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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. Patience people, patience. :coffee:


    When LUK! feels it's ready to release it it will put it up. :yes:


    Just imagine that we as Beta Team members are still on the beta version released on 10th May 2012 while he currently use and permanently improve it. :typing:


    Even if we are his little helpers, we don't have acces to the latest yet. :doh:


    Maybe that the spring is here and flowers in blossom LUK! will smell the fresh grass air and feel the impulse to release the new version.   :worthy:



  2. ImgBurn can make avchd or blu-ray disc if you provide the correct set of files/folders.


    ImgBurn burn the files as is. If you have the correct folder structure the disc should work.


    If Pinnacle doesn't output a propper set of files it's not ImgBurn problem. Search help on their forum.


    You can find old saved logs via Help menu.

  3. Win7 has nothing to do with this update. This is a drive internal update not system update.


    Something maybe blocking your system to automaticaly check for firmware update so download it and try flashing the drive.


    It may help or not with the discs you use but at least you are sure your drive running the latest firmware.

  4. If after the burn and verify the program reports "operation completed succesfully" as you say and the disc don't work as expected its not the program's problem or do concern us.


    The program just reports that the drive did the job as requested. Techicaly that disc can be read back at least by the drive that burned it.


    Here, we can't help you more. Search the info on dedicated forums.

  5. If none of the available writing speeds can produce a good burn on the best media you can buy or it's a hit and miss thing, than you need a new drive.


    Cleaning the drive with a cleaning disc (or manual if you know how) sometimes help. Probably the laste resort before you go for a new drive.


    Don't waste money on a cleaning disc, though. If you have access to a cleaning disc go for it, if not, better get a new drive.

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