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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. As I looked on Any Video Converter site it can burn DVD Video out of your files. This means it can output a proper set of files for DVD Video. See in the output settings or Burn sttings for option to ouput  VIDEO_TS folder.


    If you are using DVD Flick you don't need Any Video Converter. You have to choose one converter no need to convert multiple times from one format to other. Both support a wide range of input files.


    For DVD Flick you just replace imgburn.exe from Program Files\DVD Flick\imgburn folder with the new version from Program Files\ImgBurn folder and you are good to go.

  2. ImgBurn will not change or alter in any way your folder structure, nor it will convert to other format.


    You need a proper set of files according to what you want to be that disc.


    Anything that comes to be related to playability of the files is down to the program that generated the files. (Your camera settings maybe? Set chapter for every start of recording or whatever similar?)


    Try import the files in multiAVCHD and do the adjustments you want than make the ISO

  3. In the last session log it fails at to verify the disc that it just burned seconds ago.


    Seems to be a drive problem. Could be heat related.


    Try the disc in another drive/computer to make an image out of it.

  4. Sorry, I can't help more. I know nothing about script.


    I just found that on the net and use it for simple tasks to elevate a cmd.


    It does what I need. Don't know more.

  5. You may be the admin but you need to run the .bat as admin.


    Put this in the batch at the top to get admin privs


    :: Get ADMIN Privs
    mkdir "%windir%\BatchGotAdmin"
    if '%errorlevel%' == '0' (
      rmdir "%windir%\BatchGotAdmin" & goto gotAdmin
    ) else ( goto UACPrompt )

        echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
        echo UAC.ShellExecute %0, "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

        exit /B

        if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
        pushd "%CD%"     
        CD /D "%~dp0"
    :: End Get ADMIN Privs

  6. OK. There's no queue for folder burning as LUK! already said.


    You have two choices. Both imply to make isos first.


    One as LUK! pointed in #4 and the other is leting the program make the iso after the convertion.


    You can find info to make the batch in the ReadMe.txt file from ImgBurn programs folder

  7. Go to your username in top right corner, click on it > My Settings > Notifications Options to make the changes for email notifications.


    If the disc is copy protected you should see a similar screen




    If you continue when errors out you should see in the log something like


    W 07:54:47 Failed to Read Sectors 288 - 319 - Reason: Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication
    W 07:54:47 Failed to Read Sector 305 - Reason: Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication
    W 07:54:47 Sector 305 maps to File: \VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB
    W 07:54:47 Retrying (1 of 20)...
    W 07:54:47 Retry Failed - Reason: Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication


    Basically most of the DVD Videos you buy or rental are copy protected.


    If you get other errors, maybe the disc is damaged or is a bad burn. Scrathes, dust or finger prints can cause reading errors too.


    Post a log for more help as per the pink box above.


    Yes, you need to make an image first than burn it to disc. This method will save you from troubles if the drive can't read the disc unlike the direct copy witch will make you costers.

  8. This is a new blank from the spindle? Try another one.


    Try other media from diferent producer. Try some Verbatims.


    Cleaning the drive with acleaning disc may help.


    SPTD driver can affect the reading speed when you create an image of a disc.

  9. You need a standard DVD Video structure (VIDEO_TS folder with a bunch of ifo, bup, vob files in it)


    If your files are in other format you need to convert them to DVD Video.


    You can use DVD Flick or DVD Styler for that.


    Than look in the Guides section where you'll find a guide how to burn a DVD Video.

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