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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Perhaps these vids/songs had DRM which ran out. Only happen on vids/songs then? Regards
  2. Total wank. If anyone is worried about their IP addy, then spoof it. There are lots of spoofing progs out there. As for the legalities of this program, it does not rip - it burns. Same as Ner0 and Roxio and others. Regards
  3. This is purely cosmetic. It doesn't affect how the disk is burned or played. I raised it about 2 weeks ago - but only tentatively because I can see how much off the critical path it is nd LUK! said he didn't think it was worthwhile. I dropped it. You are talking about convenience, nothing more. You watch the DVD not the label. Regards
  4. Me too!!! Regards
  5. And here. It'll be fixed very soon. Regards
  6. There's a new auto generated label function coming. IN the meantime, cut and paste works well, I hear. Regards
  7. Have a look at the IFO in a sector viewer. I saw a DVD the other day with an IFO was was 108K that had 58K of 00s at the end of it (in other words the tables ended at 50K but they decided to pad the IFO)! Very weird, but AFAIK, not illegal. Regards
  8. blutach

    Gun Control

    Well, to paraphrase Monty Python: If he aint dead, he's gunna be soon! And so is that poor bastard under that fat tubba lard. Regards
  9. I like the pic of your current gf, Kev! Regards
  10. I think that was the error (not the human bit - I see your edit!!). Last sector of VMGI (0x1c) should be the exact size (in sectors) of the VIDEO_TS.IFO (-1 of course as things start at 0). Last sector of VMG (0x0c) is the number in 0x1c times 2, plus 1, plus size of VMG VOBS plus padding (if any). But, I am sure you know this. Regards
  11. Your ISO from shrink will not contain a layerbreak flag, most likely. Easiest in my view is to take your movie only FILES (incl the video manager files) and make an ISO in ImgBurn using build mode. Regards
  12. @LUK - Why is there a need to change that offset? EDIT: LOL - OK. Will pay special attention to this. Regards
  13. Hi fordman Can you explain why the IFOs would be reduced in size please? If you turn 32k gaps on, the only thing that changes in VIDEO_TS.IFO is a few pointers in VMG_PTT_SRPT I have seen this IfoEdit error message before in badly authored and ARccOS DVDs (bogus VTSs). But, I really wonder how VIDEO_TS.IFO can shrink so much. Furthemore, if some of the IFO was being "chopped off", I seriously doubt the DVD would play. All my tests on build (and I have tested a few of them) look and perform perfectly. Maybe I am not understanding you correctly. But, we will get to the bottom of this, as it is very important. Regards
  14. We, out here in the boonies, actually like dd/mm/yy. That's the way we write it. Get real - It hardly aids, or hinders, "analysis". Please try to see past the end of YOUR nose defen. All this "me" stuff is getting irritating, if you hadn't figured that out. The prog is not totally user configurable. It also cost you nothing. Live with it. Regards
  15. Probably frees up a gig or 2 for you LFC Regards
  16. OK update - Problem solved. The cam works brilliantly with -RW disks. Shame, I really wanted +RWs. Shoulda bought a $ONY, I guess. Thanks for everyone's input and help. Regards
  17. Even that's pushing it I reckon. I saw some very good work by dbminter in the old place that gave all sorts of good explantions about the risks of semaphore timeouts in external drives, particualrly with ALI chips. Defen - your problems here and in other threads where you're losing buffer are most likely related to your need for speed. Maybe less haste, more speed, eh? Regards
  18. Please refer to post 7. Regards
  19. maybe you can post a full log please? Copy and paste the whole window, or perhaps it is stored in your ImgBurn program files folder. And that's smart about "Close Disc", cos clearly the disc is not being closed. Regards
  20. And for causing you trouble. Big pat on the back for you and for my manipulative ways :D Regards
  21. 12x write speed on an external drive? That's pushing the envelope defen. Rotsa ruck. Regards
  22. So we can now hijack the thread, eh LFC? Regards
  23. That IBB file is one of the best features of the new version IMHO! Regards
  24. Sick sick sick Regards
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