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Everything posted by ssjkakaroto

  1. Thanks a lot LUK!
  2. Finally the forum is back up Great job LUK! Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi there LUK! Do you happen to have a planned roadmap for Imgburn, with all the major features that you want to add/change? TIA
  4. UDF is an accepted format for both CDs and DVDs, so there's no reason for Joliet to be preferred over UDF. I, for one, only use UDF for both CDs and DVDs, unless I'm creating a disc to be read on *nix systems. My suggestion to you is to create two empty projects, one with Joliet/ISO9660 selected and another UDF selected and instead of opening Imgburn through the normal link, you open it using the projects.
  5. Imgburn for all single-session data discs Alcohol for multi-session data discs Burrrn for audio cds
  6. Thanks a lot for this great release LUK!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
  7. Imgburn for Data and Single-session images Burrrn/EAC for Audio Alcohol 120% for Multi-session images
  8. OK, no problem LUK!
  9. Hello there, I'm trying to add some files that don't have any extension (don't have any dots on filename either) to a compilation that is going to be read on linux. The strange thing is that Imgburn adds a dot to the end of these files that can't be seen on Windows Explorer but only on linux. What can I do to avoid that? My options are following: File system: ISO9660 + Joliet [x] Recurse Subdirectories ISO9660 - Level X Joliet - Level X Everything else unchecked. Thanks in advance
  10. oh, I didn't know that, thx for the heads up LUK!
  11. Hi there, I have a cd image file for a console that has 2 sessions and 2 tracks, when I try to burn it with Imgburn it burns it in SAO mode, this is not good since the disc won't work with the console if burned in SAO, it only works in DAO (tested with Alcohol 120%). Imgburn burns fine in DAO on Build mode but for this image it changes to SAO. Is there a way to force DAO for image files? Thanks PS: I can upload the image if necessary, it's only 1 MB.
  12. Just would like to thank you LUK! for the fix in v2.1.0.0!
  13. it would also help if you scanned the disc using cddvdspeed or dvdinfo pro
  14. as polopony said you should have a modded ps2 to play backups, also you should burn at 8x, the rule that burning at slower speeds gives you better quality doesn't necessarily apply to dvds, in fact burning discs at lower speeds than the recommended one usually gives worse results.
  15. It's a lot easier to just zip an .iso file instead of going thru all the work to convert it to a proprietary format with a non-freeware program
  16. It's really strange that linux distros are distributed in .daa since there is no Poweriso for linux
  17. THANK YOU!!!!
  18. Hi there, can anyone tell me what is the switch to install Imgburn v2 completely silent? Also, how can I find what other switches does the installer accept? Thanks in advance
  19. Hi there LUK!, since Imgburn already calculates the MD5 of the whole disc, it's probably able to calculate the MD5 of each file, my idea is to add to the root of the disc (before closing it) a MD5 file with the hashes of each file, the file coud have the same name of the label. Is this doable or the MD5 is calculated in a way that it can't tell apart one file for another? Thx a lot
  20. Hello there, I don't know if this should be posted as suggestion as I don't know if the "problem" is really inside Imgburn . Burn to the Brim is a program designed to make selection of files to optimally fill a CD/DVD, it creates a list of files that can be dragged n' dropped to other programs (eg. Nero, RecordNow, Windows Explorer) but it can't be dropped inside Imgburn (build mode) for some reason(from Windows Explorer works fine). It would be great if support for this program (and maybe other programs that use the same d'n'd routine) was added. Thanks
  21. That was my 2nd burn, the first time I entered the program it was using SPTI. Hmm, I didn't know that, but for some reason SPTI never gave me good results (lock ups or errors), even with other programs, not only with Imgburn. Yes, autorun is disabled. But I've recorded 5 mores DVD since then and everything is fine, I just have to exit Imgburn like you said.
  22. Excellent program LUK! Thx a lot!!
  23. yep, working fine now, must have been something with STPI that was chosen when I first entered the program. now with ASPI everything is working fine.
  24. Hmm, restarted the PC and it's working again, gonna record another DVD and see if it happens again, thx LIGHTNING UK!
  25. I tried that LIGHTNING UK! but it's still unreadable. Even on different drives.
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