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Everything posted by blutach

  1. blutach

    5000 members

    edit (why don't we have a delete button LUK?)
  2. That's the whole of the log? What media are you using? Regards
  3. Right or wrong partition, you'll make 200 more coasters if you keep using this rubbish. Change to Taiyo Yudens or Verbatims. Regards
  4. You'll need to author it that way to begin with. You can convert to AC3 with BeSweet/BeLight. Regards
  5. Yoo Hoo! Search the forums. There will be maybe 5,000 posts recommending not to use this media and to only use Verbatims or Taiyo Yudens. Surprising to see it verified, actually. Regards
  6. If you posted a couple of IFO files that you say are different, we could compare them. If it it just VTS Sectors, then if your authoring prog had done it right, there would be no change. It is not, after all, the most complex calc in the world. I seriously doubt Roxio has ANY advantage over ImgBurn. That is funny, indeed. Regards
  7. PgcEdit or Ifoedit. Regards
  8. The LB is authored at what studios believe is the best position, having regard to what is on the disk and the aesthetics of the break. It does not have to be at a chapter point, nor is there any advantage or disadvantage. It does have to be at a cell boundary, however. Also at an ECC boundary. ImgBurn's previewer allows you to see what is best for you visually and place the break where you like. Consider also the seamless option, if your players support this. Next/Prev behaves differently in different players - software and standalone. Sometime it goes to the next program; other times, the next chapter. I have never seen one that goes to the next cell. Regards
  9. Author the disks properly. Either that or the disk is not being read correctly. Make sure your firmware is up to date and fgs, use Verbatim DL media. Post a log please. Regards
  10. Wish I got birthday money. Regards
  11. have to ask,...............why ? . and ..................why isnt OTP good enough for your needs Simple. I am still making quite a nice amount of money doing DVD-Audio authoring. As seamless layers are not really common, due to the inclusion of both Audio_TS as well as Video_TS folders, it is an acceptable way of working to create the final DVD9 master image as PTP, placing the Audio_TS on Layer 0 and the Video_TS on Layer 1. Whilst this is all fine & dandy on the end result - replicated discs - I still need to create QC discs for the clients to check. Currently I am having to write these as OTP. This always places the layer break right in the middle of the Video_TS content, and is unacceptable. This is not the right format, as the final disc is PTP. Another reason is that PTP allows me to have more data on Layer 1 than on Layer 0. This is also important to me, as the Video_TS is (nearly) always larger than the Audio_TS, and in DVD-A, the Audio_TS gets written first. That is the way the authoring application does it, and OTP/PTP are both acceptable for obvious reasons. There are also - although I do not create these - many PTP DVD-ROM discs. Not all of us create only DVD-Video discs. Consider a seamless layer break option. Regards
  12. I tried to copy a car nav disk for a mate a little while back. First layer, as expected burned sweet (and was usable) but the second layer no dice. It would be a huge breakthrough to be able to write these disks to regular OTP media as these disks are so damn expensive and if people think they need to backup a regular DVD Video, they sure as hell need a backup of these babys. For mine, I have a Tom Tom - they use an SD card Regards
  13. Crikey! Regards
  14. Take no notice of those idots Granny. But your original message is spot on. Regards
  15. It is well known that I own it. I have to, given my mod responsibilities elsewhere. I do not use it though (we all know the verify issues caused if it is "on"). Regards
  16. I can understand that it was a reproducable bug alright. Every time you try to burn to that CMC junk, you'll reproduce a coaster. Regards
  17. If its a DVD Video, use DAO Regards
  18. Better to buy the disks that cost the most! Regards
  19. It shows lower on mine! Thanks LUK! Regards
  20. In any event, it is not PgcEdit's or VobBlanker's preview. It is an implementation by jeanl of DVD2AVI. And yes, it's real useful. Regards
  21. Assuming there is no copy protection, however, you can mount the image in daemon tools, and use VobBlanker to split the disk - see guide on site. Regards
  22. Even SlySoft admitted AnyDVD interefers with the verify. How can you know you have a good burn if you don't verify. And 12x with shit media (even though it limited itself to about 4x)? Asking for trubble matey. Big trubble. Change to Verbs, close AnyDVD, verify, write at 2.4 - you'll be right. Regards
  23. Belated wishes from me polo - been away from the site for a little bit. Hope you had a great day! Regards
  24. blutach


    Crikey Donta, 40! Oh to be 40 again - I didn't need little blue pills then! :D Happy birthday mate! (LFC - gimme back my gif! - last warning!!! ) Regards
  25. Link works here and might be an interesting addition, subject to LUK!'s wants in this area. It's an old method but one that works. Regards
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