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Posts posted by LOCOENG
HUmmm i guess the firmware cx17 has a problem with eject , allways keeping ejecting am i right???
That seems to be the case. TBH, laptop drives are shiite and you'd probably be much happier with an external unit.
Good news...I have it's SATA brother and it's an excellent drive. Happy burning
Looks like the firmware he has is what he's stuck with. The CX17 does something with the eject button and the drive tray will not stay closed.
Update your firmware to CX17 and try again ~ Link deleted by loco
You may want to look for another drive or try another brand of media first (Verbatim).
If you could find some old media that would be a start, but truthfully instead of taking a step back I'd take a step forward and look for a new drive. According to the little I've read about your drive it was pretty good in it's day, but a day in the technology world was a lifetime ago. Look at the Optiarc 7200a or Pioneer 115 or 116, they can be had on the cheap from NewEgg.
I would go for an Optiarc 7200a or either a Pioneer 115 or 116. Newegg usually has very good prices on drives if you want to order on line and live in the U.S. or Canada.
I 09:06:10 Destination Device: [4:0:0] TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H652L 0803 (E:) (ATA)
I 09:06:10 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MKM-003-00) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x)
I 09:06:10 Destination Media Sectors: 16,384,000
Your drive doesn't like the discs. You are using the current firmware from HP which is two years old and newish discs....old drive + new discs = problems. I wouldn't count on HP releasing a firmware update to expand media compatibility so it might be time for a new drive.
I 09:06:10 Source File Size: 4,695,834,624 bytesWhy not put it on a SL instead of wasting a DL?
Is there anyone with a suggestion other than "use Singapore discs or get a new drive?"
Not yet. As LUK says a new drive would be cheap and you wouldn't be pulling your hair out trying to figure what the problem is. If you need suggestions for a new drive just ask.
Post a log please.
Post a log please.
and please how can i check my firmware version ?
I told you your firmware version in my first post...PW03. The TDB's is probably older as "R" comes before "W". I would check with fujitsu for a firmware as it may be a special OEM version.
pr03 , the db's one is newer- should i try to burn now ?Go for it.
Typically firmware goes up with revisions. I think TDB's firmware might be old, but that and the others I found were all PR03...you have PW03 which might be newer if it came stock with that firmware on it. Give the PR03 a shot and see if it improves your situation.
The "made in" information should be on the label of the package your discs came in.
Where did you get that firmware? The only thing I'm coming up with is PR03.
Is this a Compaq notebook?
I 17:16:01 Writing LeadIn...W 17:16:16 Failed to Write Sectors 544 - 575 - Reason: Write Error
You start erroring 15 seconds into the burn and actually never burn anything. Laptop drives are really terrible, you might do better with a nice external drive to use for your burning.
The media of choice isn't the best either....the AML's are dodgy at best and the Ritek F1's aren't far behind.
Are the Verbs made in Singapore? Might be time for a new drive, yours is getting pretty old.
E 20:55:02 Failed to Write Sectors 0 - 31 - Reason: Write Protected
Imgburn can't write from copy protected sources and we can't help you remove the protection.
I am thinking the program is trying to access some file or create something somewhere on the C drive that it does not have write access too.
Imgburn doesn't access anything until you tell it to, drives or files.
Looks like your layer break is set wrong....should be:
I 13:12:19 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1913759)
I 13:24:02 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1913760 - 3825923)
yours is set to 1913760. You've also chosen 2X as your write speed, but your drive only supports 4X for this disc. If resetting your layer break doesn't help you'll need to get some Verbatim discs.
Hi Eric, please post the entire log.
Looks like the D: drive is the one denying access. Your employee(s) will need access to the burner and whatever folder that the data is in that they will be backing up.
No I meant it's usually just me LOL
On your back?
imagine sex with a checklist
That's pretty much how I do it
- Candles lit: Check
- Soft music playing in background: Check
- Rose Petals on bed: Check
- Clothes off (socks optional): Check
- Female present: Damn it
I just turn up.
You mean on your back?
- Candles lit: Check
Ok I've added load and save queue buttons to the bottom left of the window.
Hopefully that will do!
Mkay, N00b with Bucket of Questions
in ImgBurn Support
Typically the Taiyo Tudens are only available online.