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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. Write mode = ISO write mode. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=61
  2. Verbatim and Verbatim only for DL burning....and you can't choose 1X with this media, it will still burn at 2.4X given your drive and firmware. Welcome to the forum BTW
  3. Famous last words... Some can get away with using the lower quality stuff, but when firmware and all else don't produce positive results it's down to the media. Good luck and happy burning.

    New PC build

    Alright then, I guess I'll do a full install.

    New PC build

    Well yeah sorta....I did a quick install. Should I have done a complete install? I am experiencing a little lag sometimes when I open different windows/folder etc. as well as moving around in Winamp.

    New PC build

    New mobo (RMA'd)...
  7. That doesn't really matter, post a log anyway please.
  8. Not so much lies as just doesn't tell all the truth.
  9. thanks for that i stand corrected but surely burning at max speed would not help, would it ? It doesn't matter, the write strategy is determined by the drive/firmware and media being used. Your drive may be different than the OP's and support a wider range of speeds.
  10. You didn't specify DL in your post so it was assumed a regular SL disc @ 30 cents was being used. Same answer though really...nothing more can be done I'm afraid.
  11. Should be about ready to put it all together eh? We will need pictures of the finished product BTW....
  12. All the points the boss hit are 100% accurate, but just to add... ...sometimes burning too slow can be just as bad as burning too fast, I'd try another speed. DMA fix is in my sig.
  13. I think Circuit City and Best Buy are running a similar campain. Of course like you said, they are hoping you'll spend a little more than the incentive when you redeem it.
  14. How big are all the files together? Try build mode.
  15. On the other hand new drives are always nice to have eh?
  16. Glad you got it sorted....happy burning.
  17. It's actually a pretty fast scanner...shouldn't take too long
  18. Blu actually gave you the answer to your problem in his first post....make sure you are converting your film to the appropriate format i.e. PAL or NTSC with DVD Flick, convertx or what ever you are using.
  19. Where did you download Imgburn from? Have your performed a virus/malware scan lately...and if so with what?
  20. How are you arriving at Imgburn? In other words is it called upon by another program or are you opening it and choosing a pre-existing file from your HDD?
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