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Posts posted by volvofl10

  1. when you get the 403 error message, what happens if you hit the back button ?. does it go back with all your typed text in the box ? again, if so, what happens when you try to upload again ?


    the server does knock back certain text , like things with "" in it amongst other strings of characters .like an auto censor thing .

  2. In fact, due to injuries suffered over a prolonged period, it is now illegal for private citizen to discharge firecrackers in Australia.

    what a great idea, if only it was the same here.

    we have a major problem with the asian community , who have religious festivals all year round, and they let the damn things off any time of day or night.

    there is apparently a law that dictates you cant let fireworks off after 10 or 11pm, but no one takes a blind bit of notice of it


    November the 5th is guy fawkes night in the UK , not a holiday as such but the same ritual every year. i used to call it fireworks night

    also known as bonfire night , sadly we dont get a holiday for it though .


    as for Guy Fawkes , i bet none of todays kids know what the actual meaning of the 5th Nov is about anymore.

    theres several large events take plac eon the night, and if the 5th is midweek, you are gauranteed to have "war zones" taking place on the fri/sat before and after the 5th.

    personal opinion is it should go like Oz has, and only have big displays at organised events, mainly for safety reasons.

    another majoir headache, is that lots of vacant shops suddenly open from sept till xmas selling fireworks, which means you get the local kids letting the damn things off for 3 months .little bastards .


    If only guy Fawkes hadent lit his ciggarette until he had left the tunnel leading from the houses of parliament , may be Nov 5th would be just another ordinary day/night

  3. I have also noticed consistently higher error rates with ImgBurn (all versions) than

    DVDD. I'm using YUDEN-T02, MCC 004, RITEK G04, and MKM 001, burned by NEC

    3540 and BenQ 1640. Newest firmware in each. I burn everything at 2-4x. Despite

    claims to the contrary, I've found there's a difference between the two programs.

    ImgBurn doesn't burn as well and discs are more likely to have skipping, freezing,

    or pixellation in picky machines.

    so this wouldnt be anything to do with overcompression in shrink , or just poor quality files in the first place then ?

    if you burn an image with IB and the same Image with say Decrypter, your stating that the IB doesn't play very well, and the Decrypter one does ? , think carefully before you answer

    The errors are only a bit higher, like 1/3 to 1/2, but the playback is worse than the

    relative increase would indicate. I have seen everyone deny this repeatedly, but I

    have burned dozens of images with media from the same spindle and the pattern

    is undeniable.


    theres nothing to deny I'm afraid, so far theres 2 of you out of some 23,000 known users/members of IB who are claiming this .(

    Nothing can be faulted in my media, drives, or burning methods. By

    the way, the reason I burn at 2-4x is because that minimizes the problems, but I

    still use DVDD for burning as much as possible. It's far better, IMO.

    you forgot to mention all of your players are perfect as well ;) .Actually READ the paragraph you just wrote !! , this is where you lost all respect from members in here,"Nothing can be faulted in my media, drives, or burning methods" , you must be the luckiest guy in the world , where nothing is ever your fault and your equipment is PERFECT ! NO ONE would ever make a claim like that because you cant , how do you know your drives are factory perfect ?, how do you know the spindle of media is perfect, why do you burn at 2.4x when most firmware write strategies are for faster than 2.4x writing . what do you know that the drive /media manufacturers don't ?
    ImgBurn would be great, if it weren't for all the bugs and inconsistencies.


    you know you lost all respect 2 paragraphs ago , well you just fucked yourself all together with the last statement ;) ,, you prove to me of a BUG that hasn't been investigated or sorted, or prove ANY inconsistencies within the program that hasn't been sorted out or discussed since V2, Come on, back your claims up . lets see a bit of proof on your behalf. i don't want to read excuses or crap, give me ACTUAL PROOF , saying "Nothing can be faulted in my media, drives, or burning methods" isn't good enough PROOF though !

    <pauses for calweycn to go back and CAREFULLY read the exact words>


    Post proof in here that its Ib fault , don't forget " hearsay" isn't good enough either .

    You don't have to use IB, and personally id rather you went and used something else instead , especially if it means we wont have to keep reading your unsubstantiated claims about IB or listening to you claiming how bad it is ect ect

  4. how you "back" them up is no concern for us in here , however

    cant see how Ib would make a bad disc and DVDD******** wouldnt. basically its the same burn engine with improvements.

    suspect more a case of a duff disc, or a dirty disc .

    was the comparisson of both discs made on the same dvd player

    if you could post a log file of a failed burn that would help us

  5. as per shamus's post above

    your drive isnt happy writing to that media( it dosnt have a write strategy for the media), but by updating the firmware , the drive should then have a strategy for writing to it after the firmware update.

    you already have the best media for DL , so youronly option si to alter the drive and its performance, the firmware will do this for you :thumbup:

    although not directly related, suggest upgrading your O/S to service pack 2

  6. Why are we discussing perol prices


    Petrol = dvd/cd :w00t:


    never let something as simple as a "Topic" get in the way of a good conversation :thumbup:



    thats funny, id like to see the inflatable dog one :lol:

  7. i admit, i did ask LUK to put webcam spyware in Ib , so i could watch all the women members getting undressed ready for bed, sadly my probation officer read my post and i was unable to download the latest version from the -5* hotel they put me up in .

    worse was still to come after i got out, it turned out LUK DIDNT follow my suggestion after all :lol:


    seriously, a simple run of spybot,adaware and otehr similar progs will reveal that theres no spyware.

    its an open fact that the program will try to find google and 2 other servers( cant remember which now) to see if theres a connection when the "check for updates" box is checked, otherwise, its squeeky cleen :thumbup:

  8. ive only had 2 panasonic recorders, both behaved like this . i was trying to put all our camcorder stuff to dvd , and i had old analogue tape with 4:3 footage and newer digital tape from a 16:9 camera.

    i was baffled as to why the output wouldnt go thru tmpgen dvdauthor and had to look up the problem , turned out if i changed the filter setting from VBR to CBR (will check out the filters proper name in a minute) in effect it would work fine and allow me to mix both aspect ratios in the same dvd-ram disc recording.

    i experimented and found that anything i recorded off the tv ( bad boy slap my wrists) would behave the same when say a documentry kept showing old cine footage from years ago midway thru.


    again, im baffled as to why this was, but is justa suggestion for jaymac in ase it helps solve his problem .

    likewise, i dont see what shrink would do to it, apart from re-encode as the same AR all the way thru

  9. good sales hype, so when they come to actually sell it, its goin to cost a fortune as demand is so high we cant manufacture it fast enough

    BUt we have opened up a dedicated manufacturing plant in the far east that will allow us to ship within a few days of your ordering :P

    Sony take note :thumbup:

  10. does the original vhs footage have "old" scenes in the tape ?, by old scenes i mean like a documentry where it shows old time footage from say the war or something ?, OR you could be trying to copy your own home camcorder footage from vhs to dvd

    if this is the case, your dvd recorder may have had difficulties with differant aspect ratios, ie mixing 16:9 with 4:3. although i dont see how shrink would overcome this and IB couldnt burn it as it is.

    if you DID use mixed format vhs tape, theres a filter in the dvd recorders settings that will cure this for you . been there and done it after many hours trying to figure out why it happened :thumbup:


    DVD specs dont allow differant aspect/bitrates on the same disc, according to tmpgencs dvdauthor

  11. Germany used to have one of the most realistic shipping costs until they went over to the euro from the Deutsch Mark.

    I had a package sent over (in the DM days) from Germany to the UK , it weighed about 9 kg and cost the equivalent of 6 UK pounds.this was using Deutsch pfost the German post office

    if i had sent the same package to Germany fromt eh UK using Parcel Force ( the UK's post office's parcel arm)at the time , it would have cost me 27 UK pounds .


    fortunately i found a UK supplier of blow up dolls since :lol:

  12. LOL corny. This thread is about guns after all. So, kiss kiss bang bang.




    with a 2 targets on your arse, wouldnt it be "shitty shitty Bang Bang" :lol:

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