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Posts posted by volvofl10

  1. because "hacked" firmware is created by people who recognise that they can make your device do more than the manufacturer can :thumbup: which in turn may save you having to buy the latest drive whereas your exisiting drive can be upgraded by firmware instead

  2. well the link chewy gave you is to a newer version than what you have. your on vSL00 and chewys link is for vSL01.


    although a drive may be new to you, just off the shelf. it may have been released in other countries some months before, and could have been sat in a warehouse for 3 months as well.


    its also available on the support page of LG 's Uk site

  3. dont know about the recent ones shamus, but the one i had was purely a cd player , with the convenience of not having to change the cd.

    at the time, large hdd's where still expensive ( so was the 200disc player) , but with a large collection of cd's it made more sense for me to have the 200player.( must of been 4-5 years ago now)

  4. afaik

    this refers to the sub menu you get when you right click on an ISO file on your hdd ( see pic below)


    as to wether this will alter any settings you already have............i dont know .

    you could always uninstall it if it does and reinstall your other programs , then re-install IB v2.3.2.0 and choose NO at this option screen



  5. did a dual test using an external hdd in a dual firewire/usb2 enclosure


    using the USB 2 connection


    I 15:38:23 Device: [0:0:0] USB 2.0 Storage Device 0100 (K:) (USB)

    I 15:38:23 Device Sectors: 398,297,088

    I 15:38:23 Device Size: 203,928,109,056 bytes

    I 15:38:23 Action: Verify

    I 15:38:23 Passes: 1

    I 15:38:23 Verifying Sectors...

    I 15:38:29 Abort Request Acknowledged

    E 15:38:29 Failed to Verify Sectors!

    E 15:38:29 Verify Aborted! - Duration: 00:10:06

    I 15:38:29 Average I/O Rate: 26,304 KB/s - Maximum I/O Rate: 27,763 KB/s

    E 15:38:29 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:10:06


    using the mini firewire 1394 connection


    I 16:02:41 Operation Started!

    I 16:02:41 Device: [0:0:0] Maxtor 6 Y200P0 YAR4 (K:) (1394)

    I 16:02:41 Device Sectors: 398,297,088

    I 16:02:41 Device Size: 203,928,109,056 bytes

    I 16:02:41 Action: Verify

    I 16:02:41 Passes: 1

    I 16:02:41 Verifying Sectors...

    I 16:15:56 Abort Request Acknowledged

    E 16:15:56 Failed to Verify Sectors!

    E 16:15:56 Verify Aborted! - Duration: 00:13:14

    I 16:15:56 Average I/O Rate: 35,017 KB/s - Maximum I/O Rate: 42,196 KB/s

    E 16:15:56 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:13:14


    in this instance, mini firewire was faster


    for the fun of it, i did the test on 1 of the internal drives on a laptop and got the following


    I 13:26:57 Operation Started!

    I 13:26:57 Device: [2:2:0] HTE72606 0M9AT00 MH4O (J:) (ATA)

    I 13:26:57 Device Sectors: 117,210,240

    I 13:26:57 Device Size: 60,011,642,880 bytes

    I 13:26:57 Action: Verify

    I 13:26:57 Passes: 1

    I 13:26:57 Verifying Sectors...

    I 13:59:08 Verify Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:32:11

    I 13:59:08 Average I/O Rate: 30,349 KB/s - Maximum I/O Rate: 42,863 KB/s

    I 13:59:08 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:32:11


    given its a laptop with 7200rpm drives, i was quite impressed with the comparisson with the externals speeds

  6. if its mechanism is anything like the sony 200 disc multi cd changer i had, then it wont be long till yours dies .sounded like a brilliant idea at the time, to have 200 audio cds in the rotating carousel, and just select which one to listen to, but after what i would say was very "light" use the 1st one died, as did its replacement, and the following 2 replacements

    after that ! . a total of 4 machines within 12 months .the saving grace was my retailer gave me my money back after the 12 months and 4th machine went wrong. ( UK warranty is usually 12 months), purely because i was a good customer of his for other electrical items.

    funnily enough, i just checked out amazon and found the first 2 reviews on this page to be similar to my experience with the 200 disc cd changer


    although in fairness, the comments on the XL1B are in its favour

  7. what make and model recorder does he have, because the cheaper end of the market ones only wrote to +RW , most RAM recorders were middle to top of the range to top .

    You cant change a RW to RAM format at all .

    If your fortunate enough to have a RAM capable drive on your PC, then a good prog to get is tmpgenc dvdauthor, which will allow you to read and convert to normal +/- discs if you want to save/archive your camcorder footage.( my panny only does -rw and RAM)

    Bought my RAM discs from svp about 3 years ago, and they still perform well now after many many recordings

  8. your STILL writing at MAX instead of a slow speed.


    save me going thru all of the thread again, is this drive in a laptop ?? forget that , it IS a laptop.

    I havent heard of a laptop that will burn a dual layer disc much faster than 2.4 x , so reduce your speed manually in ImgBurn.

    There does seem to be an issue with this drive in laptops, and 1 suggestion was to go to HP's site and download chipset and program updates . Another person got HP to send a new drive and this cured his problems.


    Personally, I would give up on the internal drive, and go and buy an external one via usb2 or firewire. i say this as ive only ever had laptops and found an external writer to be the best solution

  9. as its a laptop internal drive ?? try reducing the write speed according to what the laptops manufacturer's write speeds are .The write speeds shown on the log file are what the actual media speeds are , and not necassarily your writers speeds, and you had the write speed set to MAX in your log.


    I recently discovered this problem with a laptop, when i had the write speed set at max, but the actual maximum write speed of the laptop was only 2x . i got various write errors until i set the speed to 2x in ImgBurn

  10. ...

    I 05:16:13 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW!


    the guy i bought my laptop from said its a dvd and cd burner....ive burnt cds and ive watched movies on it...does this log say it burns dvds?


    he's had you over then im afraid. its only a dvd reader and not a dvd writer

    although it can write cd's


    very clever system , they even leave you log's of all activity , personally i think there taking the piss though

  11. different drives have different ways of doing this.

    i have a lg that runs at 4x until 10% then goes to 8x all the way thru and another LG that goes to 20% at 4x then upto 8x for the rest.

    some people have mentioned 4x to 20% then hits max speed. different models handle this in different ways


    its like a car , you can't start off at 100 MPH, you have to build upto it.

  12. NL: as in Netherlands ? If so, try HERE in the Uk. they do ship to all of europe and even the US by the look of it .( looks like they deal with meritline)

    a Highly reputable company ( no im not connected to them at all, just a satisfied customer like most Beta team members)


    Verbatims seem in short supply EVERYWHERE in the EU at the moment

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