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Posts posted by volvofl10

  1. W 15:11:57 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write

    E 15:11:58 Failed to Write Sectors 1914528 - 1914559 - Power Calibration Area Error


    bottom line is its your media


    I 14:46:29 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D01-67) (Speeds: 2.4x)


    the only safe media to use for dual layer is Verbatim , nothing else is as reliable im afraid

  2. how the fook did you manage to translate the rules from slant eye to english /


    i think you might have made a mistake in the translation. My local chinese takeaway dood tells me it says NOT to put all the whole family in danger by putting them onto German/Triad controlled territory .

    you will notice that he was right, as when they all land and get initiated, they all start doing then German Triad salute


    besides, the thief looks like daughter #3 to me

  3. oh fook, they'll be pineing for more at this rate. I saw a few chestnuts amongst the last few posts.

    i did think to myself that lfc was out of his tree when he started replying to the thread.

    Looks like i almost made a hash of replying , Guess yew will birch me for it ?

    Wonder if its possible to get syc amore of these bad jokes ?? , wal nut if i can help it .

    Lfc you should of listened to your elder s ( or should that be spelt alder s) ,when they told yew not to answer back ( now thats an old cherry if ever i heard one)


    I cedar more of these to come yet as they are quite poplar unless your all bored as planks now

  4. and then rent for the rest of my life to avoid all this shit....... great !!! :swear:


    never really thought of Lfc as a rent boy :mellow:


    as for what the twats at No10 are up to with this is anyones guess .


    trains dont run where people want to go to and if they do there always late or cancelled

    Buses are a waste of time unless your travelling to a major city

    ( both the above are privatised organisations now, no national rail or coach anymore

    roads are that congested these days that it costs twice as much in fuel to get from a to b

    they've just wacked a tax on airplanes as well ........global warming measures

    ( it was cheaper to fly 300 miles than for 5 people to go by car untill this tax kicked in :rolleyes: )

    taxi's are just to damn expensive , bloody foreign cab drivers have the monopoly now and have hiked the prices up

    and you cant get a fooking rikshaw for love or money round here >_<

  5. W 14:13:30 Failed to Write Sectors 2044640 - 2044671 - Invalid Address For Write

    W 14:13:30 Retrying (1 of 20)...

    W 14:13:30 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write

    W 14:13:30 Retrying (2 of 20)...

    W 14:13:30 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write




    as it says , Invalid address for Write . meaning the drive cannot follow the instructions to write to the disc at the point it should write. Botttom line is its the media

    you can see it managed to write to the disc till it got to sector 2044640 , then it just didnt recognise the disc .

    You may find a brand that will work, ut i suggest as wel that you go straight to verbatim's.


    in the pop up error message you posted , the write error occured at sector 1631328 which shows that the writer struggles with the discs at various points. sector 1631328 is probably in layer 0 on this occasion

  6. so its not the new Visa card with free "T" then ?


    i see lfc finally admits he's an old PRO then >_< , but then we knew that since we saw him on that street corner on the dock road

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