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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. Suggested drives would be NEC 7200 or Pioneer 115....Lite-On has some strong models as well.
  2. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=70772
  3. krich5000, welcome to IBF. Unfortunately Imgburn can't do what you are asking as it is simply a burning application. It doesn't create, compile or generate photo projects with or without music. Once you get your project ready with another program you can then use Imgburn to burn it to disc, but what you are asking isn't possible with Imgburn.
  4. Is there a way to turn off the function for automatically cycling the tray? Yes...Tools/Settings/Device tab and untick the boxes you don't want the tray to eject after what function.
  5. Can't be done I'm afraid so you'll have to run multiple instances of the program. The share images among drives is for when you have 3,4,5,6 etc. images in your queue and you aren't picky about which drive burns what...it will burn from the first drive and when it's done start on the second and so on and so forth. The option may be available if you set your number of copies first...haven't tried it personally.
  6. Post a log please---->Imgburn/Help/Imgburn logs
  7. Good luck and happy burning.
  8. What version of Imgburn are you using?
  9. This isn't an Imgburn issue. Have you selected the 2 channel audio with the remote control of your stand alone DVD player? But really, this is one for another forum as we can't help you backup your DVD's here...only help if you have trouble burning.
  10. Imgburn isn't an audio/video editor...it simply burns the files you feed it. If you want to have your songs crossfaded you'll need to do it with another application and save the playlist as such and then burn with Imgburn.
  11. Certainly is an oldie.
  12. Welcom aboard alan1476


    Sounds like you yo-yo'd 'em spinner. I used to love fishing when I was land locked in WV, but now that I live on the coast and I'm surrounded by water, I've probably been 2 times in the last 9 years. You have to own a boat or know some one willing to share their honeyhole with you...and then you have to get your schedule right. With gas prices going up like they have in the last few years the offers are fewer and less frequent. I'd say those freshwater Drum are pretty tasty...the saltwater cousin (Red Drum or spot tail) are preferred here in the south. My personal favorite is flounder....nothing like a fish fry with some frogmore stew. Maybe one of these days I'll get me a little skiff to take my boy out in some of the local tidal creeks for some killer fishing.
  14. She's alright isn't she?
  15. The BenQ drives were awesome in their day, but my 1655 became unrelaible later in it's life...your 1620 is even older. It might be time for an upgrade.
  16. The sun is going down....so what are fishing for, catfish or brown trout?
  17. What firewall or system monitoring program are you using? http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=6915
  18. good luck and happy burning
  19. Hi Kenar and welcome to the forum. Build mode doesn't support image formats such as ISO's. What you would want to do is use DVD Shrink in reauthor mode to add the multiple files before you encode, leaving you with one ISO with the various files you want all in one image.
  20. Yes indeed, excellent post and welcome to IBF. If only more people would take the same initiative.
  21. Not looking good as this thread is almost a year old and the boss hasn't chimed in....
  22. I always use L&D's modified firmware on my 3540A, try 1.WB from here: http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/en/NEC-ND-3540A/ Possible dodgy discs...how does your drive handle write once media +/-R?
  23. Post a burn log please. Help/Imgburn logs...preferably from one of the discs that will not play.
  24. How does that drive handle other media? Matshita isn't the best, in fact they are pretty terrible...do you have another to try?
  25. I will not play mumbly peg with a real knife
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