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Posts posted by LOCOENG

  1. Everything only takes a couple of hours to people with no idea what they're talking about.



    Apart from sex


    Just a few minutes for you donta....is that counting getting undressed and finishing off a smoke afterwards? :teehee:

  2. Is there an explanation for the two working dvds? Was that just luck or what?? I find it hard to believe that 2 dvds could work and 6 more could fail, but I suppose it's not out of the question.


    Just to add to spinners and everyone else's excellent advice. The reason you get a few to burn and then several coasters is because the media/company is not consistent with the product. This is why Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are recommended brands, are proven to be consistent, compatable and reliable....and you also know what you are getting when you buy them.

  3. Yeah, I forgot about the one in my old machine...I actually used it for a day or two before my new card arrived and it worked. So if it doesn't get me any joy the next logical step would be to look at the mobo as the culprit, perhaps having a bad slot?


    I won't be able to do anything until I get home from work.

  4. I was getting a random IRQL error with the 0X0000000A, FF etc. errors, every other boot or so. Yesterday upon reboot I never got windows to load, just the IRQL error screen. A search suggested taking out PCI cards to troubleshoot. The only PCI card I have is my GPU which is PCI-e x16 so I took it out and reseated it and took out RAM and reseated it as well. When I rebooted I got the above screen after the post screen, then I reset CMOS and haven't gotten past this screen yet.


    Shamus - as long as the mice involved in your avatar are consenting and disease free then again I have no problem wih it. :lol:=))


    Not sure about the consenting part. Afterall, she's dead. :D


    Has it been determined that she is infact a she...and not a he?

  5. --------[ Memory Latency ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Athlon64 X2 Black 6400+ 3200 MHz MSI K9N SLI Platinum nForce570SLI Dual DDR2-800 4-4-4-11 CR1 47.2 ns

    Athlon64 3200+ 2000 MHz ASRock 939S56-M SiS756 Dual DDR400 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 55.2 ns

    Sempron 2600+ 1600 MHz ASRock K8NF4G-SATA2 GeForce6100 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 CR2 58.9 ns

    Athlon64 X2 4000+ 2100 MHz ASRock ALiveNF7G-HDready nForce7050-630a Int. Dual DDR2-700 5-5-5-18 CR2 61.7 ns

    Core 2 Quad Q6600 2400 MHz Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R P35 Dual DDR2-800 5-5-5-15 CR2 67.1 ns

    Core 2 Duo E6700 2666 MHz Abit AB9 P965 Dual DDR2-800 5-5-5-18 CR2 69.2 ns

    Xeon X3210 2133 MHz Intel D975XBX2 i975X Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 74.6 ns

    Core 2 Extreme QX6700 2666 MHz Gigabyte GA-EP35C-DS3R P35 Dual DDR3-1066 7-7-7-20 CR2 79.9 ns

    Opteron 248 2200 MHz MSI K8T Master1-FAR K8T800 Dual DDR266R 2-3-3-6 CR1 80.1 ns

    Pentium EE 955 3466 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 4-4-4-11 80.7 ns

    Core 2 Duo E6300 1866 MHz Asus P5VD2-X PT890 DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-12 CR2 85.4 ns

    P4EE 3733 MHz Intel SE7230NH1LX iE7230 Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 85.7 ns

    Pentium M 730 1600 MHz AOpen i915Ga-HFS i915G Int. Dual DDR2-533 4-4-4-12 90.5 ns

    Celeron 420 1600 MHz Intel DQ965CO Q965 Int. Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 92.1 ns

    Core Duo T2500 2000 MHz Asus N4L-VM DH i945GT Int. Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 95.1 ns

    Celeron M 320 1300 MHz DFI 855GME-MGF i855GME Int. DDR333 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-7 95.7 ns

    AthlonXP 3200+ 2200 MHz Asus A7N8X-E nForce2-U400 DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-4-4-8 CR1 96.0 ns

    Core 2 Duo T5600 1833 MHz Asus F3000Jc Notebook i945PM Dual DDR2-667 5-5-5-15 100.6 ns

    Xeon 3066 MHz Asus PCH-DL i875P + PAT Dual DDR333 2-2-2-5 105.7 ns

    Phenom 9500 2200 MHz Asus M3A AMD770 Ganged Dual DDR2-800 5-5-5-18 CR2 106.3 ns

    PIII-S 1266 MHz MSI Pro266TD Master-LR ApolloPro266TD DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-6 CR2 108.3 ns

    Xeon 5140 2333 MHz Intel S5000VSA i5000V Dual DDR2-667FB 5-5-5-15 108.9 ns

    Xeon E5462 2800 MHz Intel S5400SF i5400 Quad DDR2-640FB 5-5-5-15 110.6 ns

    P4 2800 MHz MSI 848P Neo-S i848P DDR400 SDRAM 2.5-3-3-8 112.8 ns

    PIII-E 733 MHz Tyan Thunder 2500 ServerSet3HE PC133R SDRAM 3-3-3-6 117.8 ns

    Crusoe 5800 1000 MHz ECS A530 DeskNote Crusoe DDR266 SDRAM 124.2 ns

    P4EE 3466 MHz ASRock 775Dual-880Pro PT880Pro Dual DDR2-400 3-3-3-8 CR2 124.8 ns

    Xeon L5320 1866 MHz Intel S5000VCL i5000V Dual DDR2-533FB 4-4-4-12 126.0 ns

    Opteron 240 1400 MHz MSI K8D Master3-133 FS AMD8100 Dual DDR400R 3-4-4-8 CR1 133.9 ns

    K6-III 400 MHz Epox EP-MVP3G-M MVP3 PC100 SDRAM 2-2-2-5 139.2 ns

    C7 1500 MHz VIA EPIA EN CN700 Int. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-12 CR2 146.5 ns

    Xeon 3200 MHz Intel SE7320SP2 iE7320 Dual DDR333R 2.5-3-3-7 147.1 ns

    Celeron D 326 2533 MHz ASRock 775Twins-HDTV RC410 Ext. DDR2-533 SDRAM 4-4-4-11 147.8 ns

    P4 2400 MHz Abit SI7 SiSR658 Dual PC1066 RDRAM - 147.8 ns

    Efficeon 8600 1000 MHz ECS 532 Notebook Efficeon DDR266 SDRAM 152.8 ns

    C3 800 MHz VIA EPIA PLE133 Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 154.3 ns

    C3 1333 MHz VIA EPIA SP CN400 Int. DDR400 SDRAM 3-3-3-8 CR2 157.1 ns

    Celeron 1700 MHz Asus P4B i845 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 159.6 ns

    Celeron 2000 MHz Gigabyte GA-8TRS350MT RS350 Int. Dual DDR400 2-2-4-6 CR1 161.3 ns

    MediaGXm 233 MHz ALD NPC6836 Cx5520 PC60 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 162.1 ns

    P4 1600 MHz Abit TH7II i850 Dual PC800 RDRAM - 162.9 ns

    PIII 500 MHz Epox KP6-BS i440BX PC100R SDRAM 3-3-3-? 165.9 ns

    Celeron 215 1333 MHz Intel D201GLY SiS662 Int. DDR2-533 5-4-4-12 166.8 ns

    PentiumMMX 200 MHz Gigabyte GA-586DX i430HX Dual EDO - 169.7 ns

    AthlonXP 1600+ 1400 MHz Acorp 7KMM1 KM133A Int. PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 170.7 ns

    Duron 1600 MHz Biostar M7VIQ KM266 Int. DDR266 SDRAM 2.5-2-2-6 CR2 171.0 ns

    Athlon 1400 MHz PCChips M817LMR MAGiK1 DDR266 SDRAM 2-3-3-7 175.7 ns

    Duron 600 MHz Abit KG7-Lite AMD-760 DDR200R SDRAM 2-2-2-5 183.7 ns

    K6-2 333 MHz Amptron PM-9100LMR SiS5597 Ext. PC66 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 201.5 ns

    Athlon 750 MHz Epox EP-7KXA KX133 PC133 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 207.0 ns

    PIII Xeon 550 MHz IBM Netfinity 8500R Profusion PC100R SDRAM 213.7 ns

    PIII 450 MHz Asus P3C-S i820 PC600 RDRAM - 214.2 ns

    PentiumPro 200 MHz Compaq ProLiant 800 i440FX Dual EDO - 234.0 ns

    PII 333 MHz Intel DK440LX i440LX PC66 SDRAM 3-2-2-? 251.2 ns

    Pentium 166 MHz Asus TX97-X i430TX PC66 SDRAM 2-2-3-4 253.0 ns

    Celeron 700 MHz PCChips M758LT SiS630ET Int. PC100 SDRAM 3-3-3-6 275.9 ns

    K5 PR166 116 MHz Asus P5A ALADDiN5 PC66 SDRAM 2-2-2-6 276.7 ns

    Celeron 266 MHz Epox P2-100B

  6. I'm not really concerned with trying to squeeze all the juice out of this thing just yet...it's plenty fast for me as it is. I'll be on first shift all this coming week so unfortunately I won't have much time to play with it.

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