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Everything posted by blutach

  1. Yes, get rid of DVD43. Even if it is not active, it may still be there as a lower filter. Then try again. You can always reinstall if this is not the problem. Regards
  2. You got some bad sectors near the edge of the disc (what is interesting is that there's only 2 errors and they are both at the same part of the sector and both wrong by the same amount). Try to verify in another reader. If that is OK, then it might be OK. But if not, then yes, every time it encounters those sectors, it will be unpredictable and not what the game author intended. Regards
  3. Consider DVD Flick or SUPER. Google them. Regards
  4. 3 posts and a PM all saying the same thing. Take it easy man! Regards
  5. Just redownload the firmware in the link in post 2. Take the disc out of the drive. Run the firmware patch and reboot. And, yes, the drive is a Philips-LiteOn SATA drive. Regards
  6. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum. I'm not sure of the quality of this drive. I see many threads over the web littered with problems. Your TYG02 media are just fine. Is there another drive you can try? Anyway, the drive is reporting it can't write to the power calibratin area of the disk (an initial write check). See also - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=62127 Regards
  7. You need to post a log. Help --> ImgBurn Logs Regards
  8. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum Bob. Regards
  9. It's not that ImgBurn uses much CPU. A poofteenth of a CPU cycle, every now and then. It's not me who'd be doing the work, but I just wonder the enhancement that anyone would get. Regards
  10. lol apperantly you dont understand but i am getting help in another forum..thx anyway And the CD Freaks folks are also telling you the media is rubbish. Hopefully, you will listen to someone. Regards
  11. Merci beaucoup! Regards
  12. But what you couldn't argue with is that is is LUK!'s program and forum, not yours, and therefore his to do with as he pleases, despite your childish petulant behaviour. Grow up! (Oh yeah - you are free to make a guide on how to copy CDs and post it anywhere on the internet - be our guest) Regards
  13. Moderators? Wot moderators? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dis is de ImgBurn Forum und ve don't haff moderators here!!! Regards
  14. They are junk because they use inferior dye, saometimes producing bad burns, othertimes just degrading into rubbish. The rated speed has nothing to do with the quality. Stop arguing and get some decent media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatims. It costs only a little more. Regards
  15. If you have nothing but bad burns now, even with quality media, you'll most likely need a new drive. That one is getting a bit old now. See if a drive cleaner makes it better. Regards
  16. Mainly, they are junk. But probably, the firmware for the media code on your burner only supports 4x. Check the log for supported speeds with this burner. Regards
  17. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum Windy. We recommend Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden media exclusively. Certainly, we would recommend against Imation. For DL stuff, we only recommend Verbatim 2.4X +R, Made in Singapore, media code (MKM-001-00). For more info, see our drives and media sub-forum. Good luck. Regards
  18. Is there a burning part of the log? And where's the rest of the verifying part? Regards
  19. So would a log. Menu --> ImgBurn Logs But I'm gunna hazard a guess here, based on your other bad burn, that your drive has gone south, or your have a bad bunch of discs. Regards
  20. Maybe we should force it to say "-R" or something? Or surpress it for -R media? Regards
  21. Here's your problem. The disc has been tried to be written to before (unsuccessfully), I suspect (it should say "empty" and have a proper disc ID). Pop a new disc in and throw that one out. Regards
  22. Cut and paste the info in the right hand pane, please. Regards
  23. A search would have told you to use Verbatim 2.4X DL, MKM-001-00, Made in Singapore. Regards
  24. By jove, I think they've got it! Regards
  25. Have you picked a mode? Go to write mode - Ctrl-Alt-W Regards
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