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Posts posted by volvofl10

  1. was it a Thiunderclap firework ??


    saw either jackass or the finnish version where they fire rockets from out there arse, except they tie the end to a close by object, so after its took off, it flys around there arse and knackers for a while in a tight orbit :lol:

  2. they reckon the worst combination of numbers to use is 1,2,3,4,5,6 . IF they came out there would be hundreds/thousands of winners , so i use 2,3,4,5,6,7 :lol:

  3. mobile phones are more of a nuisance than a good thing . you did well getting a modern phone to last the full 12 months

    strikes me that most consumer items today are designed to self destruct in the 13th month in the UK ( theres a 12 month gaurantee on most new things in the UK ).

  4. he aint goin to die till the middle of next year at least >_< not till he's been tried on some other count that could lead to a death sentance according to the news today !!!!

    still, plenty of time to advertise ready for the pay for view event :lol:

  5. its normally the modem that cops it first when lightnings about , think this is down to phone cables passing the strike along the way , and the moidem is first in line.

    was anything else like video recorder or tv plugged in ?, this may help eliminate the possibility of the house being struck as the culprit ot if the phone lines was hit .

    worth ch3ecking the tv out as well, as the aerial would have sent excess power down the coax cable straight to the tv.

  6. ( hope i havent put my nose in where i shouldn't with that one )

    as Shamus used to say volvo, one slip of the tongue and you're in the shit mate !!! =))


    well just as long as i havent put my foot in it then :lol:

  7. cunning linguists :D


    remind me of Bonds "Goldfinger" with Pussy Galore and her cunning stunt :w00t: , what was her mates name ?, Mary Hinge ?


    talking of spelling, "Vagina" . Now thats a c*nt of a word to spell ( hope i havent put my nose in where i shouldn't with that one :whistling: )

  8. basically, your drive does not like that brand/ink/dye of media. its having difficulty seeing it.

    a firmware update for your drive "may" cure the problem , but better off getting a good media like taiyo yuden or verbatim

  9. if you actually read the error message , it tells you what the problem is ;)

    in the case of this one, its a read error at sector 1749328

    and the error in the log also tells you

    E 14:21:16 Failed to read Sector 1749328 - L-EC Uncorrectable Error


    as kenadjian says, a simple speck of dust would be enough to make a disc fail to verify

    at least with the error message you got, you are able to resolve the problem by a process of elimination , with the error you suggest you could have someone burn 100 discs before they find out theyve left anydvd running or an ide cable has come loose since the actual burn

  10. ive beta tested with firewire ext HDD's for some time, and have no problem whatsoever at 8X . thats mainly due to my external writer only going to 8x with -R discs.


    if your writer is a 12x model or higher then give it a try , see how it goes. i would avoid 16x though as most 16x media isnt brilliant

  11. im sure your media is the problem .

    your error message said "unrecovered read error" this means that your drive cant read from the actual discs to verify it against the original file . Common problem with lower quality discs im afraid . Had it of been CMC dye/ink based media, it would have probably bevome unreadable before you even finished writing the disc :lol:

  12. Thanks to all who took the trouble to post a reply.

    Finally gave in, in spite of exteme doubts, and bought a pack of Verbatim discs.

    Guess what......perfect burn first time!




    Glad you got there in the end , try and stick to verbatim media for any Dual layer stuff, and avoid -R DL media as well :thumbup:


    it was more a case of being lucky with the datawrite ones you used previously. sadly they haven't got the hang of consistency yet

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