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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. * learning mode on * Hey Shamus, Not as deep into mobos as you but could you not try to save the motherboard by buying a sata card and getting around the problem that way?, or is it always better to use the onboard raid controller if the mobo is so equipped. How do you know its not the HD thats causing you grief but suspect the onboard raid........ * Question period over *
  2. I hear ya Shamus......... At least you had the smarts to have a backup just incase this type of shit ever happened............. A lot of people don't backup and lose everything.........
  3. Glad to see your not to upset Shamus..........................
  4. Dj, this is the answer to your question as posted by Blutach.
  5. As The Boss stated the jumping buffer is no problem, mine does it as well. Leave Imgburn on default settings and all should be well. Make sure you have verify burn ticked off so Imgburn can compare and verify whats been burn't is exactly the same from the source.
  6. kman, Are we talking Imgburn here or DVD Decrypter. DVD Decrypter hasn't been supported for a couple of years now. Imgburn is supported by this forum and unlike Decrypter will not RIP anything. Imgburn is a burning only app unlike its predecessor and will not decrypt ( RIP ) anything.
  7. edit
  8. DMA allows for faster transfer of information and faster burns, PIo is slower. You don't have any issues since you have DMA working alright.
  9. Glad we could be of asistance
  10. Parul, Yes, Img works fine with Vista, a couple of us here are running it fine off Vista Home Edition premium to Vista Ultimate. Hey! where's Q 1 > 4
  11. kevdriver

    New Toy

    Thats gotta be it lfc, after all at Spinners age thats the only thing that could be that stiff............. Bwahahahahahahahahahaa #39;( #39;( #39;(
  12. Felix, I've never heard of this type of problem before with Imgburn. Might I suggest you connect your printer via USB ports not ethernet and see what happens. I can't see Imgburn causing this problem. Have you checked Hewlett Packard for an updated driver for Vista? I believe this machine was sent out with drivers for OS's up to XP.
  13. Yep! What Mr. Cornholio said............
  14. juani, ensure all settings in Imgburn are at default and the discs your using (Disc ID: CMC MAG. AE1) are utter garbage. Get some Verbatim or Taio Yudens. All your problems are pointing to lousy media. Welcome to the forum.
  15. Could be a overheat problem or your drive is knackered and on its way to retirement. Your using the latest firmware for it? Yry cleaning the lazer, lots of cleaners out there for 10-15$.
  16. Dreamer9, check for incd. if its running close it down. This could cause your failed to lock error in imgburn.
  17. dugarry, ........ Img> tools> drive> check for firmware updates. This will automatically take you to any firmware updates for your drive while also showing you its current firmware. You could also check the manufactures website as well.
  18. Letty, If you pick the MDS file to burn with IMGburn then all will be well as the MDS file contains the layerbreak info for your DL disc. The reason for the failed verify is most likely because that Memorex blank is dye type CMC MAG........ utter crap. Honestly mate, buy a verbatim DL blank and do the burn again, you will verify this time, 99.99999% for sure. Your burner couldn't read back the info it just burn't to the blank disc hence the verify failed message. As for the burn being readable, maybe, but guaranteed in about 6 months, it won't be because of the degradation of the cheaper memorex disc. We always reccommend Verbatim dual layers to burn to, there're the only ones that work proper......
  19. Cheers, and post back and let us know the outcome.
  20. Might be time to invest in a newer drive there mate! You can try a cleaner on the lens first, but it looks like the media/drive just don't like each other. Buy a couple of blank verbatim discs and try the same burn again, if the results are the same your drive may be on its way to the retirement park in the sky,
  21. Thank God in Canada we're allowed to carry a 12" er................
  22. So.......... Don't like Bush MJ......... Let it all out.........
  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAIN.............
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