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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. Indeed, this isn't the place to ask about editing DVDs or authoring your own - although there is nothing wrong with what you're doing. Go see what the people over at http://forum.doom9.org say.
  2. Happy Birthday old timer!
  3. Yeah it just verifys the disc is readable.
  4. Let me just refer you to: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtop...st=0entry2844
  5. Here is an extract from the Mt. Fuji Command Manual for Multimedia Devices - Version 6.
  6. So far as I can tell, there is no way to tell a DVD-R DL disc where to put the layerbreak. They work differently to DVD+R DL.
  7. Booktype is something totally different and it only applies to DVD+R/+RW/+R DL media. Yes the program supports all formats of media.
  8. It should be on a cell boundary (if it has to be in the middle of a VTS set at all!) and there can be 1 or more cells per chapter....so, I guess Yes, it can be put in the middle of a chapter.

    Image maker

    In nero, you just create a new data disc. Use ISO and Joliet filesystems (or ISO and UDF). I still use cdrwin from www.goldenhawk.com for that stuff! lol
  10. Disable all the file association stuff within DVD Dec. Double check with the DVD Rebuilder guy that ImgBurn stuff is working properly!
  11. Twisting things as usual lfc
  12. That position of the layer break has no effect on your PI/PO scans. The quality of the burn is dependant only on the drive/firmware/media combo. Software 'shouldn't' come into it! I know you've already mentioned the LB positions from both programs, but you did so without context. I need to know what's so special about that LBA. Is it in the middle of a VTS? Is it at the start? etc.. etc.. I'd also like to see a screenshot of the layer break dialog box from within ImgBurn, and a screenshot of PgcEdit displaying its version of that same info. Only then can I get the whole picture of things. Thanks.
  13. Try newer firmware too. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1905
  14. Without seeing the suggested output from PgcEdit and the info from ImgBurn, I can't really say for sure where the problem is coming from. Obviously they should both say the same, or at least offer roughly the same options for potential layerbreak positions.
  15. I'm guessing the problem is media related (spinningwheel's Number 2) Skipping / jumping is a sure sign the drive cant read the disc properly.
  16. Stick the 1.03 firmware on the drive too. BTW, what does the program say in the info panel on the right when you put that disc in? 'Current Profile: None' is somewhat strange!
  17. FYI Multiple copies + a queue system has now been implemented.
  18. Indeed, a waste of time! There is no registry entry involved when going from PgcEdit to ImgBurn, it's done via CLI. As such, there would no way for ImgBurn to know where PgcEdit wanted the LB if you're rebooting and stuff. After that, when burning in ImgBurn, a dialog box should pop up offering choices of where you can burn. What info are you getting in that box? Right click on the 'Sectors' value on the main screen and you'll can get an idea of where ImgBurn thinks a layer break can go - without needing to actually burn anything.
  19. LOL I like that one!!!
  20. Sorry, it was always available for me so I assumed it was for everyone! It's enabled now and should be pretty obvious how it works
  21. Why not go for a 4550 / 4551?
  22. #39;( I do believe I fixed it
  23. I know what you mean Moe but I don't think that would work too well in practice. It's obviously simpler from my point of view to just add another drop down box, but that then clutters up the GUI a bit. It also then brings in the possibilty of people accidently changing the wrong box for the media they're burning. If I was to combine them into 1 box via code and display the right box depending on the inserted media, people are bound to change the value with the wrong media in the drive, eject the disc and insert the right one, only to find the speed they'd selected had vanished and been replaced by whatever they last selected for that media type. The speed for the other media would then also be wrong. I hope you see where I'm going with this
  24. A quick snoop of cdspeed shows that there's is no easy of doing it. By that I mean it's not like DVD which actually stores the ID (in a readable format) on the disc, it's just a bunch of numbers (Which is exactly what Wesociety said earlier). I'm not one for building databases into my programs as they always go out of date and I may not be around forever! lol
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