on each of the channels (Primary and Secondary) you should see a tab where it lets you change between PIO and DMA mode. The above applies to Windows 2000, XP etc. On a Windows 9x machine, you'll need to look at the properties for the drive itself under the 'CDROM Drives' branch. You should see a 'DMA' checkbox in there somewhere! You might also like to read this Microsoft Knowledge Base Article: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=817472 Important: Windows XP will often get confused and report that a drive IS running in DMA mode when in reality, it's not. To fix this, Uninstall the IDE/ATA Controller (NOT the Channels!!!) from under the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers branch (again in Device Manager) and reboot your PC. Windows will 'find' it again when it boots back up. DMA will be enabled by default. The alternative is to use the 'Reset DMA' option found on the 'Tools' menu within ImgBurn. I know it works on XP, but I'm not sure about other versions of the Windows operating system. Either way, it won't do any damage so you've nothing to lose by trying it. You should also check that DMA is enabled and active within the system BIOS screen. That's the screen you access by pressing DEL, F2 etc when the machine first boots up. You normally have to enable it for each device connected to the IDE bus - it's not a single setting to enable / disable it. Setting it to 'Auto' is the best bet - rather than DMA 5, 4... 1, PIO 4, 3...1 etc.


    Problem: You get an I/O Error saying 'The Parameter is incorrect'. Answer: In the settings screen, change the 'Transfer Length' option to 'Manual' instead of 'Automatic' and put it on '32 KB' instead of '64 KB'.
  5. lol, dunno what you're laughing at lfc, your avatar is 180k !!! @dontasciime, Your old avatar looked better mate and it was only 10k bigger. Go for that one and just ignore me!
  6. lol I don't mind, I have broadband! Text appears before the pics do anyway so it's no big deal.
  7. Yup. If it works after a retry, it's no big deal. I thought you meant it bombed out with the semaphore error and never went any further.
  8. Does it?! Bugger, I missed one then! I'd changed all the others to 'Soon!'.
  9. Shhhhhhhhhhhhiiiit! 86k for the signature - and I thought that was bad enough, but.... 126k for the avatar! Thank god for caching.
  10. Yeah it will still happen. Get a different enclosure (or update its firmware - if possible)!
  11. lol, in the same way your 86k signature picture winds up the poor little dialup users?!
  12. So in that sense, no it's not just you

    Hey Everybody!

    van.... you mean this one?
  14. Faster now? We're on a proper server with a proper connection now!
  15. Ok I've changed the date on the main page and have uploaded the changelog as it currently stands.
  16. hdtools could be made to support reading/writing floppy sectors I think! I dont think zeroing the sectors is the same as formatting though
  17. Ahh, you have a plextor! In that case, you'd use PlexTools.
  18. With 3 burners, there is a good chance one of them supports the PIO scanning stuff in CDSpeed. Run the disc through that and show us a screenshot of the outcome.
  19. I broke it whilst adding some custom features Should be ok again now
  20. Are they failing during the burn or when reading back? To tell if they're genuine or not, all you can do is see if the disc id looks ok. Traxdata normally do branded discs though don't they - so you'd see 'TraxData' stamped on them if they're real! (or at least mine are stamped like that).
  21. lol this place isn't hosted anywhere at the moment guys, that's why it's slow! I'll probably drop the nethosted guys an email later and see if they'll have me back!
  22. If you're really stuck, there is one on the website
  23. hahaha I spent ages writing that one!
  24. lol my blue car rocks!
  25. Welcome back volvofl10! (sure i used to call ya volvo, it's easier ) You may have noticed you've been promoted again too Just waiting on lmao2k now..... oh and ken etc...hehe
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