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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. I'm using Vista 64 bit and have no issues with Imgburn using M$'s SPTI. Is that what you were using before switching to ElbyCDIO?
  2. I would try seamless and see if the pause disappears. What do you mean by handing out?
  3. You are very welcome....happy burning and welcome to the forum.
  4. You would have to combine the ISO's with a program such as DVD S****k in reauthor mode and output to ISO image file or Hard Disc Folder and then manually burn with Imgburn, follow the appropriate guide. Select the best position of your layer break and burn. It would be much cheaper however, to simply put both ISO's on a SL disc for about $.30 a pop vs. $2.00+ each for the DL media.
  5. Sorry, I already have enough slaves....no more room in the quarters
  6. I tend to burn at max speed with new drives/media just to see how well the combo is handled and crosscheck with CD Speed or DVDInfoPro. I usually come back down to earth at some point and stick around 12X-16X though. To each their own, you'll just have to find your own comfort zone and only you can be the judge of the quality of your burns.
  7. If you have multiple drives you can also use the queue feature to spread that project over several drives to burn sequentially and save you from sitting in front of the PC waiting for each burn to complete.
  8. Get the Klite codec pack, it comes with MPC and all the codecs you'll ever need for playing audio and video....if it is indeed a codec issue.
  9. I doubt an old version is the answer to your problem... There aren't two splash screens either. Post a burn log so we can see what the problem is.
  10. Sorry, haven't seen the Bob's yer unkle quote so I didn't know
  11. If you don't want to see the funny quotes go to Tools/settings/general and tick the box that reads "do not show funny quotes"
  12. Thanks Cynthia
  13. Confusing as in you might shut down windows instead of cancelling your project in Imgburn?
  14. CDFreaks has set up a mirror for codeguys.... http://codeworks.cdfreaks.com/cgmirror/
  15. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/471073
  16. Welcome to the forum brad. Burn the ISO with Imgburn in write mode.
  17. http://my.afterdawn.com/locoeng/all_links.cfm
  18. Post a burn log from Imgburn and we'll take a look at it.
  19. Welcome to the forum
  20. So Imgburn works fine and you've come to the Imgburn forum for us to help you fix Nero and Roxio?
  21. Happy birthday Wiesborg...have a good one.
  22. Well now the cats out of the bag....
  23. Good luck and happy burning
  24. Existing logs can be found at help->imgburn logs
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