Once you have split cells near 50/50, you will have more possibilities for LBs. This makes sense. No need to worry - pick the one that you prefer.
Writing at "MAX" across a USB port is fraught with danger. Really, you should try to pop your burner on an internal IDE channel, or find some high quality media that burns at 1 or 2X max.
Until we know the exact media you are using, it's all a bit academic. The fact is anything other than the Verbs 2.4x +R MIS are, as donta (who is not a jerk) says, hit and miss. You may have missed with ImgBurn and hit with Ner0. Just the luck of the draw.
We'll know more when you post your logs.
Impossible to tell from the doc. It's either at 1:14 or 1:16, that's for sure.
If you are getting a 2 second pause (or skipping) after the layer break, it means the player isn't reading the media well. Do ensure you are using Verbatim +R DLs 2.4X made in Singapore.
Check "seamless layer break" and the very annoying little "hang up" (which happens on all commercial DVDs) will vanish. Note - not all players will support this, so try it out once and test it in your players. All my players, including high end ones do, though.
The layer break time is shown when setting up the burn in build mode. This is the start time of the playback immediately after the break. The little hangup will be characterised by "SPLIP=No"
In fact the 1st one on your screenshot is the same as the next 2. There are 3 titles with shared content. You notice the LBA and VCIDs are the same? This shows there is shared content on the DVD. Picking any of these is the same as picking the other 2.
1. Update your firmware - see here.
2. Burn slower - 8x
3. Change to Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden blanks.
4. Check your DMA - see link in my signature.
There's lots of technical reasons about -R DL not being good for DVD Video, which I won't mention in detail save to say that it's a bitch to set the layer break properly.
They will be fine for large data disks (of course, the quality of the Ritek disks still sucks) but not useful at all for DVD Video.
Remember that a single layer DVD (+R) is 2,295,104 sectors and each layer of a DL is just 2,086,912 (about 9% less than a DVD-5). That is most likely why it's trying to go to layer 1. If you wanna use those crappy disks, you'll need to shrink the files by 10%.