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Posts posted by volvofl10

  1. BWA HA HA HA , the whole world wants things done faster and quicker, then someone suggests making something slower :wacko:


    wasent so long ago that you could only write at 4x max , and you had to stop any AV prog running, dont open any other apps at the same time ect ect .


    NOW i can build an ISO at

    I 22:56:53 Average Write Rate: 10,345 KB/s (69.0x) - Maximum Write Rate: 18,463 KB/s (123.1x)

    AND browse and have Word open at the same time and run AV :o


    LUk, can you slow it down please , maybe to 68x

  2. We're paying $3/gal for gas (about 1.60 pounds). At first people were losing their minds, but people are used to it. Britain is oil self-sufficient (which we would be if we actually drilled our own friggin' oil!) so how the HELL do you pay US$9 a gallon??? There would literally be rioting in the streets over here.


    (The exchange rate, as of Friday, was $1.90 to the pound.)


    not petrol, but draught BEER works out at 9 Uk pounds a gallon !!! actually thats wrong, i worked it out at 4.54 but 4.54 is the litres to gallon conversion .

    8 pints at 2 quid a throw = 16 uk pounds a gallon !!!! x $1.90 = $US 30 a gallon

    petrol is cheap in comparisson at approx 4.20Uk pounds a gallon or $US 8 a gallon , most of that is Tax that maggie and tony and any other daft prick in charge allows the treasurer to keep increasing

  3. your system CANNOT handle writing at 12x . proof is in your graphs above


    1st graph shows average write rate at 4.86x and maxed at 9.51x , even though you selected 12x ( this is about normal for a laptop and firewire writer, although you should be able to hit a constant 8x write)


    2nd graph shows average write rate 8.37x and maxed at 21.51x !!!!


    if it could write constantly at 12x then the average would show something like 11x and upwards.

    in the first graph using 32k , you can see your drive was starting to struggle trying to write at a constant 8x ( between the 1gb and 1,5gb mark) , the write speed dropped, the buffers dropped and the write rpm died as well .


    in the second one it says it maxed at 21.51x, which would be off the top of the graph. the write buffer line tried to stay constant, but kept dropping and recovering, but at the end it was all over the show , maybe the 32/64k difference, but more like the system could not sustain a constant 12x write


    was these 2 different images you burnt , as they look like they are different to me .


    again , as said previously IMO , your expecting desktop performance out of a laptop with a firewire optical drive , and this just ain't goin to happen ! just accept it ;)

    i even tried a USB2 ext hdd to feed a 1394 12x writer , and thats about the fastest I/O combo you will get with a laptop, and it still wouldn't hold a speed of 12x.

  4. Is that person blutach? lol


    No , but he is certainly very knowledgable in the field, and very often offers very good help and advice. well worth listening to,...................unless he's on about the Australian cricket team :P

  5. I've got 35 Verb DLs in the Small Arms Locker, along with 400+ SLs, mostly TYs. I don't know if I'll ever use them all. But since I've got so many, I've been able to run a number of comparison tests.

    ahh , preparing for war then ?? hate to think what you have in the large arms locker then :lol:

    Beers cost 40 cents in England? Cool. :thumbup:


    Think i will buy my first one when they are about 20p each.


    wishfull thinking :lol: about 2 pound a pint now, or $3 a pint . its dearer than petrol is at 9 pounds a gallon petrol is approx 4 pounds ( ish), in fact , bottled water is dearer than petrol these days


    sadly i cant agree about the wicked witch of the commons,"haggie twatcher"

    she was the worst thing that ever happened for the average man in the street. she killed off trade unions rights to strike . In saying that the current labour leader Tony "suck up to George dubya" Blair is just as bad ( trade unions formed the labour movement and got the labour party on there feet , but now theyve turned conservative as well , just like haggie thatcher was ).

    as for chemistry, all she did was conjour up potions to get more money out of the people of England !! . she didnt have a company car when in governtment, she had a broomstick ;)

    she was a grocers daughter, so why she killed off the small shops with taxing , we will never know ;)

  6. you all need to discriminate between 6th generation and 7th generation,

    bloatware, especially when consolidated into one package(125MB).


    we dont do discrimination in here :P unless its against France at football :lol:

  7. A short history lesson without naming names ;


    sometime ago , there was a forum that supported a prog called DVDDe*******. The author of said program ended up in V-E-R-Y SERIOUS trouble. Problem was, that program was able to do things certain authorities didnt like. People would openly discuss how to back up dvd's and downloading files which in effect is piracy.

    Certain anti-piracy authorities didnt like this and promptly dived on author of said program BIG TIME !!!.

    Author of said program had to make major changes and meet certain conditions to keep the authorities happy. Same author realised he had the best burning engine ever created and went on to develop the burning side of the old program ,At the same time keeping it as free/donation ware.

    Now to keep the author out of trouble, he HAD to stay away from anything to do with what the old program did and things connected with it including discussion of it . in other words he HAS to stay above board .


    by discussing backing up dvds ( wether its legal in your own countriy or not) or discussing downloading things ( wether there copywrite free or not)...............you could be DROPPING HIM IN THE SHIT AGAIN !!!

    He's done his bit to let you have a great program, so have the coutesy to abide by the conditions needed to keep him out of trouble and above board :thumbup:

  8. btw, almost exclusively DVD+R, though I've heard the Taiyo Yuden DVD-R line might be optimum - so no bitsetting there if I stray in future...


    well i can tell you that Taiyo Yudens -R 8x ( ID TYG02) work perfect with an LG 4120b drive. :thumbup:

  9. Peter


    again, i cant answer for the Guv'ner about the current version , you will have to wait for him to see your post.

    regarding the old versions, its Highly unlikely though, mainly due to the fact that LUK keeps moving/developing the project further ahead .

    Anyone who asks for an older version in here is recommended to tell us what the problem is with the current version and why it wont work for them as opposed to going backwards to older versions. LUK modifies the current ver if an individual['s] has a particular problem using the latest ver .

  10. as time goes on, and more drives are designed , IB would end up with tons of extras for each drive on the market . so its unlikely its feasable for LUK to add it within IB .

    whats the majority of the blanks you burn ? +r / -R/ +R DL ?

  11. as mentioned, this is NOT an ImgBurn problem. anything to do with anyDVD or clonedvd should be discussed on there support forums and not on here .

    THIS forum is all about burning with IB , nothing to do with copying/backing up or the use of any of the programs that are capable of bypassing copy protection :thumbup:

  12. as per Lightnings advice to you, read this thread HERE . the info you need is in it.

    i would of let you search yourself, but on this occasion, there is a lot of result/threads, and you cant search for "lg" ( not enough characters) :thumbup:

  13. its a bit of a poor story really , after all , who can deny Firefighters ( or other emergency service workers) a bit of fun and a release after a days work when they've been cutting bodies out of car smashes or retrieving burnt bodies form a bad fire.


    if the prank had gone wrong, at least the fire brigade was on hand to rescue him :lol:

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