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Posts posted by eSkRo

  1. ok thanx guys!


    another thing quik quick,

    i know it must depend solely on my PC's performance in general but

    is it normal that when i create an Audio CD using ImgBurn

    it takes a lot of time to Analise the MP3s i throw in?



    thanx again!

  2. hi guys!


    As the title says,

    i burned an AUDIO CD using Imgburn and MP3 files but uhm,


    the Burning itself went well,

    but the result was not good at all,,,


    When i tried to play the CD in my Media PLayer,

    songs were all distorted...

    The sound was just awful...


    I was in rush so i then used Burrrn to create my Audio CD...

    and that CD was a success!



    i really dont know what went wrong with my Imgburn attempt...


    i tought of a codec problem at first but,

    but i got K-lite codec pack installed,,,


    it cant be that,,,


    so, what do u guys think it is?





  3. Hi guys!

    I just burned a DVD Video folder on my empty dvd disc...


    BURNER used: PIONEER DVR-112D (Firmware 1.28)

    MEDIA used: Verbatim (Value Serie) (CMC MAG. AM3)


    So i took a screenshot of DVDinfoPro's Graph + Pipo Scanning!

    Here they are....






    looking at these screenies, am i getting good quality burns?




  4. Only way to know how good media is with your burner is to do some scans. :)


    Ok thanx Cynthia....

    im gonna burn a DVD Video and will post results here...

    hope i recall how to do so using DVDInfoPro...




    oh no,,,, i forgot i have deamon tools installed,,,

    thats gonna mess up my graph right?,,


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